151 research outputs found

    Uncovering elements of style

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    This paper relates the style of 16th century Flemish paintings by Goossen van der Weyden (GvdW) to the style of preliminary sketches or underpaintings made prior to executing the painting. Van der Weyden made underpaintings in markedly different styles for reasons as yet not understood by art historians. The analysis presented here starts from a classification of the underpaintings into four distinct styles by experts in art history. Analysis of the painted surfaces by a combination of wavelet analysis, hidden Markov trees and boosting algorithms can distinguish the four underpainting styles with greater than 90% cross-validation accuracy. On a subsequent blind test this classifier provided insight into the hypothesis by art historians that different patches of the finished painting were executed by different hands

    Image forgery detection using textural features and deep learning

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    La croissance exponentielle et les progrès de la technologie ont rendu très pratique le partage de données visuelles, d'images et de données vidéo par le biais d’une vaste prépondérance de platesformes disponibles. Avec le développement rapide des technologies Internet et multimédia, l’efficacité de la gestion et du stockage, la rapidité de transmission et de partage, l'analyse en temps réel et le traitement des ressources multimédias numériques sont progressivement devenus un élément indispensable du travail et de la vie de nombreuses personnes. Sans aucun doute, une telle croissance technologique a rendu le forgeage de données visuelles relativement facile et réaliste sans laisser de traces évidentes. L'abus de ces données falsifiées peut tromper le public et répandre la désinformation parmi les masses. Compte tenu des faits mentionnés ci-dessus, la criminalistique des images doit être utilisée pour authentifier et maintenir l'intégrité des données visuelles. Pour cela, nous proposons une technique de détection passive de falsification d'images basée sur les incohérences de texture et de bruit introduites dans une image du fait de l'opération de falsification. De plus, le réseau de détection de falsification d'images (IFD-Net) proposé utilise une architecture basée sur un réseau de neurones à convolution (CNN) pour classer les images comme falsifiées ou vierges. Les motifs résiduels de texture et de bruit sont extraits des images à l'aide du motif binaire local (LBP) et du modèle Noiseprint. Les images classées comme forgées sont ensuite utilisées pour mener des expériences afin d'analyser les difficultés de localisation des pièces forgées dans ces images à l'aide de différents modèles de segmentation d'apprentissage en profondeur. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que l'IFD-Net fonctionne comme les autres méthodes de détection de falsification d'images sur l'ensemble de données CASIA v2.0. Les résultats discutent également des raisons des difficultés de segmentation des régions forgées dans les images du jeu de données CASIA v2.0.The exponential growth and advancement of technology have made it quite convenient for people to share visual data, imagery, and video data through a vast preponderance of available platforms. With the rapid development of Internet and multimedia technologies, performing efficient storage and management, fast transmission and sharing, real-time analysis, and processing of digital media resources has gradually become an indispensable part of many people’s work and life. Undoubtedly such technological growth has made forging visual data relatively easy and realistic without leaving any obvious visual clues. Abuse of such tampered data can deceive the public and spread misinformation amongst the masses. Considering the facts mentioned above, image forensics must be used to authenticate and maintain the integrity of visual data. For this purpose, we propose a passive image forgery detection technique based on textural and noise inconsistencies introduced in an image because of the tampering operation. Moreover, the proposed Image Forgery Detection Network (IFD-Net) uses a Convolution Neural Network (CNN) based architecture to classify the images as forged or pristine. The textural and noise residual patterns are extracted from the images using Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and the Noiseprint model. The images classified as forged are then utilized to conduct experiments to analyze the difficulties in localizing the forged parts in these images using different deep learning segmentation models. Experimental results show that both the IFD-Net perform like other image forgery detection methods on the CASIA v2.0 dataset. The results also discuss the reasons behind the difficulties in segmenting the forged regions in the images of the CASIA v2.0 dataset

    Forensic Analysis of Digital Image Tampering

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    The use of digital photography has increased over the past few years, a trend which opens the door for new and creative ways to forge images. The manipulation of images through forgery influences the perception an observer has of the depicted scene, potentially resulting in ill consequences if created with malicious intentions. This poses a need to verify the authenticity of images originating from unknown sources in absence of any prior digital watermarking or authentication technique. This research explores the holes left by existing research; specifically, the ability to detect image forgeries created using multiple image sources and specialized methods tailored to the popular JPEG image format. In an effort to meet these goals, this thesis presents four methods to detect image tampering based on fundamental image attributes common to any forgery. These include discrepancies in 1) lighting and 2) brightness levels, 3) underlying edge inconsistencies, and 4) anomalies in JPEG compression blocks. Overall, these methods proved encouraging in detecting image forgeries with an observed accuracy of 60% in a completely blind experiment containing a mixture of 15 authentic and forged images

