1,907 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Codeword Optimization (SimCO) for Dictionary Update and Learning

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    We consider the data-driven dictionary learning problem. The goal is to seek an over-complete dictionary from which every training signal can be best approximated by a linear combination of only a few codewords. This task is often achieved by iteratively executing two operations: sparse coding and dictionary update. In the literature, there are two benchmark mechanisms to update a dictionary. The first approach, such as the MOD algorithm, is characterized by searching for the optimal codewords while fixing the sparse coefficients. In the second approach, represented by the K-SVD method, one codeword and the related sparse coefficients are simultaneously updated while all other codewords and coefficients remain unchanged. We propose a novel framework that generalizes the aforementioned two methods. The unique feature of our approach is that one can update an arbitrary set of codewords and the corresponding sparse coefficients simultaneously: when sparse coefficients are fixed, the underlying optimization problem is similar to that in the MOD algorithm; when only one codeword is selected for update, it can be proved that the proposed algorithm is equivalent to the K-SVD method; and more importantly, our method allows us to update all codewords and all sparse coefficients simultaneously, hence the term simultaneous codeword optimization (SimCO). Under the proposed framework, we design two algorithms, namely, primitive and regularized SimCO. We implement these two algorithms based on a simple gradient descent mechanism. Simulations are provided to demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithms, as compared with two baseline algorithms MOD and K-SVD. Results show that regularized SimCO is particularly appealing in terms of both learning performance and running speed.Comment: 13 page

    Blind Audio-Visual Source Separation Using Sparse Redundant Representations

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    This report presents a new method to confront the Blind Audio Source Separation (BASS) problem, by means of audio and visual information. In a given mixture, we are able to locate the video sources first and, posteriorly, recover each source signal, only with one microphone and the associated video. The proposed model is based on the Matching Pursuit (MP) [18] decomposition of both audio and video signals into meaningful structures. Frequency components are extracted from the soundtrack, with the consequent information about energy content in the time-frequency plane of a sound. Moreover, the MP decomposition of the audio is robust in front of noise, because of its plain characteristic in this plane. Concerning the video, the temporal displacement of geometric features means movement in the image. If temporally close to an audio event, this feature points out the video structure which has generated this sound. The method we present links audio and visual structures (atoms) according to their temporal proximity, building audiovisual relationships. Video sources are identified and located in the image exploiting these connections, using a clustering algorithm that rewards video features most frequently related to audio in the whole sequence. The goal of BASS is also achieved considering the audiovisual relationships. First, the video structures close to a source are classified as belonging to it. Then, our method assigns the audio atoms according to the source of the video features related. At this point, the separation performed with the audio reconstruction is still limited, with problems when sources are active exactly at the same time. This procedure allows us to discover temporal periods of activity of each source. However, with a temporal analysis alone it is not possible to separate audio features of different sources precisely synchronous. The goal, now, is to learn the sources frequency behavior when only each one of them is active to predict those moments when they overlap. Applying a simple frequency association, results improve considerably with separated soundtracks of a better audible quality. In this report, we will analyze in depth all the steps of the proposed approach, remarking the motivation of each one of them

    Audio-visual object localization and separation using low-rank and sparsity

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    The ability to localize visual objects that are associated with an audio source and at the same time seperate the audio signal is a corner stone in several audio-visual signal processing applications. Past efforts usually focused on localizing only the visual objects, without audio separation abilities. Besides, they often rely computational expensive pre-processing steps to segment images pixels into object regions before applying localization approaches. We aim to address the problem of audio-visual source localization and separation in an unsupervised manner. The proposed approach employs low-rank in order to model the background visual and audio information and sparsity in order to extract the sparsely correlated components between the audio and visual modalities. In particular, this model decomposes each dataset into a sum of two terms: the low-rank matrices capturing the background uncorrelated information, while the sparse correlated components modelling the sound source in visual modality and the associated sound in audio modality. To this end a novel optimization problem, involving the minimization of nuclear norms and matrix ℓ1-norms is solved. We evaluated the proposed method in 1) visual localization and audio separation and 2) visual-assisted audio denoising. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Audio-visual object localization and separation using low-rank and sparsity

