422 research outputs found

    Blood-brain barrier permeability in rats exposed to electromagnetic fields used in wireless communication

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    iological effects of radio frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) on the blood-brain barrier (BBB) have been studied in Fischer 344 rats of both sexes. The rats were not anaesthetised during the exposure. All animals were sacrificed by perfusion–fixation of the brains under chloralhydrate anaesthesia after the exposure. The brains were perfused with saline for 3–4 minutes, and thereafter perfusion fixed with 4% formaldehyde for 5–6 minutes. Whole coronal sections of the brains were dehydrated and embedded in paraffin and sectioned at 5 m. Albumin and fibrinogen were demonstrated immunohistochemically and classified as normal versus pathological leakage. In the present investigation we exposed male and female Fischer 344 rats in a Transverse Electromagnetic Transmission line chamber to microwaves of 915 MHz as continuous wave (CW) and pulse-modulated with different pulse power and at various time intervals. The CW-pulse power varied from 0.001 W to 10 W and the exposure time from 2 min to 960 min. In each experiment we exposed 4–6 rats with 2–4 controls randomly placed in excited and non-excited TEM-cells respectively. We have in total investigated 630 exposed rats at various modulation frequencies and 372 controls. The frequency of pathological rats is significantly increased (p < 0:0001) from 62=372 (ratio: 0:170:02) for control rats to 244=630 (ratio: 0:390:03) in all exposed rats. Grouping the exposed animals according to the level of specific absorbed energy (J/kg) give significant difference in all levels above 1.5 J/kg. The exposure was 915 MHz microwaves either pulse modulated (PW) at 217 Hz with 0.57 ms pulse width, at 50 Hz with 6.6 ms pulse width or continuous wave (CW). The frequency of pathological rats (0:17) among controls in the various groups is not significantly different. The frequency of pathological rats was 170=481 (0:350:03) among rats exposed to pulse modulated (PW) and 74=149 (0:500:07) among rats exposed to continuous wave exposure (CW). These results are both highly significantly different to their corresponding controls (p < 0:0001) and the frequency of pathological rats after exposure to pulsed radiation (PW) is significantly less (p < 0:002) than after exposure to continuous radiation (CW)

    Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones.

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    The possible risks of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields for the human body is a growing concern for our society. We have previously shown that weak pulsed microwaves give rise to a significant leakage of albumin through the blood-brain barrier. In this study we investigated whether a pathologic leakage across the blood-brain barrier might be combined with damage to the neurons. Three groups each of eight rats were exposed for 2 hr to Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) mobile phone electromagnetic fields of different strengths. We found highly significant (p< 0.002) evidence for neuronal damage in the cortex, hippocampus, and basal ganglia in the brains of exposed rats

    Non-thermal" Effects on the Blood-Brain Barrier in Fischer rats by exposure to microwaves

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    Effect of 915 MHz electromagnetic fields (EMF) on the blood brain-barrier (BBB) permeability has been studied in Fischer 344 rats of both sexes. Male and female Fischer 344 rats were exposed in a Transverse Electromagnetic Transmission line chamber to microwaves of 915 MHz as continuous wave (CW) and pulse-modulated with different pulse power and at various time intervals. The CW-pulse power varied from 0.001W to 10 W and the exposure time from 2 min. to 960 min. In each experiment we randomly placed 4 rats in excited and 4 control rats in non-excited TEM-cells respectively. The rats were not anaesthetised during the exposure. The rats were exposed to 915 MHz microwaves, either continuous wave (CW) or pulse modulated at 4,8,16 or 217 Hz with 0.57 ms pulse width, or pulse modulated at 50 Hz with 6.6 ms pulse width as well as from a real GSM-900 telephone. All animals were sacrificed by perfusion-fixation of the brains under chloralhydrate anaesthesia after the exposure. The brains were then perfused, first with saline for 3-4 minutes, and then with 4% formaldehyde for 5-6 minutes. Whole coronal sections of the brains were dehydrated and embedded in paraffin and sectioned at 5 Όm. The degree of albumin leakage was demonstrated immune-histo-chemically and classified in order of increased number of albumin extravasations by a rank number: 0 - 0.5 - 1.0 - 1.5 - 2 - 3. Pathological albumin leakage was judged as albumin extravasations equal to or larger than 1. The frequency of pathological rats in all control groups was about 17%. Among rats exposed to pulse modulated microwaves the ratio of pathological rats was 170/481(0.35±0.03) and among rats exposed to continuous wave exposure (CW) it was 74/149 (0.50±0.07). These results are both highly significantly different to their corresponding controls (p<0.0001). The rats were exposed to SAR various values: 0.2; 2; (20-40); (100-500); (1000-3000) mW/kg. In the 217 Hz modulated group (GSM simulated) we found the most increased ratio of albumin extravasations OR= 4 at 0.2 mW/kg. But no significant increased ratio at SAR 2000 mW/kg. The response curve of OR versus log(SAR) had the shape of a bathtub, with a minimum at a100 mW/kg. A similar curve was recorded for OR versus Specific Absorbed Energy (SAE Joule / kg) with a minimum at 100 J/kg. Similar response curves were recorded for the various modulation frequencies 4; 8; 16; 50 Hz. We found no pronounced difference between the various modulation frequencies other than the effect of CW exposure seems to be more effective than pulse modulated exposure in opening the BBB at high SAR values 100-2000 mW/kg. Conclusion: The opening of the BBB is most effective at SAR values in the range of 0.1-0.5 mW.kg-1 and less effective in the range of 50-500 mW.kg-1. In this low SAR range thermal effects are unlikely. Thus there seems to be a non-thermal mechanism involved triggering the opening of the BBB

