11,636 research outputs found

    Bloom Filter with a False Positive Free Zone

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    In-packet Bloom filters: Design and networking applications

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    The Bloom filter (BF) is a well-known space-efficient data structure that answers set membership queries with some probability of false positives. In an attempt to solve many of the limitations of current inter-networking architectures, some recent proposals rely on including small BFs in packet headers for routing, security, accountability or other purposes that move application states into the packets themselves. In this paper, we consider the design of such in-packet Bloom filters (iBF). Our main contributions are exploring the design space and the evaluation of a series of extensions (1) to increase the practicality and performance of iBFs, (2) to enable false-negative-free element deletion, and (3) to provide security enhancements. In addition to the theoretical estimates, extensive simulations of the multiple design parameters and implementation alternatives validate the usefulness of the extensions, providing for enhanced and novel iBF networking applications.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, preprint submitted to Elsevier COMNET Journa

    Avoiding Flow Size Overestimation in the Count-Min Sketch with Bloom Filter Constructions

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    The Count-Min sketch is the most popular data structure for flow size estimation, a basic measurement task required in many networks. Typically the number of potential flows is large, eliminating the possibility to maintain a counter per flow within memory of high access rate. The Count-Min sketch is probabilistic and relies on mapping each flow to multiple counters through hashing. This implies potential estimation error such that the size of a flow is overestimated when all flow counters are shared with other flows with observed traffic. Although the error in the estimation can be probabilistically bounded, many applications can benefit from accurate flow size estimation and the guarantee to completely avoid overestimation. We describe a design of the Count-Min sketch with accurate estimations whenever the number of flows with observed traffic follows a known bound, regardless of the identity of these particular flows. We make use of a concept of Bloom filters that avoid false positives and indicate the limitations of existing Bloom filter designs towards accurate size estimation. We suggest new Bloom filter constructions that allow scalability with the support for a larger number of flows and explain how these can imply the unique guarantee of accurate flow size estimation in the well known Count-Min sketch.Ori Rottenstreich was partially supported by the German-Israeli Foundation for Scientic Research and Development (GIF), by the Gordon Fund for System Engineering as well as by the Technion Hiroshi Fujiwara Cyber Security Research Center and the Israel National Cyber Directorate. Pedro Reviriego would like to acknowledge the sup-port of the ACHILLES project PID2019-104207RB-I00 and the Go2Edge network RED2018-102585-T funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and of the Madrid Community research project TAPIR-CM grant no. P2018/TCS-4496

    Probabilistic data types

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia InformáticaConflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) provide deterministic outcomes from concurrent executions. The conflict resolution mechanism uses information on the ordering of the last operations performed, which indicates if a given operation is known by a replica, typically using some variant of version vectors. This thesis will explore the construction of CRDTs that use a novel stochastic mechanism that can track with high accuracy knowledge of the occurrence of recently performed operations and with less accuracy for older operations. The aim is to obtain better scaling properties and avoid the use of metadata that is linear on the number of replicas.Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) oferecem resultados determinísticos de execuções concorrentes. O mecanismo de resolução de conflitos usa informação sobre a ordenação das últimas operações realizadas, que indica se uma dada operação é conhecida por uma réplica, geralmente usando alguma variante de version vectors. Esta tese explorara a construção de CRDTs que utilizam um novo mecanismo estocástico que pode identificar com alta precisão o conhecimento sobre a ocorrência de operações realizadas recentemente e com menor precisão para operações mais antigas. O objetivo é a obtenção de melhores propriedades de escalabilidade e evitar o uso de metadados em quantidade linear em relação ao número de réplicas

    Invertible Bloom Lookup Tables with Listing Guarantees

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    The Invertible Bloom Lookup Table (IBLT) is a probabilistic concise data structure for set representation that supports a listing operation as the recovery of the elements in the represented set. Its applications can be found in network synchronization and traffic monitoring as well as in error-correction codes. IBLT can list its elements with probability affected by the size of the allocated memory and the size of the represented set, such that it can fail with small probability even for relatively small sets. While previous works only studied the failure probability of IBLT, this work initiates the worst case analysis of IBLT that guarantees successful listing for all sets of a certain size. The worst case study is important since the failure of IBLT imposes high overhead. We describe a novel approach that guarantees successful listing when the set satisfies a tunable upper bound on its size. To allow that, we develop multiple constructions that are based on various coding techniques such as stopping sets and the stopping redundancy of error-correcting codes, Steiner systems, and covering arrays as well as new methodologies we develop. We analyze the sizes of IBLTs with listing guarantees obtained by the various methods as well as their mapping memory consumption. Lastly, we study lower bounds on the achievable sizes of IBLT with listing guarantees and verify the results in the paper by simulations