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    The ability to localize visual objects that are associated with an audio source and at the same time seperate the audio signal is a corner stone in several audio-visual signal processing applications. Past efforts usually focused on localizing only the visual objects, without audio separation abilities. Besides, they often rely computational expensive pre-processing steps to segment images pixels into object regions before applying localization approaches. We aim to address the problem of audio-visual source localization and separation in an unsupervised manner. The proposed approach employs low-rank in order to model the background visual and audio information and sparsity in order to extract the sparsely correlated components between the audio and visual modalities. In particular, this model decomposes each dataset into a sum of two terms: the low-rank matrices capturing the background uncorrelated information, while the sparse correlated components modelling the sound source in visual modality and the associated sound in audio modality. To this end a novel optimization problem, involving the minimization of nuclear norms and matrix ℓ1-norms is solved. We evaluated the proposed method in 1) visual localization and audio separation and 2) visual-assisted audio denoising. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Blind Audiovisual Source Separation Using Sparse Representations

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    In this work we present a method to jointly separate active audio and visual structures on a given mixture. Blind Audiovisual Source Separation is achieved exploiting the coherence between a video signal and a one-microphone audio track. The efficient representation of audio and video sequences allows to build relationships between correlated structures on both modalities. Video structures exhibiting strong correlations with the audio signal and that are spatially close are grouped using a robust clustering algorithm that can count and localize audiovisual sources. Using such information and exploiting audio-video correlation, audio sources are also localized and separated. To the best of our knowledge this is the first blind audiovisual source separation algorithm conceived to deal with a video sequence and the corresponding mono audio signal

    Audio-Visual Fusion:New Methods and Applications

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    The perception that we have about the world is influenced by elements of diverse nature. Indeed humans tend to integrate information coming from different sensory modalities to better understand their environment. Following this observation, scientists have been trying to combine different research domains. In particular, in joint audio-visual signal processing the information recorded with one or more video-cameras and one or more microphones is combined in order to extract more knowledge about a given scene than when analyzing each modality separately. In this thesis we attempt the fusion of audio and video modalities when considering one video-camera and one microphone. This is the most common configuration in electronic devices such as laptops and cellphones, and it does not require controlled environments such as previously prepared meeting rooms. Even though numerous approaches have been proposed in the last decade, the fusion of audio and video modalities is still an open problem. All the methods in this domain are based on an assumption of synchrony between related events in audio and video channels, i.e. the appearance of a sound is approximately synchronous with the movement of the image structure that has generated it. However, most approaches do not exploit the spatio-temporal consistency that characterizes video signals and, as a result, they assess the synchrony between single pixels and the soundtrack. The results that they obtain are thus sensitive to noise and the coherence between neighboring pixels is not ensured. This thesis presents two novel audio-visual fusion methods which follow completely different strategies to evaluate the synchrony between moving image structures and sounds. Each fusion method is successfully demonstrated on a different application in this domain. Our first audio-visual fusion approach is focused on the modeling of audio and video signals. We propose to decompose each modality into a small set of functions representing the structures that are inherent in the signals. The audio signal is decomposed into a set of atoms representing concentrations of energy in the spectrogram (sounds) and the video signal is concisely represented by a set of image structures evolving through time, i.e. changing their location, size or orientation. As a result, meaningful features can be easily defined for each modality, as the presence of a sound and the movement of a salient image structure. Finally, the fusion step simply evaluates the co-occurrence of these relevant events. This approach is applied to the blind detection and separation of the audio-visual sources that are present in a scene. In contrast, the second method that we propose uses basic features and it is more focused on the fusion strategy that combines them. This approach is based on a nonlinear diffusion procedure that progressively erodes a video sequence and converts it into an audio-visual video sequence, where only the information that is required in applications in the joint audio-visual domain is kept. For this purpose we define a diffusion coefficient that depends on the synchrony between video motion and audio energy and preserves regions moving coherently with the presence of sounds. Thus, the regions that are least diffused are likely to be part of the video modality of the audio-visual source, and the application of this fusion method to the unsupervised extraction of audio-visual objects is straightforward. Unlike many methods in this domain which are specific to speakers, the fusion methods that we present in this thesis are completely general and they can be applied to all kind of audio-visual sources. Furthermore, our analysis is not limited to one source at a time, i.e. all applications can deal with multiple simultaneous sources. Finally, this thesis tackles the audio-visual fusion problem from a novel perspective, by proposing creative fusion methods and techniques borrowed from other domains such as the blind source separation, nonlinear diffusion based on partial differential equations (PDE) and graph cut segmentation