    Electromagnetic Waves and Human Health

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    Brain tumour growth in rats exposed to electromagnetic fields used in wireless cellular communication

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    In 1996 there was no convincing laboratory evidence that EMFs used in wireless communication could cause tumour promotion at non-thermal exposure levels. Therefore we then performed a study of the effects from exposure to such electromagnetic fields in the rat brain glioma model we were using in our research for brain tumour therapy. By stereotaxic technique rat glioma cells (RG2 or N32) were injected into the head of the right caudate nucleus in 154 pairs of Fischer 344 rats in both exposed and matched controls. Starting on day 5 after inoculation, the animals were exposed for 7 hours a day, 5 days a week during 2 - 3 weeks. Rats of both sexes were exposed to electromagnetic fields in the microwaves frequency range 915 MHz both as continuous waves (1 W), and as pulse-modulated at 4, 8, 16 and 217 Hz in 0.57 ms long pulses and 50 Hz in 6.67 ms pulses, all with a maximum power amplitude of 2 W per pulse. The animals were kept un-anaesthetized in well-ventilated TEM cells during 7 hours a day for 5 days a week for 2-3 weeks. Their matched controls were kept in identical TEM cells without EMF exposure. At the end of the exposure period the rat brains were examined histopathologically. The tumour size was measured with a calliper and the volume estimated as an ellipsoid. Our study of the 154 matched pairs of rats did not show any significant difference in tumour volume between animals exposed to 915 MHz microwaves, and those not exposed. Thus our results did not support that daily exposure to EMF promotes tumour growth when given from the fifth day after the start of tumour growth in the rat brain until the sacrifice of the animal 16 days later. In the present review our results published 1997 have been re-evaluated in terms of SAR dependence of tumour volume observed ratio (exposed / control). We thus surprisingly found that the shape of tumour volume-OR versus SAR response was of bath-tube pattern, similar to that found in our parallel studies of albumin leakage through the blood-brain barrier. Since the SAR varies between most other animal studies reviewed and human epidemiological studies this SAR dependence might explain the controversy in rendering the results

    Effect of Magnetic Field From Mobile Phone on Brain

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    Human exposure to electromagnetic field (EMF) comes from many different sources and occurs in various situations in everyday life. Man-made static fields are mainly found in occupational settings, such as close to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners, although DC high-voltage overhead transmission lines are being constructed, which are expected to expose larger parts of the population to static electric and magnetic fields.Today, for power regulation most modern electrical equipment uses electronics instead of transformers. Examples include the switched power supplies to laptops, drilling tools, chargers of mobile phones and similar devices. As a consequence, the frequency content of the daily magnetic field exposure has changed mainly by adding odd harmonics (150 Hz, 250 Hz, 750 Hz, etc.). In particular, the third harmonic (150 Hz) has become another dominating frequency in our environment.In particular for brain tissues, the mobile phone used at the ear remains the main source of exposure. However, since the first generation of mobile telephony, the technology aimed at reducing the emitted power of mobile handsets. In particular, for Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) already the introduction of dynamic power control reduced the average output power to about 50% of its rated value during calls, whereas the use of discontinuous transmission during voice calls gave a further 30% reduction in average emitted power. Adaptive power control became faster and more effective in the third-generation (3G) of mobile telephony systems leading to a further reduction (by about two orders of magnitude) in the specific absorption Specific energy Absorption Rate (SAR) compared to GSM phones. In addition, hands-free kits reduce the energy absorbed by the head drastically. Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) phones are another source of everyday exposure

