115 research outputs found

    Performance Improvement in Muli-user MIMO Networks via Interference Alignment

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    Almost all wireless networks are interference limited. Interference management has been always a primary concern for large section of current wireless networks with exponentially growing devices, lack of centralized medium access, power management. Because of broadcast nature of the wireless channel, all signals from simultaneous transmissions from devices apart in the same space, are added to the desired signal at the receiver end. Therefore optimal spectrum efficiency in such systems mandates distributed, low complexity interference management strategies with very less overhead which should be far more superior than existing successive interference cancellation, highly complex multiuser detection techniques. In this thesis, a novel interference management scheme- “Interference alignment” scheme for multi user scenario is investigated and analysed supporting the arguments with numerical results for most scenarios. Firstly, the concept of interference channel, Degrees of Freedom were well established which are prerequisite in understanding the predicament of multi user wireless channels. Later on, interference alignment concept has been put forward stating its origin back from linear algebra. IA for K-user MIMO is studied. In a fully connected K-user network with perfect channel state information, IA minimizes the interference space dimension at intended receivers thus maximizing the achievable capacity of the entire channel and increasing the Multiplexing gain. Later on the idea of IA is extended to multi-hop networks. A practical cellular multi-hop wireless network is considered and distributed interference alignment technique is implemented which shows superior performance even in high interference case. All IA schemes assume that the channels are full rank richly scattered environments which in practise is not always possible. The idea of using relays to act as external scatters which increase the rank of effective channel observed is considered. So two novel distributed relaying schemes have been proposed modifying the existing IA scheme to fit the case for rank deficient channels and still achieve multiplexing gain on par with full rank channels. The proposed algorithms doesn’t require global channel state information at all nodes except at relay nodes, doesn’t need large symbol extensions, and still are able to enhance the sum capacity of the networ

    Principles of Physical Layer Security in Multiuser Wireless Networks: A Survey

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    This paper provides a comprehensive review of the domain of physical layer security in multiuser wireless networks. The essential premise of physical-layer security is to enable the exchange of confidential messages over a wireless medium in the presence of unauthorized eavesdroppers without relying on higher-layer encryption. This can be achieved primarily in two ways: without the need for a secret key by intelligently designing transmit coding strategies, or by exploiting the wireless communication medium to develop secret keys over public channels. The survey begins with an overview of the foundations dating back to the pioneering work of Shannon and Wyner on information-theoretic security. We then describe the evolution of secure transmission strategies from point-to-point channels to multiple-antenna systems, followed by generalizations to multiuser broadcast, multiple-access, interference, and relay networks. Secret-key generation and establishment protocols based on physical layer mechanisms are subsequently covered. Approaches for secrecy based on channel coding design are then examined, along with a description of inter-disciplinary approaches based on game theory and stochastic geometry. The associated problem of physical-layer message authentication is also introduced briefly. The survey concludes with observations on potential research directions in this area.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, 303 refs. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1303.1609 by other authors. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 201

    Feasibility and performance of relay-aided interference alignment

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    In current wireless radio communications systems, the multiuser interference is a major performance-limiting factor due to the scarceness of spectrum. Recently, it has been discovered that every user is able to get “half the cake” using a novel interference management approach known as IA. IA is able to achieve the DoFs of many multiuser interference networks, leading to outstanding performances in the high-SNR regime. This thesis focuses on the topic of relay-aided IA.In gegenwärtigen Funkkommunikationssystemen ist jedoch aufgrund der Begrenztheit des Spektrums die Mehrnutzer-Interferenz ein vornehmlicher performanzbegrenzender Faktor. Vor kurzem wurde entdeckt, dass jeder Benutzer mit einem neuartigen, als Interference Alignment bezeichneten, Interferenzreduktionsverfahren „den halben Kuchen“ gewissermaßen bekommen kann. IA ist in der Lage, die DoFs von vielen Mehrnutzer-Interferenznetzwerken zu erreichen, was zu herausragenden Leistungen im Bereich hoher SNRs führt. Die vorliegende Arbeit konzentriert sich auf dem Gebiet des relaisunterstützten IA