    Blind audio-visual localization and separation via low-rank and sparsity

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    The ability to localize visual objects that are associated with an audio source and at the same time to separate the audio signal is a cornerstone in audio-visual signal-processing applications. However, available methods mainly focus on localizing only the visual objects, without audio separation abilities. Besides that, these methods often rely on either laborious preprocessing steps to segment video frames into semantic regions, or additional supervisions to guide their localization. In this paper, we aim to address the problem of visual source localization and audio separation in an unsupervised manner and avoid all preprocessing or post-processing steps. To this end, we devise a novel structured matrix decomposition method that decomposes the data matrix of each modality as a superposition of three terms: 1) a low-rank matrix capturing the background information; 2) a sparse matrix capturing the correlated components among the two modalities and, hence, uncovering the sound source in visual modality and the associated sound in audio modality; and 3) a third sparse matrix accounting for uncorrelated components, such as distracting objects in visual modality and irrelevant sound in audio modality. The generality of the proposed method is demonstrated by applying it onto three applications, namely: 1) visual localization of a sound source; 2) visually assisted audio separation; and 3) active speaker detection. Experimental results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed method on these application domains

    Space, time and motion in a multisensory world

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    When interacting with environmental events, humans acquire information from different senses and combine these inputs within a coherent representation of the world. The present doctoral thesis aims at investigating how humans represent space, time, and motion through auditory and visual sensory modalities. It has been widely demonstrated a predisposition of different sensory systems towards the processing of different domains of representation, with hearing that prevails in representing the time domain and vision that is the most reliable sense for processing the space domain. Given this strong link between sensory modality and domain of representation, one objective of this thesis is to deepen the knowledge of the neural organization of multisensory spatial and temporal skills in healthy adults. In addition, by using blindness as a model to unravel the role of vision in the development of spatio-temporal abilities, this thesis explores the interaction of the spatial and temporal domains in the acoustic motion perception of early blind individuals. The interplay between space and time has also been explained as the result of humans performing actions in the surrounding environment since to carry out goal-directed motor behaviors it is useful for a person to associate the spatial and temporal information of one’s target into a shared mental map. In this regard, the present project also questions how the brain processes spatio-temporal cues of external events when it comes to manually intercepting moving objects with one hand. Finally, in light of the above results, this dissertation incorporates the development of a novel portable device, named MultiTab, for the behavioral evaluation of the processing of space, time, and motor responses, through the visual and acoustic sensory modality. For the purposes of this thesis, four methodological approaches have been employed: i) electroencephalogram (EEG) technique, to explore the cortical activation associated with multisensory spatial and temporal tasks; ii) psychophysical methods, to measure the relationship between stimuli in motion and the acoustic speed perception of blind and sighted individuals; iii) motion capture techniques, to measure indices of movements during an object’s interception task; iv) design and technical-behavioral validation of a new portable device. Studies of the present dissertation indicate the following results. First, this thesis highlights an early cortical gain modulation of sensory areas that depends on the domain of representation to process, with auditory areas mainly involved in the multisensory processing of temporal inputs, and visual areas of spatial inputs. Moreover, for the spatial domain specifically, the neural modulation of visual areas is also influenced by the kind of spatial layout representing multisensory stimuli. Second, this project shows that lack of vision influences the ability to process the speed of moving sounds by altering how blind individuals make use of the sounds’ temporal features. This result suggests that visual experience in the first years of life is a crucial factor when dealing with combined spatio-temporal information. Third, data of this thesis demonstrate that typically developing individuals manually intercepting a moving object with one hand take into consideration the item’s spatio-temporal cues, by adjusting their interceptive movements according to the object’s speed. Finally, the design and validation of MultiTab show its utility in the evaluation of multisensory processing such as the manual localization of audiovisual spatialized stimuli. Overall, findings from this thesis contribute to a more in-depth picture of how the human brain represents space, time, and motion through different senses. Moreover, they provide promising implications in exploring novel technological methods for the assessment and training of these dimensions in typical and atypical populations