9 research outputs found

    A variational derivation of a class of BFGS-like methods

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    We provide a maximum entropy derivation of a new family of BFGS-like methods. Similar results are then derived for block BFGS methods. This also yields an independent proof of a result of Fletcher 1991 and its generalisation to the block case.Comment: 10 page

    Objective acceleration for unconstrained optimization

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    Acceleration schemes can dramatically improve existing optimization procedures. In most of the work on these schemes, such as nonlinear Generalized Minimal Residual (N-GMRES), acceleration is based on minimizing the â„“2\ell_2 norm of some target on subspaces of Rn\mathbb{R}^n. There are many numerical examples that show how accelerating general purpose and domain-specific optimizers with N-GMRES results in large improvements. We propose a natural modification to N-GMRES, which significantly improves the performance in a testing environment originally used to advocate N-GMRES. Our proposed approach, which we refer to as O-ACCEL (Objective Acceleration), is novel in that it minimizes an approximation to the \emph{objective function} on subspaces of Rn\mathbb{R}^n. We prove that O-ACCEL reduces to the Full Orthogonalization Method for linear systems when the objective is quadratic, which differentiates our proposed approach from existing acceleration methods. Comparisons with L-BFGS and N-CG indicate the competitiveness of O-ACCEL. As it can be combined with domain-specific optimizers, it may also be beneficial in areas where L-BFGS or N-CG are not suitable.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, 5 table

    Limited Memory BFGS method for Sparse and Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimization

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    Optimization-based control systems are used in many areas of application, including aerospace engineering, economics, robotics and automotive engineering. This work was motivated by the demand for a large-scale sparse solver for this problem class. The sparsity property of the problem is used for the computational efficiency regarding performance and memory consumption. This includes an efficient storing of the occurring matrices and vectors and an appropriate approximation of the Hessian matrix, which is the main subject of this work. Thus, a so-called the limited memory BFGS method has been developed. The limited memory BFGS method, has been implemented in a software library for solving the nonlinear optimization problems, WORHP. Its solving performance has been tested on different optimal control problems and test sets

    Symmetric Rank-kk Methods

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    This paper proposes a novel class of block quasi-Newton methods for convex optimization which we call symmetric rank-kk (SR-kk) methods. Each iteration of SR-kk incorporates the curvature information with kk Hessian-vector products achieved from the greedy or random strategy. We prove SR-kk methods have the local superlinear convergence rate of O((1−k/d)t(t−1)/2)\mathcal{O}\big((1-k/d)^{t(t-1)/2}\big) for minimizing smooth and strongly self-concordant function, where dd is the problem dimension and tt is the iteration counter. This is the first explicit superlinear convergence rate for block quasi-Newton methods and it successfully explains why block quasi-Newton methods converge faster than standard quasi-Newton methods in practice

    Sub-Sampled Matrix Approximations

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    Matrix approximations are widely used to accelerate many numerical algorithms. Current methods sample row (or column) spaces to reduce their computational footprint and approximate a matrix A with an appropriate embedding of the data sampled. This work introduces a novel family of randomized iterative algorithms which use significantly less data per iteration than current methods by sampling input and output spaces simultaneously. The data footprint of the algorithms can be tuned (independent of the underlying matrix dimension) to available hardware. Proof is given for the convergence of the algorithms, which are referred to as sub-sampled, in terms of numerically tested error bounds. A heuristic accelerated scheme is developed and compared to current algorithms on a substantial test-suite of matrices. The sub-sampled algorithms provide a lightweight framework to construct more useful inverse and low rank matrix approximations. Modifying the sub-sampled algorithms gives families of methods which iteratively approximate the inverse of a matrix whose accelerated variant is comparable to current state of the art methods. Inserting a compression step in the algorithms gives low rank approximations having accelerated variants which have fixed computational as well as storage footprints

    Exploring novel designs of NLP solvers: Architecture and Implementation of WORHP

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    Mathematical Optimization in general and Nonlinear Programming in particular, are applied by many scientific disciplines, such as the automotive sector, the aerospace industry, or the space agencies. With some established NLP solvers having been available for decades, and with the mathematical community being rather conservative in this respect, many of their programming standards are severely outdated. It is safe to assume that such usability shortcomings impede the wider use of NLP methods; a representative example is the use of static workspaces by legacy FORTRAN codes. This dissertation gives an account of the construction of the European NLP solver WORHP by using and combining software standards and techniques that have not previously been applied to mathematical software to this extent. Examples include automatic code generation, a consistent reverse communication architecture and the elimination of static workspaces. The result is a novel, industrial-grade NLP solver that overcomes many technical weaknesses of established NLP solvers and other mathematical software