340 research outputs found

    Blended learning model towards vocational students’ learning outcomes: A scoping review

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    The learning characteristic in the 21st century is the availability of information anywhere and anytime. Blended learning (BL) became the most widely used learning strategy in vocational education. However, the problem is the effectiveness of BL on student outcomes. This scoping review provides an overview of the implementation of the BL model on vocational students. The research questions in this review were: i) What type of BL was taken?; ii) How did the BL model works?; and iii) What was improved in student learning outcomes? The research method adopted the scoping review from Arksey & Markey. From the beginning, the research article data was taken from the Scopus database. The article selection using the PRISMA method obtained 32 articles from 4,298 articles. The results of the review showed that there were three types of BL models. The three types of BL were: i) The flipped classroom model; ii) The station-rotation model; and iii) The self-blend model. BL syntax that teachers most favored in nine ways, but mainly with the syntax: “Face-to-face (F2F) finished, after that online learning for enrichment”. Meanwhile, most of the articles improved learning outcomes in the cognitive domain

    The Influence of the Use of the Approach of Blended Learning Model Rotation Based Moodle on Motivation and Cognitive Abilities of Students in the Subjects of Physics

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    Students' motivation to learn is the main aspect to achieve student success. Based on the results of observation and interview, the learning motivation of students in SMA Negeri 2 Kutacane is still relatively less, so the impact on the low cognitive ability of the students. The purpose of this study is to see the influence of the approach blended learning type station rotation on differences in motivation and cognitive abilities after the study. This research use approach uses quasi-experiments design pretest-posttest control group design. The population of this research is all students of class XI, the sample taken is of class XI IPA 2 as the experimental class and XI IPA 3 as the control class. Using a data collection instrument sheet, questionnaires, and interviews to measure the motivation to learn and use the instrument on a test to measure the cognitive abilities of the students. The results of data analysis using t-test (independent sample t-test) show the differences in motivation and cognitive abilities of students with a significance of 0.000 < 0.05 means there is a significant difference between the motivation and ability of cognitive control and experimental classes. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is an influence of the use of the approach blended learning type station rotation motivation and cognitive abilities of the students.Motivasi belajar siswa sangatlah penting, karena motivasi dalam belajar merupakan aspek penunjang untuk mencapai keberhasilan prestasi yang dicapai. Namun berdasarkan hasil observasi dan wawancara, motivasi belajar siswa di salah satu sekolah masih relatif kurang berdampak terhadap prestasi belajar siswa salah satunya kemampuan kognitif. Metodologi dalam penelitian yang perlu dilakukan adalah pendekatan dengan menggunakan desain eksperimen semu dengan desain pretest posttest control group design yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan blended learning tipe station rotation terhadap motivasi dan kemampuan kognitif siswa pada mata pelajaran fisika di SMA Kutacane. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI yang sampelnya diambil secara purposive sampling yang terdiri dari kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar angket dan wawancara untuk mengukur motivasi belajar siswa dan menggunakan instrumen tes untuk mengukur kemampuan kognitif siswa. Hasil analisis data motivasi belajar siswa diperoleh signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05 dan hasil analisis uji t (independent sample t-test) diperoleh signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05 artinya terdapat perbedaan rata-rata signifikan kemampuan motivasi dan kognitif siswa pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Berdasarkan uji statistik menunjukkan adanya pengaruh penggunaan pendekatan blended learning tipe station rotation terhadap motivasi dan kemampuan kognitif siswa

    Blended Learning Station-Rotation Model: Does it Impact on Preservice Teachers' Scientific Literacy?

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    This study aims to test the effectiveness of the blended learning rotation model to improve the scientific literacy skill of prospective teacher students. The design of this study used the Posttest-only design with nonequivalent groups. The research subjects were 76 students majoring in biology education at Universitas Mataram. The research was done to two experimental groups, namely the blended learning station rotation model (BLSRM) and regular learning (RL). The research instrument used a multiple-choice test which refers to the aspects of scientific literacy competence according to PISA. The data analysis technique was carried out descriptively, complete with the Hotelling's T2 test to test the effect of BLSRM on students' scientific literacy skills. The results showed that students' scientific literacy skills were in the very low category (mean BLSRM = 38.50, RL = 34.22) and there was no effect of BLSRM on students' scientific literacy skills (Hotteling Trace = .098 and Sig. = .080). To improve students' scientific literacy skills, BLSRM needs to be combined with other models such as problem-solving model, so it can be an effective strategy in science learnin

