63,003 research outputs found

    Online Shopping: Antecedents of Attitude, Intention and Use

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    Consumer behavior in electronic commerce has been the theme of hundreds of studies conducted by researchers of many nationalities in the past twenty years. The purpose of this study was to review and classify the concepts used in papers published between 2003 and 2014 to explain the consumer behavior in electronic commerce. A systematic search of the literature in nine databases was performed and 136 papers published in double-blind peer reviewed journals were selected. Reference models were prepared based on a classification of the concepts found. This article reports only the concepts that displayed statistical significance in the studies analyzed. Finally, we suggest new studies that can be conducted

    User trust in ecommerce services: perception via screen reader

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    The increasing diffusion of electronic commerce (eCommerce) services is a great opportunity for visually-disabled people, provided that accessible and usable interactive environments are available. Usually e-Commerce sites have complex layouts crowded with elements and are difficult to navigate via screen reader. Another crucial issue concerns consumer trust in security of on-line transactions. In this paper we investigate the interaction of blind users with eBay, a popular eCommerce website, with specific focus on accessibility and usability of secure transactions when navigating via screen reader. © 2009 IEEE

    Anonymous reputation based reservations in e-commerce (AMNESIC)

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    Online reservation systems have grown over the last recent years to facilitate the purchase of goods and services. Generally, reservation systems require that customers provide some personal data to make a reservation effective. With this data, service providers can check the consumer history and decide if the user is trustable enough to get the reserve. Although the reputation of a user is a good metric to implement the access control of the system, providing personal and sensitive data to the system presents high privacy risks, since the interests of a user are totally known and tracked by an external entity. In this paper we design an anonymous reservation protocol that uses reputations to profile the users and control their access to the offered services, but at the same time it preserves their privacy not only from the seller but the service provider

    Head-Tracking Haptic Computer Interface for the Blind

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    In today’s heavily technology-dependent society, blind and visually impaired people are becoming increasingly disadvantaged in terms of access to media, information, electronic commerce, communications and social networks. Not only are computers becoming more widely used in general, but their dependence on visual output is increasing, extending the technology further out of reach for those without sight. For example, blindness was less of an obstacle for programmers when command-line interfaces were more commonplace, but with the introduction of Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for both development and ïŹnal applications, many blind programmers were made redundant (Alexander, 1998; Siegfried et al., 2004). Not only are images, video and animation heavily entrenched in today’s interfaces, but the visual layout of the interfaces themselves hold important information which is inaccessible to sightless users with existing accessibility technology

    E-business Adoption and the Use of Strategies in Small and Medium Enterprises: Suggestions for the Progression of SMEs' E-adoption

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    This paper presents a classification of SMEs according to their level of e-adoption and their use of formal strategies and e-business strategies. The five distinct groups established in this classification are described and suggestions for the progression of SMEs e-adoption are given

    The strategic use of business method patents: a pilot study of out of court settlements

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    A patent is an exclusive right preventing the use or exploitation of an invention by others than the owner of the patent. A patent can be accurately described as a statutory monopoly within the scope and the jurisdiction of its grant. Proprietary positions in electronic commerce are particularly critical because of the low barriers to entry in the digital environment, and the huge potential value buried in reengineering supply chains and direct retailing services


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    Institutional PNPM-MP in Semarang put poverty alleviation as the main priority of the empowerment-based development policy. The strategy developed is to synergize government agencies with community institutions built by PNPM-MP program at the village and base level, that is, Community Institutional Agency (BKM) and the Community Self-Reliance Group (KSM). The problem studied in this research is: How does PNPM-MP institutional in society involve in poverty reduction, with the aim of describing and analyzing institutional programs in the community. The research approach used phenomenological qualitative, by conducting interviews, observation, focus group discussion to obtain data from informants (BKM / KSM). Informants include two BKM and ten KSM which is purposively selected (deliberately) from two villages in two districts. The analysis was performed interactively, that is, analysis techniques which are integral cycle among data collection, data reduction, data performance and conclusion withdrawal. Research conclusion: PNPM-MP institutional at the village and base level (BKM / KSM) has not been able to be a driving force in poverty reduction and is still seen by the community as a program requirement, not institutionalized on both horizontal and vertical level. Recommendation for the research result is that it needed awareness that poverty reduction requires a synergy between government agencies and community agencies embodied in the development planning of one village one planning