    Degrees of freedom of wireless interference network

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    Wireless communication systems are different from the wired systems mainly in three aspects: fading, broadcast, and superposition. Wireless communication networks, and multi-user communication networks in general, have not been well understood from the information-theoretic perspective: the capacity limits of many multi-user networks are not known. For example, the capacity region of a two-user single-antenna interference channel is still not known, though recent result can bound the region up to a constant value. Characterizing the capacity limits of multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) interference network is usually even more difficult than the single antenna setup. To alleviate the difficulty in studying such networks, the concept of degrees of freedom (DoF) has been adopted, which captures the first order behavior of the capacities or capacity regions. One important technique developed recently for quantifying the DoF of multi-user networks is the so-called interference alignment. The purpose of interference alignment is to design the transmit signals structurally so that the interference signals from multiple interferers are aligned to reduce the signal dimensions occupied by interference. In this thesis, we mainly study two problems related to DoF and interference alignment: 1) DoF region of MIMO full interference channel (FIC) and Z interference channel (ZIC) with reconfigurable antennas, and 2) the DoF region of an interference network with general message demands. For the first problem, we derive the outer bound on the DoF region and show that it is achievable via time-sharing or beamforming except for one special case. As to this particular special case, we develop a systematic way of constructing the DoF-achieving nulling and beamforming matrices. Our results reveal the potential benefit of using the reconfigurable antenna in MIMO FIC and ZIC. In addition, the achievability scheme has an interesting space-frequency interpretation. For the second problem, we derive the DoF region of a single antenna interference network with general message demands, which includes the multiple unicasts and multiple multicasts as special cases. We perform interference alignment using multiple base vectors and align the interference at each receiver to its largest interferer. Furthermore, we show that the DoF region is determined by a subset of receivers, and the DoF region can be achieved by considering a smaller number of interference alignment constraints so as to reduce the number of time expansion. Finally, as a related research topic, we also include a result on the average throughput of a MIMO interference channel with single-user detector at receivers and without channel state information at transmitters. We present a piecewise linear approximation of the channel throughput under weak, moderate and strong interference regimes. Based on that we determine the optimal number of streams that a transmitter should use for different interference levels

    A Survey of Beam Management for mmWave and THz Communications Towards 6G

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    Communication in millimeter wave (mmWave) and even terahertz (THz) frequency bands is ushering in a new era of wireless communications. Beam management, namely initial access and beam tracking, has been recognized as an essential technique to ensure robust mmWave/THz communications, especially for mobile scenarios. However, narrow beams at higher carrier frequency lead to huge beam measurement overhead, which has a negative impact on beam acquisition and tracking. In addition, the beam management process is further complicated by the fluctuation of mmWave/THz channels, the random movement patterns of users, and the dynamic changes in the environment. For mmWave and THz communications toward 6G, we have witnessed a substantial increase in research and industrial attention on artificial intelligence (AI), reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS), and integrated sensing and communications (ISAC). The introduction of these enabling technologies presents both open opportunities and unique challenges for beam management. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey on mmWave and THz beam management. Further, we give some insights on technical challenges and future research directions in this promising area.Comment: accepted by IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorial

    D3.2 First performance results for multi -node/multi -antenna transmission technologies

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    This deliverable describes the current results of the multi-node/multi-antenna technologies investigated within METIS and analyses the interactions within and outside Work Package 3. Furthermore, it identifies the most promising technologies based on the current state of obtained results. This document provides a brief overview of the results in its first part. The second part, namely the Appendix, further details the results, describes the simulation alignment efforts conducted in the Work Package and the interaction of the Test Cases. The results described here show that the investigations conducted in Work Package 3 are maturing resulting in valuable innovative solutions for future 5G systems.Fantini. R.; Santos, A.; De Carvalho, E.; Rajatheva, N.; Popovski, P.; Baracca, P.; Aziz, D.... (2014). D3.2 First performance results for multi -node/multi -antenna transmission technologies. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/7675

    Jamming Cognitive Radios

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    The goal of this thesis is to identify and evaluate weaknesses in the rendezvous process for Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) in the presence of a Cognitive Jammer (CJ). Jamming strategies are suggested and tested for effectiveness. Methods for safe- guarding the Cognitive Radios (CRs) against a CJ are also explored. A simulation is constructed to set up a scenario of two CRs interacting with a CJ. Analysis of the simulation is conducted primarily at the waveform level. A hardware setup is constructed to analyze the system in the physical layer, verify the interactions from the simulation, and test in a low signal-to-interference and noise ratio (SINR) environment. The hardware used in this thesis is the Wireless Open-Access Research Platform. Performance metrics from open literature and independent testing are compared against those captured from the jamming tests. The goal of testing is to evaluate and quantify the ability to delay the rendezvous process of a CRN. There was some success in delaying rendezvous, even in a high SINR environment. Jamming strategies include a jammer that repeats an observed channel-hopping pattern, a jammer with random inputs using the same algorithm of the CRs, a jammer that estimates channel-hopping parameters based on observations, and a random channel-hopping jammer. Results were compared against control scenarios, consisting of no jamming and a jammer that is always jamming on the same channel as one of the CRs. The repeater, random inputs to the CR algorithm, observation-based estimation jammer, and the random channel hopping jammer were mildly successful in delaying rendezvous at about 0%, 9%, 0%, and 1%, respectively. The jammer that is always on the same channel as a CR had an overall rendezvous delay about 13% of the time