14 research outputs found


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    Microscopic technology has recently flourished, allowing unparalleled viewing of microscopic elements invisible to the normal eye. Still, the existence of unavoidable constraints led on many occasions to have low contrast scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images. Thus, a noncomplex multiphase (NM) algorithm is proposed in this study to provide better contrast for various SEM images. The developed algorithm contains the following stages: first, the intensities of the degraded image are modified using a two-step regularization procedure. Next, a gamma-corrected cumulative distribution function of the logarithmic uniform distribution approach is applied for contrast enhancement. Finally, an automated histogram expansion technique is used to redistribute the pixels of the image properly. The NM algorithm is applied to natural-contrast distorted SEM images, as well as its results are compared with six algorithms with different processing notions. To assess the quality of images, three modern metrics are utilized, in that each metric measures the quality based on unique aspects. Extensive appraisals revealed the adequate processing abilities of the NM algorithm, as it can process many images suitably and its performances outperformed many available contrast enhancement algorithms in different aspects

    Magnetic Resonance Image Quality Assessment by Using Non-Maximum Suppression and Entropy Analysis

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    An investigation of diseases using magnetic resonance (MR) imaging requires automatic image quality assessment methods able to exclude low-quality scans. Such methods can be also employed for an optimization of parameters of imaging systems or evaluation of image processing algorithms. Therefore, in this paper, a novel blind image quality assessment (BIQA) method for the evaluation of MR images is introduced. It is observed that the result of filtering using non-maximum suppression (NMS) strongly depends on the perceptual quality of an input image. Hence, in the method, the image is first processed by the NMS with various levels of acceptable local intensity difference. Then, the quality is efficiently expressed by the entropy of a sequence of extrema numbers obtained with the thresholded NMS. The proposed BIQA approach is compared with ten state-of-the-art techniques on a dataset containing MR images and subjective scores provided by 31 experienced radiologists. The Pearson, Spearman, Kendall correlation coefficients and root mean square error for the method assessing images in the dataset were 0.6741, 0.3540, 0.2428, and 0.5375, respectively. The extensive experimental evaluation of the BIQA methods reveals that the introduced measure outperforms related techniques by a large margin as it correlates better with human scores

    Blind Quality Assessment for in-the-Wild Images via Hierarchical Feature Fusion and Iterative Mixed Database Training

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    Image quality assessment (IQA) is very important for both end-users and service-providers since a high-quality image can significantly improve the user's quality of experience (QoE) and also benefit lots of computer vision algorithms. Most existing blind image quality assessment (BIQA) models were developed for synthetically distorted images, however, they perform poorly on in-the-wild images, which are widely existed in various practical applications. In this paper, we propose a novel BIQA model for in-the-wild images by addressing two critical problems in this field: how to learn better quality-aware feature representation, and how to solve the problem of insufficient training samples in terms of their content and distortion diversity. Considering that perceptual visual quality is affected by both low-level visual features (e.g. distortions) and high-level semantic information (e.g. content), we first propose a staircase structure to hierarchically integrate the features from intermediate layers into the final feature representation, which enables the model to make full use of visual information from low-level to high-level. Then an iterative mixed database training (IMDT) strategy is proposed to train the BIQA model on multiple databases simultaneously, so the model can benefit from the increase in both training samples and image content and distortion diversity and can learn a more general feature representation. Experimental results show that the proposed model outperforms other state-of-the-art BIQA models on six in-the-wild IQA databases by a large margin. Moreover, the proposed model shows an excellent performance in the cross-database evaluation experiments, which further demonstrates that the learned feature representation is robust to images with diverse distortions and content. The code will be released publicly for reproducible research

    Reduced reference image and video quality assessments: review of methods

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    With the growing demand for image and video-based applications, the requirements of consistent quality assessment metrics of image and video have increased. Different approaches have been proposed in the literature to estimate the perceptual quality of images and videos. These approaches can be divided into three main categories; full reference (FR), reduced reference (RR) and no-reference (NR). In RR methods, instead of providing the original image or video as a reference, we need to provide certain features (i.e., texture, edges, etc.) of the original image or video for quality assessment. During the last decade, RR-based quality assessment has been a popular research area for a variety of applications such as social media, online games, and video streaming. In this paper, we present review and classification of the latest research work on RR-based image and video quality assessment. We have also summarized different databases used in the field of 2D and 3D image and video quality assessment. This paper would be helpful for specialists and researchers to stay well-informed about recent progress of RR-based image and video quality assessment. The review and classification presented in this paper will also be useful to gain understanding of multimedia quality assessment and state-of-the-art approaches used for the analysis. In addition, it will help the reader select appropriate quality assessment methods and parameters for their respective applications

    Underwater image quality assessment: subjective and objective methods

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    Underwater image enhancement plays a critical role in marine industry. Various algorithms are applied to enhance underwater images, but their performance in terms of perceptual quality has been little studied. In this paper, we investigate five popular enhancement algorithms and their output image quality. To this end, we have created a benchmark, including images enhanced by different algorithms and ground truth image quality obtained by human perception experiments. We statistically analyse the impact of various enhancement algorithms on the perceived quality of underwater images. Also, the visual quality provided by these algorithms is evaluated objectively, aiming to inform the development of objective metrics for automatic assessment of the quality for underwater image enhancement. The image quality benchmark and its objective metric are made publicly available

    Visibility and distortion measurement for no-reference dehazed image quality assessment via complex contourlet transform

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    Recently, most dehazed image quality assessment (DQA) methods mainly focus on the estimation of remaining haze, omitting the impact of distortions from the side effect of dehazing algorithms, which lead to their limited performance. Addressing this problem, we proposed a learning both Visibility and Distortion Aware features no-reference (NR) Dehazed image Quality Assessment method (VDA-DQA). Visibility aware features are exploited to characterize clarity optimization after dehazing, including the brightness, contrast, and sharpness aware feature extracted by complex contourlet transform (CCT). Then, distortion aware features are employed to measure the distortion artifacts of images, including the normalized histogram of local binary pattern (LBP) from the reconstructed dehazed image and the statistics of the CCT sub-bands corresponding to chroma and saturation map. Finally, all the above features are mapped into the quality scores by the support vector regression (SVR). Extensive experimental results on six public DQA datasets verify the superiority of proposed VDA-DQA in terms of the consistency with subjective visual perception, and outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.The source code of VDA-DQA is available at https://github.com/li181119/VDA-DQA