7 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Kuliah Kerja Nyata Information System for Higher Education

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    This paper explores the implementation of a Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Information System for Higher Education. The KKN program is a mandatory community engagement program for Indonesian university students, which requires careful management and coordination between universities, students, and community partners. The paper discusses the benefits of implementing a KKN Information System, which can streamline the process of managing student placements, community partnerships, and program logistics. The paper also presents various research methods, such as system design, database design, information system design, testing, evaluation, and improvement, which can be used to effectively develop, test, and refine the KKN Information System to meet the specific needs of the university and its stakeholders. Ultimately, the implementation of a KKN Information System can help universities better manage their KKN programs, while providing students with a more meaningful and impactful community engagement experience


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    Learning the Qur'an is an obligation for every believer. The process of memorizing the Qur'an uses a special memorization method that is different in each cottage, but the application of the method or method of memorizing cannot be used by general beginner memorizers, so it will make the memorization process hampered or feel heavy. Therefore, this study developed an application to assist believers in memorizing the Qur'an. Utilization of android-based smartphone applications can help and facilitate people who want to memorize the Qur'an. The research approach model used is qualitative with data collection techniques namely observation, interviews, literature study. While the software development model is the waterfall model. The results of this study are the Hafidz.id application for memorizing the Qur'an using android technology that can be accessed online and offline with audio features, verse text, images, translations and the addition of asbabun nuzul/stories that support Arabic text. There are two views, namely hafiz kids and formal, there is a memorization model that is applied per verse (one verse in one scene). This application has successfully passed the system testing process using black box testing and got successful results in all tests.Belajar Al-Qur’an merupakan kewajiban bagi setiap mukmin. Proses menghafal Al-Qur’an menggunakan metode hafalan khusus yang berbeda di setiap pondok, namun penerapan metode atau cara menghafal tersebut tidak dapat digunakan oleh para penghafal pemula dari umum, sehingga akan membuat proses menghafal menjadi terhambat atau terasa berat. Maka dari itu penelitian ini melakukan pengembangan aplikasi untuk membantu mukmin dalam menghafal al-qur’an. Pemanfaatan aplikasi smartphone berbasis android bisa membantu dan memudahkan masyarakat yang ingin menghafal al-qur’an. Model pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data yakni observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka. Sedangkan model pengembangan perangkat lunak yaitu model waterfall. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah aplikasi Hafidz.id untuk menghafal al-qur’an menggunakan teknologi android yang bisa diakses secara online maupun offline dengan fitur audio, teks ayat, gambar, terjemahan serta penambahan asbabun nuzul/kisah yang support dengan teks bahasa Arab. Terdapat dua tampilan yaitu hafiz kids dan formal, terdapat model hafalan yang diterapkan per ayat (satu ayat dalam satu scene). Aplikasi ini telah berhasil melewati proses pengujian sistem yakni menggunakan pengujian black box dan mendapatkan hasil sukses di semua pengujian

    Implementasi Dashboard Reporting Websocket dengan Event Regression Test Berbasis Web Menggunakan Algoritma FIFO

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    Websocket merupakan standar baru untuk komunikasi full-duplex. Websocket yang diimplementasikan perlu untuk dilakukan testing guna melihat kesesuaian fungsi yang dibuat. Testing menggunakan metode regression test membutuhkan waktu yang lama jika dilakukan manual. Websocket yang terintegrasi automation regression test diduga mampu menyelesaikan masalah yang ada saat ini. penelitian ini akan melakukan implementasi dashboard reporting websocket event regression test berbasis web menggunakan algoritma FIFO (First In First Out). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah aplikasi dashboard reporting yang mampu memudahkan admin dalam melakukan pengawasan dan penarikan data serta disajikan dalam bentuk visualisasi dan grafik yang dapat dianalisis. Automation regression test mempermudah proses testing. Algoritma FIFO mampu memproses antrian data yang di testing. Dashboard reporting memiliki fitur test case dan penjadwalan testing. Hasil percobaan pertama websocket testing hanya membuka koneksi saja dan tidak melakukan penutupan koneksi ke websocket eksternal, akan tetapi setelah pengujian kedua semuanya berjalan sesuai yang diinginkan. Dashboard reporting websocket yang dibuat diharapkan mampu mempermuda pihak PT. Tokopedia dalam melihat hasil testing secara cepat dan akurat