    Using Flipped Learning to Teach English as an Additional Language in Higher Education: A case study

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    Aquesta tesi investiga com la Classe Invertida (CI) pot utilitzar-se amb exit per ensenyar angles com a !lengua addicional (ALA) a la universitat. Tot i que estudis recents sobre la CI han investigat la seva eficacia pel que fa a les habilitats de lectura i escriptura, es requereix d'un major enfocament en les habilitats d'escolta i parla. La principal troballa d'aquest estudi mostra que la CI és particularment efectiva per millorar les habilitats d'expressió oral deis estudiants. □'aquesta manera, aquest estudi contribueix significativament a comprendre millor la CI. El capítol 1 descriu els fonaments pedagogics de la CI, explora definicions i controversies al voltant de la CI. El capítol 2 mostra com la introducció de la tecnologia i els nous enfocaments d'ensenyament com la CI poden abordar la necessitat de flexibilitat, pensament crític, creativitat, col·laboració i comunicació deis estudiants. El capital 3 presenta la pregunta principal d'aquest estudi: com es pot utilitzar la CI amb exit per ensenyar ALA a la universitat? Aixo porta a dues preguntes subsidiaries: com la CI pot ser beneficiosa per millorar !'escolta i parla en ALA?, i com perceben la CI els estudiants? Per respondre a aquestes preguntes, es compara un grup d'estudi en una CI i un grup de control en una classe no invertida. Segons les troballes, el grup d'estudi mostra una petita millora, no estadísticament significativa, sobre el grup de control en les proves de comprensió auditiva realitzades abans i després del curs. No obstant aixo, el grup d'estudi sí que obté millors resultats que el grup de control en les proves de comprensió auditiva a meitat de curs. La troballa més important revela una millora significativa en les habilitats orals deis estudiants en el grup d'estudi. Aixo pot atribuir-se a l'ús de la CI. Al permetre que les activitats de comprensió auditiva ocorreguessin fora de l'aula, es va dedicar més temps a les activitats orals a l'aula. L'estudi també mostra comentaris molt positius sobre la CI per a la practica i aprenentatge de ALA. El capítol 4, resumeix les troballes clau, mostra certes limitacions i propasa estendre aquest enfocament de la CI al disseny universal per a programes d'aprenentatge.Esta tesis investiga cómo la Clase Invertida (CI) puede utilizarse con éxito para enseñar inglés como lengua adicional (ILA) en la universidad. Recientes estudios sobre la CI muestran sus beneficios en habilidades como la lectura y la escritura. Pero, otras habilidades como escuchar y hablar requieren también atención. El principal hallazgo de este estudio muestra que la CI es particularmente efectiva para mejorar las habilidades de expresión oral de los estudiantes. De esta forma, este estudio contribuye significativamente a comprender mejor la CI. El capítulo 1 describe los fundamentos pedagógicos de la CI, explora definiciones y controversias acerca de la CI. El capítulo 2 muestra cómo la introducción de la tecnología y los nuevos enfoques de enseñanza como la CI pueden abordar la necesidad de flexibilidad, pensamiento crítico, creatividad, colaboración y comunicación de los estudiantes. El capítulo 3 presenta la pregunta principal de este estudio: ¿Cómo se puede utilizar con éxito la CI para enseñar ILA en la universidad? Esto conlleva dos preguntas subsidiarias: ¿ Cómo la CI puede ser beneficiosa para mejorar las habilidades de escuchar y hablar en ILA?, y ¿Cómo perciben los estudiantes la CI? Para responder a estas preguntas, se compara un grupo de estudio en una CI y un grupo de control en una clase no invertida. Según los hallazgos, el grupo de estudio muestra una pequeña mejora, no estadísticamente significativa, sobre el grupo de control en las pruebas de comprensión auditiva realizadas antes y después del curso. Sin embargo, sí obtuvieron mejores resultados que el grupo de control en las pruebas de comprensión auditiva a mitad de curso. El hallazgo más importante revela una mejora significativa en las habilidades orales de los estudiantes el grupo de estudio atribuible al uso de la CI. Al permitir que las actividades de comprensión auditiva ocurrieran fuera del aula, se dedicó más tiempo a las actividades orales en el aula. El estudio muestra comentarios positivos acerca de la CI para la práctica y aprendizaje de ILA. El capítulo 4, resume los hallazgos clave, muestra ciertas limitaciones y propone extender este enfoque de la CI al diseño universal para programas de aprendizaje.This thesis investigates how the Flipped Classroom (FC) can be successfully used to teach English as an Additional Language (EAL) in higher education. While recent scholarship on the FC has investigated the effectiveness of the FC with regard to reading and writing skills, a greater focus on listening and speaking skills is required. The main findings of this study show that the FC can be particularly effective at improving students' speaking skills, and thus makes a significant contribution to our understanding of how the FC works. In Chapter 1, 1 describe the pedagogical foundations of the FC, explore definitions and controversies surrounding the FC, flipped learning and the concept of flipped mastery. Chapter 2 describes how the introduction of technology and new teaching approaches such as the FC has emerged to address students' need for flexibility, critica! thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication. In Chapter 3, 1 present the main research question: How can the FC be successfully used to teach EAL at university? This leads to' two subsidiary questions: How can a FC approach be beneficia! for listening and speaking skills? and How do students perceive the FC? To answer these questions a FC study group and a non-flipped control group are compared. The findings show that the study group exhibited a small but not statistically significant improvement over the control group in pre- and post­course listening tests but it obtained better results than the control group in mid-course tests. The most important finding revealed that in pre- and post-course speaking tests, there was a significant improvement in the FC students' oral skills. This improvement seems to be attributable to the greater amount of time dedicated to speaking activities in class as a result of listening activities being completed off campus. The findings also show positive feedback from students regarding the usefulness of the FC as a means to progress in their learning of English. In addition to summarizing key findings in Chapter 4, 1 also recognize certain limitations of the study and propose extending this FC approach to universal design for learning programmes (UDL)