    Passive Techniques for Detecting and Locating Manipulations in Digital Images

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, leída el 19-11-2020El numero de camaras digitales integradas en dispositivos moviles as como su uso en la vida cotidiana esta en continuo crecimiento. Diariamente gran cantidad de imagenes digitales, generadas o no por este tipo de dispositivos, circulan en Internet o son utilizadas como evidencias o pruebas en procesos judiciales. Como consecuencia, el analisis forense de imagenes digitales cobra importancia en multitud de situaciones de la vida real. El analisis forense de imagenes digitales se divide en dos grandes ramas: autenticidad de imagenes digitales e identificacion de la fuente de adquisicion de una imagen. La primera trata de discernir si una imagen ha sufrido algun procesamiento posterior al de su creacion, es decir, que no haya sido manipulada. La segunda pretende identificar el dispositivo que genero la imagen digital. La verificacion de la autenticidad de imagenes digitales se puedellevar a cabo mediante tecnicas activas y tecnicas pasivas de analisis forense. Las tecnicas activas se fundamentan en que las imagenes digitales cuentan con \marcas" presentes desde su creacion, de forma que cualquier tipo de alteracion que se realice con posterioridad a su generacion, modificara las mismas, y, por tanto, permitiran detectar si ha existido un posible post-proceso o manipulacion...The number of digital cameras integrated into mobile devices as well as their use in everyday life is continuously growing. Every day a large number of digital images, whether generated by this type of device or not, circulate on the Internet or are used as evidence in legal proceedings. Consequently, the forensic analysis of digital images becomes important in many real-life situations. Forensic analysis of digital images is divided into two main branches: authenticity of digital images and identi cation of the source of acquisition of an image. The first attempts to discern whether an image has undergone any processing subsequent to its creation, i.e. that it has not been manipulated. The second aims to identify the device that generated the digital image. Verification of the authenticity of digital images can be carried out using both active and passive forensic analysis techniques. The active techniques are based on the fact that the digital images have "marks"present since their creation so that any type of alteration made after their generation will modify them, and therefore will allow detection if there has been any possible post-processing or manipulation. On the other hand, passive techniques perform the analysis of authenticity by extracting characteristics from the image...Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Digital forensic techniques for the reverse engineering of image acquisition chains

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    In recent years a number of new methods have been developed to detect image forgery. Most forensic techniques use footprints left on images to predict the history of the images. The images, however, sometimes could have gone through a series of processing and modification through their lifetime. It is therefore difficult to detect image tampering as the footprints could be distorted or removed over a complex chain of operations. In this research we propose digital forensic techniques that allow us to reverse engineer and determine history of images that have gone through chains of image acquisition and reproduction. This thesis presents two different approaches to address the problem. In the first part we propose a novel theoretical framework for the reverse engineering of signal acquisition chains. Based on a simplified chain model, we describe how signals have gone in the chains at different stages using the theory of sampling signals with finite rate of innovation. Under particular conditions, our technique allows to detect whether a given signal has been reacquired through the chain. It also makes possible to predict corresponding important parameters of the chain using acquisition-reconstruction artefacts left on the signal. The second part of the thesis presents our new algorithm for image recapture detection based on edge blurriness. Two overcomplete dictionaries are trained using the K-SVD approach to learn distinctive blurring patterns from sets of single captured and recaptured images. An SVM classifier is then built using dictionary approximation errors and the mean edge spread width from the training images. The algorithm, which requires no user intervention, was tested on a database that included more than 2500 high quality recaptured images. Our results show that our method achieves a performance rate that exceeds 99% for recaptured images and 94% for single captured images.Open Acces

    Digital Multimedia Forensics and Anti-Forensics

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    As the use of digital multimedia content such as images and video has increased, so has the means and the incentive to create digital forgeries. Presently, powerful editing software allows forgers to create perceptually convincing digital forgeries. Accordingly, there is a great need for techniques capable of authenticating digital multimedia content. In response to this, researchers have begun developing digital forensic techniques capable of identifying digital forgeries. These forensic techniques operate by detecting imperceptible traces left by editing operations in digital multimedia content. In this dissertation, we propose several new digital forensic techniques to detect evidence of editing in digital multimedia content. We begin by identifying the fingerprints left by pixel value mappings and show how these can be used to detect the use of contrast enhancement in images. We use these fingerprints to perform a number of additional forensic tasks such as identifying cut-and-paste forgeries, detecting the addition of noise to previously JPEG compressed images, and estimating the contrast enhancement mapping used to alter an image. Additionally, we consider the problem of multimedia security from the forger's point of view. We demonstrate that an intelligent forger can design anti-forensic operations to hide editing fingerprints and fool forensic techniques. We propose an anti-forensic technique to remove compression fingerprints from digital images and show that this technique can be used to fool several state-of-the-art forensic algorithms. We examine the problem of detecting frame deletion in digital video and develop both a technique to detect frame deletion and an anti-forensic technique to hide frame deletion fingerprints. We show that this anti-forensic operation leaves behind fingerprints of its own and propose a technique to detect the use of frame deletion anti-forensics. The ability of a forensic investigator to detect both editing and the use of anti-forensics results in a dynamic interplay between the forger and forensic investigator. We use develop a game theoretic framework to analyze this interplay and identify the set of actions that each party will rationally choose. Additionally, we show that anti-forensics can be used protect against reverse engineering. To demonstrate this, we propose an anti-forensic module that can be integrated into digital cameras to protect color interpolation methods

    An Evaluation of Popular Copy-Move Forgery Detection Approaches

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    A copy-move forgery is created by copying and pasting content within the same image, and potentially post-processing it. In recent years, the detection of copy-move forgeries has become one of the most actively researched topics in blind image forensics. A considerable number of different algorithms have been proposed focusing on different types of postprocessed copies. In this paper, we aim to answer which copy-move forgery detection algorithms and processing steps (e.g., matching, filtering, outlier detection, affine transformation estimation) perform best in various postprocessing scenarios. The focus of our analysis is to evaluate the performance of previously proposed feature sets. We achieve this by casting existing algorithms in a common pipeline. In this paper, we examined the 15 most prominent feature sets. We analyzed the detection performance on a per-image basis and on a per-pixel basis. We created a challenging real-world copy-move dataset, and a software framework for systematic image manipulation. Experiments show, that the keypoint-based features SIFT and SURF, as well as the block-based DCT, DWT, KPCA, PCA and Zernike features perform very well. These feature sets exhibit the best robustness against various noise sources and downsampling, while reliably identifying the copied regions.Comment: Main paper: 14 pages, supplemental material: 12 pages, main paper appeared in IEEE Transaction on Information Forensics and Securit
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