    Spatial memory perfomance of wistar rats exposed to mobile phone

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    INTRODUCTION: With the tremendous increase in number of mobile phone users world wide, the possible risks of this technology have become a serious concern. OBJECTIVE: We tested the effects of mobile phone exposure on spatial memory performance. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Male Wistar rats (10-12 weeks old) were exposed to 50 missed calls/day for 4 weeks from a GSM (900/1800MHz) mobile phone in vibratory mode (no ring tone). After the experimental period, the animals were tested for spatial memory performance using the Morris water maze test. RESULTS: Both phone exposed and control animals showed a significant decrease in escape time with training. Phone exposed animals had significantly (~3 times) higher mean latency to reach the target quadrant and spent significantly (~2 times) less time in the target quadrant than age- and sex-matched controls. CONCLUSION: Mobile phone exposure affected the acquisition of learned responses in Wistar rats. This in turn points to the poor spatial navigation and the object place configurations of the phone-exposed animals

    Searching for the perfect wave: the effect of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on cells

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    There is a growing concern in the population about the effects that environmental exposure to any source of "uncontrolled" radiation may have on public health. Anxiety arises from the controversial knowledge about the effect of electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure to cells and organisms but most of all concerning the possible causal relation to human diseases. Here we reviewed those in vitro and in vivo and epidemiological works that gave a new insight about the effect of radio frequency (RF) exposure, relating to intracellular molecular pathways that lead to biological and functional outcomes. It appears that a thorough application of standardised protocols is the key to reliable data acquisition and interpretation that could contribute to clear the picture for scientists and lay public. Moreover, specific tuning of experimental and clinical RF exposure might lead to health beneficial effects

    Exposure to radio-frequency electromagnetic waves alters acetylcholinesterase gene expression, exploratory and motor coordinationlinked behaviour in male rats

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    Humans in modern society are exposed to an ever-increasing number of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and some studies have demonstrated that these waves can alter brain function but the mechanism still remains unclear. Hence, this study sought to investigate the effect of 2.5 Ghz band radio-frequency electromagnetic waves (RFEMF) exposure on cerebral cortex acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity and their mRNA expression level as well as locomotor function and anxiety-linked behaviour in male rats. Animals were divided into four groups namely; group 1 was control (without exposure), group 2–4 were exposed to 2.5 Ghz radiofrequency waves from an installed WI-FI device for a period of 4, 6 and 8 weeks respectively. The results revealed that WiFi exposure caused a significant increase in anxiety level and affect locomotor function. Furthermore, there was a significant decrease in AChE activity with a concomitant increase in AChE mRNA expression level in WiFi exposed rats when compared with control. In conclusions, these data showed that long term exposure to WiFi may lead to adverse effects such as neurodegenerative diseases as observed by a significant alteration on AChE gene expression and some neurobehavioral parameters associated with brain damage

    Orientation studies of a cell-phone mast to assess electromagnetic radiation exposure level

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    ABSTRACT Electromagnetic radiation emitted by cellphone towers is a new form of environmental pollution and is a new health hazard. This radiofrequency radiation pollution is an issue of world wide concern due to its undesirable effects on human health, flora and fauna. It is known that radiation levels are higher at a lower distance from the cell-phone tower than at far distances, but only distance measurement from tower cannot be said to be a reliable method to grade a place as safe or unsafe unless the direction is specified as well. The present studies were taken to estimate the radio frequency (RF) pollution by measuring power densities as a function of direction and distance of a cell-phone mast. The measurements were done in 8 different orientations of the cell-phone base station at an interval of angular separation of 45 0 between two directions The cell phone radiations as power densities were measured using a handheld portable power density meter TES 593 in maximum average mode and specific absorption rates (SAR) were estimated at 835 MHz, 915 MHz, 1900 MHZ and 2450 MHZ from the measured values. The findings identified the maximum and minimum exposure zones around a cell-phone mast. The studies show how power densities change with distance for a combination of directional and dish antennas. The peak in power density values was observed at a distance of 40 meters for most of the antenna orientations