    University Instructors Beliefs, Attitudes, and Practices Across Stem and Non-Stem Blended Courses

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    The rising trend of blended learning in higher education has benefited student engagement and learning across all disciplines. Universities have facilitated and encouraged teaching and learning centers to offer technology-based professional development workshops and help to instructors, yet blended instructional practices do not always fall in line with the anticipated success of these new initiatives. It is suggested that instructors' blended practices across disciplines are influenced by their epistemological beliefs (about the nature of knowledge), pedagogical beliefs (conceptions of teaching and learning), and their attitudes towards technology in blended courses. These relationships between instructors' beliefs, attitudes, and practices may vary further across disciplines. This mixed-methods study shed light on and explored the relationship among instructors' beliefs, attitudes, and practices in several ways and compared and contrasted them across STEM and non-STEM instructors. Using a socio-constructive and socio-cultural framework and drawing from Fishbein and Ajzen's belief and attitude theory, this study explores the relationship between instructors' epistemological and pedagogical beliefs, their attitudes towards technology and their blended practices. A survey with seventy instructors teaching blended courses in a university in Southwestern Canada was conducted using the online survey platform Qualtrics. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with twenty-four instructors across STEM and non-STEM blended course, followed by one to four classroom observations of fifteen instructors. Findings show how instructors' epistemological and pedagogical beliefs are related to their practices and how their attitudes towards technology intertwine within their beliefs and practices. Additionally, this study offers implications for universities investing in blended courses and STEM and non-STEM instructors and designers for blended courses


