2,259 research outputs found

    Robust equalization of multichannel acoustic systems

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    In most real-world acoustical scenarios, speech signals captured by distant microphones from a source are reverberated due to multipath propagation, and the reverberation may impair speech intelligibility. Speech dereverberation can be achieved by equalizing the channels from the source to microphones. Equalization systems can be computed using estimates of multichannel acoustic impulse responses. However, the estimates obtained from system identification always include errors; the fact that an equalization system is able to equalize the estimated multichannel acoustic system does not mean that it is able to equalize the true system. The objective of this thesis is to propose and investigate robust equalization methods for multichannel acoustic systems in the presence of system identification errors. Equalization systems can be computed using the multiple-input/output inverse theorem or multichannel least-squares method. However, equalization systems obtained from these methods are very sensitive to system identification errors. A study of the multichannel least-squares method with respect to two classes of characteristic channel zeros is conducted. Accordingly, a relaxed multichannel least- squares method is proposed. Channel shortening in connection with the multiple- input/output inverse theorem and the relaxed multichannel least-squares method is discussed. Two algorithms taking into account the system identification errors are developed. Firstly, an optimally-stopped weighted conjugate gradient algorithm is proposed. A conjugate gradient iterative method is employed to compute the equalization system. The iteration process is stopped optimally with respect to system identification errors. Secondly, a system-identification-error-robust equalization method exploring the use of error models is presented, which incorporates system identification error models in the weighted multichannel least-squares formulation

    Low Complexity Blind Equalization for OFDM Systems with General Constellations

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    This paper proposes a low-complexity algorithm for blind equalization of data in OFDM-based wireless systems with general constellations. The proposed algorithm is able to recover data even when the channel changes on a symbol-by-symbol basis, making it suitable for fast fading channels. The proposed algorithm does not require any statistical information of the channel and thus does not suffer from latency normally associated with blind methods. We also demonstrate how to reduce the complexity of the algorithm, which becomes especially low at high SNR. Specifically, we show that in the high SNR regime, the number of operations is of the order O(LN), where L is the cyclic prefix length and N is the total number of subcarriers. Simulation results confirm the favorable performance of our algorithm

    Blind joint maximum likelihood channel estimation and data detection for single-input multiple-output systems

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    A blind adaptive scheme is proposed for joint maximum likelihood (ML) channel estimation and data detection of single-input multiple-output (SIMO) systems. The joint ML optimization of the channel and data estimation is decomposed into an iterative optimization loop. An efficient global optimization algorithm termed as the repeated weighted boosting aided search is employed first to identify the unknown SIMO channel model, and then the Viterbi algorithm is used for the maximum likelihood sequence estimation of the unknown data sequence. A simulation example is used for demonstrating the efficiency of this joint ML optimization scheme designed for blind adaptive SIMO systems

    The Extended-window Channel Estimator For Iterative Channel-and-symbol Estimation

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    The application of the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to channel estimation results in a well-known iterative channel-and-symbol estimator (ICSE). The EM-ICSE iterates between a symbol estimator based on the forward-backward recursion (BCJR equalizer) and a channel estimator, and may provide approximate maximum-likelihood blind or semiblind channel estimates. Nevertheless, the EM-ICSE has high complexity, and it is prone to misconvergence. In this paper, we propose the extended-window (EW) estimator, a novel channel estimator for ICSE that can be used with any soft-output symbol estimator. Therefore, the symbol estimator may be chosen according to performance or complexity specifications. We show that the EW-ICSE, an ICSE that uses the EW estimator and the BCJR equalizer, is less complex and less susceptible to misconvergence than the EM-ICSE. Simulation results reveal that the EW-ICSE may converge faster than the EM-ICSE. © 2005 Hindawi Publishing Corporation.200529299Barry, J.R., Lee, E.A., Messerschmitt, D.G., (2003) Digital Communications, , Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, Mass, USA, 3rd editionAyadi, J., De Carvalho, E., Slock, D.T.M., Blind and semi-blind maximum likelihood methods for FIR multichannel identification (1998) Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP'98), 6, pp. 3185-3188. , Seattle, Wash, USA, MayFeder, M., Catipovic, J.A., Algorithms for joint channel estimation and data recovery-application to equalization in underwater communications (1991) IEEE J. Oceanic Eng., 16 (1), pp. 42-55Kaleh, G.K., Vallet, R., Joint parameter estimation and symbol detection for linear or nonlinear unknown channels (1994) IEEE Trans. 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