42 research outputs found

    Noncoherent Short-Packet Communication via Modulation on Conjugated Zeros

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    We introduce a novel blind (noncoherent) communication scheme, called modulation on conjugate-reciprocal zeros (MOCZ), to reliably transmit short binary packets over unknown finite impulse response systems as used, for example, to model underspread wireless multipath channels. In MOCZ, the information is modulated onto the zeros of the transmitted signals z−transform. In the absence of additive noise, the zero structure of the signal is perfectly preserved at the receiver, no matter what the channel impulse response (CIR) is. Furthermore, by a proper selection of the zeros, we show that MOCZ is not only invariant to the CIR, but also robust against additive noise. Starting with the maximum-likelihood estimator, we define a low complexity and reliable decoder and compare it to various state-of-the art noncoherent schemes

    A Reversible Jump MCMC in Bayesian Blind Deconvolution with a Spherical Prior

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    Blind deconvolution (BD) is the recovery of a scene of interest convolved with an unknown impulse response function. Within a Bayesian context, prior distributions are assigned to both unknowns to regularize the BD problem. A common approach is to use Gaussian priors. Nonetheless, the latter do not alleviate the so-called scale ambiguity that prevents from efficiently sampling the joint posterior distribution and building appropriate estimators. In this paper, we instead use a Von-Mises prior that removes scale ambiguity and we focus on the design of a sampling scheme of the joint posterior. The latter may exhibit multiple modes. We propose accordingly a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo method that prevents samples from lingering in local modes. Compared to state-of-the-art techniques, the algorithm shows an improved within- and between-mode mixing property with synthetic data. This paves the way for the design of Bayesian estimators naturally deprived of scale ambiguity

    A Precise Analysis of PhaseMax in Phase Retrieval

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    Recovering an unknown complex signal from the magnitude of linear combinations of the signal is referred to as phase retrieval. We present an exact performance analysis of a recently proposed convex-optimization-formulation for this problem, known as PhaseMax. Standard convex-relaxation-based methods in phase retrieval resort to the idea of “lifting” which makes them computationally inefficient, since the number of unknowns is effectively squared. In contrast, PhaseMax is a novel convex relaxation that does not increase the number of unknowns. Instead it relies on an initial estimate of the true signal which must be externally provided. In this paper, we investigate the required number of measurements for exact recovery of the signal in the large system limit and when the linear measurement matrix is random with iid standard normal entries. If n denotes the dimension of the unknown complex signal and m the number of phaseless measurements, then in the large system limit, m/n > 4/cos^2(θ) measurements is necessary and sufficient to recover the signal with high probability, where θ is the angle between the initial estimate and the true signal. Our result indicates a sharp phase transition in the asymptotic regime which matches the empirical result in numerical simulations

    Sparse Phase Retrieval: Uniqueness Guarantees and Recovery Algorithms

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    The problem of signal recovery from its Fourier transform magnitude is of paramount importance in various fields of engineering and has been around for over 100 years. Due to the absence of phase information, some form of additional information is required in order to be able to uniquely identify the signal of interest. In this work, we focus our attention on discrete-time sparse signals (of length n). We first show that, if the DFT dimension is greater than or equal to 2n, then almost all signals with aperiodic support can be uniquely identified by their Fourier transform magnitude (up to time-shift, conjugate-flip and global phase). Then, we develop an efficient Two-stage Sparse Phase Retrieval algorithm (TSPR), which involves: (i) identifying the support, i.e., the locations of the non-zero components, of the signal using a combinatorial algorithm (ii) identifying the signal values in the support using a convex algorithm. We show that TSPR can provably recover most O(n^(1/2-ϵ)-sparse signals (up to a timeshift, conjugate-flip and global phase). We also show that, for most O(n^(1/4-ϵ)-sparse signals, the recovery is robust in the presence of measurement noise. These recovery guarantees are asymptotic in nature. Numerical experiments complement our theoretical analysis and verify the effectiveness of TSPR