    Web service testing techniques: A systematic literature review

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    These days continual demands on loosely coupled systems have web service gives basic necessities to deliver resolution that are adaptable and sufficient to be work at runtime for maintaining the high quality of the system. One of the basic techniques to evaluate the quality of such systems is through testing. Due to the rapid popularization of web service, which is progressing and continuously increasing, testing of web service has become a basic necessity to maintain high quality of web service. The testing of the performance of Web service based applications is attracting extensive attention. In order to evaluate the performance of web services, it is essential to evaluate the QoS (Quality of Service) attributes such as interoperability, reusability, auditability, maintainability, accuracy and performance to improve the quality of service. The purpose of this study is to introduce the systematic literature review of web services testing techniques to evaluate the QoS attributes to make the testing technique better. With the intention of better testing quality in web services, this systematic literature review intends to evaluate what QoS parameters are necessary to provide better quality assurance. The focus of systematic literature is also to make sure that quality of testing can be encouraged for the present and future. Consequently, the main attention and motivation of the study is to provide an overview of recent research efforts of web service testing techniques from the research community. Each testing technique in web services has identified apparent standards, benefits, and restrictions. This systemic literature review provides a different testing resolution to industry to decide which testing technique is the most efficient and effective with the testing assignment agenda with available resources. As for the significance, it can be said that web service testing technique are still broadly open for improvements

    Web applications testing techniques: a systematic mapping study

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    Due to the importance of Web application testing techniques for detecting faults and assessing quality attributes, many research papers were published in this field. For this reason, it became essential to analyse, classify and summarize the research in the field. The main goal of this research is to provide a classification or categorization of Web applications testing techniques or approaches to help researchers and practitioners to understand the current state-of-the-art in this field and find it easier to focus their research on the areas that had received less attention. To achieve this goal, this research conducted a systematic mapping study on 98 research papers in the field of Web applications testing published between 2008 and 2021. This mapping study resulted in a classification schema that categorizes the papers in this field into: model-based testing category, security testing category, and other types of testing categories. In model-based testing of Web applications, research papers were classified according to the model used for test data generation, while the research papers in the field of Web applications security testing were classified according to the targeted vulnerability. The results showed that the most commonly used Web applications testing techniques in literature are model-based testing and security testing. Besides, the most commonly used models in model-based testing are finite-state machines. The most targeted vulnerability in security testing is SQL injection. Test automation is the most targeted testing goal in both model-based and security testing. For other Web applications testing techniques, the main goals of testing were test automation, test coverage, and assessing security quality attributes

    Improvements of and Extensions to FSMWeb: Testing Mobile Apps

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    A mobile application is a software program that runs on mobile device. In 2017, 178.1 billion mobile apps downloaded and the number is expected to grow to 258.2 billion app downloads in 2022 [19]. The number of app downloads poses a challenge for mobile application testers to find the right approach to test apps. This dissertation extends the FSMWeb approach for testing web applications [50] to test mobile applications (FSMApp). During the process of analyzing FSMWeb how it could be extended to test Mobile Apps, a number of shortcomings were detected which we improved upon. We discuss these first. We present an approach to generate black-box tests to test fail-safe behavior for web applications. We apply the approach to a large commercial web application. The approach uses a functional (behavioral) model to generate tests. It then determines at which states in the execution of behavioral test failures can occur and what mitigation requirements need to be tested. Mitigation requirements are used to build mitigation models for each failure type. From those mitigation models failure mitigation tests are generated. Next, this dissertation provides an approach for selective black-box model-based fail-safe regression testing for web applications. It classifies existing tests and test requirements as reusable, retestable, and obsolete. Removing reusable test requirements reduces test requirements between 49% to 65% in the case study. The approach also uses partial regeneration for new tests wherever possible. Third, we present the new FSMApp approach to test mobile applications and compare the approach with several other approaches [88, 37]. A number of case studies explore applicability, scalability, effectiveness, and efficiency of FSMApp with other approaches. Future work makes suggestion on how to improve test generation and execution efficiency with FSMApp

    Exploring Software Testing Strategies Used on Software Applications in the Government

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    Developing a defect-free software application is a challenging task. Despite many years of experience, the intense development of reliable software remains a challenge. For this reason, software defects identified at the end of the testing phase are more expensive than those detected sooner. The purpose of this multiple case study is to explore the testing strategies software developers use to ensure the reliability of software applications in the government contracting industry. The target population consisted of software developers from 3 government contracting organizations located along the East Coast region of the United States. Lehman’s laws of software evolution was the conceptual framework. The data collection process included semistructured interviews with software developers (n = 10), including a review of organizational documents (n = 77). Thematic analysis was used to identify patterns and codes from the interviews. Member checking activities were triangulated with organizational documents to produce 4 major themes: (a) communication and collaboration with all stakeholders, (b) development of well-defined requirements, (c) focus on thorough documentation, and (d) focus on automation testing. The results of this study may contribute to information about testing strategies that may help organizations improve or enhance their testing practices. The results of this study may serve as a foundation for positive social change by potentially improving citizens’ experience with government software applications as a result of potential improvement in software testing practice