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    This phenomenological study explored fourth-grade students\u27 perspectives on the barriers and successes they experienced in flexible blended learning. Focus group interviews were conducted to gain insight into the students\u27 motivation, perceived barriers, possible changes, and their own skills and characteristics for success. Thematic analysis was used to identify themes that addressed the research questions. Students identified several barriers to participation in flexible blended learning. Internal distractions, such as losing focus, and external distractions caused by disruptive behavior by classmates were barriers. Students found video lessons to be passive learning experiences that lacked flexibility. Technology problems and glitches were also identified as a hindrance to their learning progress, leading to frustration and affecting their motivation. Despite these barriers, the students identified several motivating aspects of flexible blended learning, such as autonomy, mastery, and self-directed learning. Gamification was also mentioned as an engagement tool, with students finding computer games and software fun and engaging. Time management and work completion were identified as essential success characteristics, along with the need to manage time effectively, prioritize tasks, and do easier tasks first before moving on to harder ones. Respect and responsibility were also mentioned as crucial characteristics for success in flexible blended learning. The students also discussed changes they would like to see in the flexible blended learning classroom, with the main theme being the need for more flexibility and adaptability in the learning experience. They also expressed a desire for more teacher support and guidance, particularly with independent work. Overall, this study contributes to the current knowledge on elementary students\u27 feelings and experiences in flexible blended learning environments. The findings can be used to inform the development of strategies to support students\u27 engagement and success in flexible blended learning. Further research is needed to explore how teachers can provide effective support and guidance to students in these environments, and how to balance the need for structure and flexibility in the learning experience

    Experience of blended learning at King Khalid University in Saudi Arabia among students, lecturers and academic leaders : implications for educational planning and learning process strategy

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    This research explores the experiences of blended learning and its implication for higher education planning at King Khalid University (KKU) within the context of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The study is based on the perspectives of key stakeholders in KSA comprising academic leaders, lecturers and students. KKU was chosen to conduct the case study, and is where the research investigated the views and perceptions of its students, lecturers and academic leaders in order to ascertain their experiences and perceptions of blended learning, and examine its impact. The study is motivated by the need to get insight into the status and implications of blended learning in KSA since it is at an early phase of implementation. The study seeks to provide a contextual assessment of blended learning by exploring the benefits and challenges present in the higher education ecosystem. A mixed method approach has been adopted in which quantitative and qualitative methods have been applied. Data collection includes a survey questionnaire involving 76 students, interviews with six of them, and five further interviews with lecturers and academic leaders. The findings of the study reveal the perceived level of proficiency with blended learning devices affects students’ perceptions of blended learning; that it particularly enhances interactions and communication between lecturers and students since learning was not limited to the physical classroom settings only. Although it saved time for the students and their lecturers at KKU, blended learning was constrained by a weak infrastructure, such as a weak internet connection and lack of devices that limits its applicability. These challenges affected the interaction of the students learning through blended learning, and may be an impediment to its effectiveness in higher education learning. It is imperative that the aforementioned challenges that students and lecturers encounter in blended learning be resolved to motivate students who may be resigned to face-to-face classroom learning due to these challenges. A positive perception of blended learning is informed by its perceived usefulness to lecturers and students notwithstanding the challenges that make students prefer traditional modes of learning. However, given the benefits that the KKU learning community perceives in blended learning, it is imperative that the administrators move swiftly to improve the underlying infrastructure for blended learning to make it more appealing to students. This may motivate more students to embrace blended learning, as it provides benefits of both classroom and distance learning. There is also a need for improving awareness and training of lecturers and students in order to prepare them more adequately for effectively utilising the technology to maintain a blended learning environment

    Blended Learning Integration: Student Motivation and Autonomy in a Blended Learning Environment

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze teacher perceptions on the relationship of technology and student academic behaviors and performance in the blended learning environment across 9th through 12th grade within east Tennessee and to identify the components of blended learning and pedagogical practices that enhance students’ academic behaviors. Specifically, this study is an analysis of how student motivation and student autonomy relate to technology implementation and face-to-face instruction within blended learning environments. The participants of this study were teachers within 2 school districts in East Tennessee. All high school teachers within the participating school districts received an online survey that was distributed from their corresponding principals via email. The online survey used a Likert-type scale that consisted of 40 items focused on teachers’ perceptions of student motivation and student autonomy with the blended learning environment. The analysis of the data was based on the responses of 75 teachers from the 2 participating school districts. Statistical analyses of the data revealed that the amount of teacher technology use, student technology use, learning management system use, and type of professional development did not have a significant relationship with participants’ perspective of student motivation or student autonomy. The research also did not reveal a significant relationship between participants’ age and perception of student motivation. However, this research revealed a significant relationship between participant age and participants’ perception of student autonomy. The study revealed that, as participant age increased, participants’ mean student autonomy scores decreased