    A multiple hashing approach to complete identification of missing RFID tags

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    PublishedJournal ArticleOwing to its superior properties, such as fast identification and relatively long interrogating range over barcode systems, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has promising application prospects in inventory management. This paper studies the problem of complete identification of missing RFID tag, which is important in practice. Time efficiency is the key performance metric of missing tag identification. However, the existing protocols are ineffective in terms of execution time and can hardly satisfy the requirements of real-time applications. In this paper, a Multi-hashing based Missing Tag Identification (MMTI) protocol is proposed, which achieves better time efficiency by improving the utilization of the time frame used for identification. Specifically, the reader recursively sends bitmaps that reflect the current slot occupation state to guide the slot selection of the next hashing process, thereby changing more empty or collision slots to the expected singleton slots. We investigate the optimal parameter settings to maximize the performance of the MMTI protocol. Furthermore, we discuss the case of channel error and propose the countermeasures to make the MMTI workable in the scenarios with imperfect communication channels. Extensive simulation experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of MMTI, and the results demonstrate that this new protocol significantly outperforms other related protocols reported in the current literature. © 2014 IEEE.This work was supported by NSFC (Grant No.s 60973117, 61173160, 61173162, 60903154, and 61321491), New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET) of Ministry of Education of China, the National Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars of China (Grant No. 61225010), and the Project funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation

    Discreet - Pub/Sub for Edge Systems

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    The number of devices connected to the Internet has been growing exponentially over the last few years. Today, the amount of information available to users has reached a point that makes it impossible to consume it all, showing that we need better ways to filter what kind of information is sent our way. At the same time, while users are online and access all this information, their actions are also being collected, scrutinized and commercialized with little regard for privacy. This thesis addresses those issues in the context of a decentralized Publish/Subscribe solution for edge systems. Working at the edge of the Internet aims to prevent centralized control from a single entity and lessen the chance of abuse. Our goal was to devise a solution that achieves efficient message delivery, with good load-balancing properties, without revealing its participants subscription interests to preserve user privacy. Our solution uses cryptography and probabilistic data sets as a way to obfuscate event topics and user subscriptions. We modeled a cooperative solution, where publisher and subscriber nodes work in concert to route events among themselves, by leveraging a onehop structured overlay. By using an experimental evaluation, we attest the scalability and general performance of the proposed algorithms, including latency, false negative and false positive rates, and other useful metrics.O número de aparelhos ligados a Internet têm vindo a crescer exponencialmente ao longo dos últimos anos. Hoje em dia, a quantidade de informação que os utilizadores têm disponível, chegou a um ponto que torna impossível o seu total consumo. Isto leva a que seja necessário encontrarmos melhores formas de filtrar a informação que recebemos. Ao mesmo tempo, as ações do utilizadores estão a ser recolhidas, examinadas e comercializadas, sem qualquer respeito pela privacidade. Esta tese trata destes assuntos no contexto de um sistema Publish/Subscribe descentralizado, para sistemas na periferia. O objectivo de operar na preferia da Internet está em prevenir o controlo centralizado por uma única entidade e diminuir a oportunidade para abusos. O nosso objectivo foi conceber uma solução que realiza entrega de mensagens eficientemente, com boas propriedades na distribuição de carga e sem revelar on interesses dos participantes, de forma a preservar a sua privacidade. A nossa solução usa criptografia e estruturas de dados probabilísticas, como uma forma de ofuscar os tópicos dos eventos e as subscrições dos utilizadores. Modelamos o sistema com o objectivo de ser uma solução cooperativa, onde ambos os tipos de nós Editores e Assinantes trabalham em concertadamente para encaminhar eventos entre eles, ao fazerem uso de uma estrutura de rede sobreposta com um salto. Fazendo uma avaliação experimental testámos a escalabilidade e o desempenho geral dos algoritmos propostos, incluindo a latência, falsos negativos, falsos positivos e outras métricas úteis

    Adaptive one memory access bloom filters

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    Bloom filters are widely used to perform fast approximate membership checking in networking applications. The main limitation of Bloom filters is that they suffer from false positives that can only be reduced by using more memory. We suggest to take advantage of a common repetition in the identity of queried elements to adapt Bloom filters for avoiding false positives for elements that repeat upon queries. In this paper, one memory access Bloom filters are used to design an adaptation scheme that can effectively remove false positives while completing all queries in a single memory access. The proposed filters are well suited for scenarios on which the number of memory bits per element is low and thus complement existing adaptive cuckoo filters that are not efficient in that case. The evaluation results using packet traces show that the proposed adaptive Bloom filters can significantly reduce the false positive rate in networking applications with the single memory access. In particular, when using as few as four bits per element, false positive rates below 5% are achieved.This work was supported by the ACHILLES project PID2019-104207RB-I00 and the Go2Edge network RED2018-102585-T funded by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) 10.13039/501100011033 and by the Madrid Community research project TAPIR-CM grant no. P2018/TCS-4496