57 research outputs found

    Bitcoin Transaction Malleability and MtGox

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    In Bitcoin, transaction malleability describes the fact that the signatures that prove the ownership of bitcoins being transferred in a transaction do not provide any integrity guarantee for the signatures themselves. This allows an attacker to mount a malleability attack in which it intercepts, modifies, and rebroadcasts a transaction, causing the transaction issuer to believe that the original transaction was not confirmed. In February 2014 MtGox, once the largest Bitcoin exchange, closed and filed for bankruptcy claiming that attackers used malleability attacks to drain its accounts. In this work we use traces of the Bitcoin network for over a year preceding the filing to show that, while the problem is real, there was no widespread use of malleability attacks before the closure of MtGox


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    В даній статті наведено детальний аналіз принципів технології Blockchain. На сьогоднішній день переважна кількість інформації про цю мережу являється поверхневою [10, 11, 13, 14, 17]. У своїй роботі я аналізую, яким чином ця технологія забезпечує захищеність, розподіленість і відкритість. А також, на відміну від попередніх дослідників, які розглядають лише прості атаки на блокчейн [1, 3, 12, 15, 16, ], я приводжу приклад найнебезпечніших дій зловмисних учасників. Данна стаття буде достатньо цікавою для читачі, що уже "в темі”, адже відкриває нові горизонти в розумінні Blockchain. Ключові слова: технологія blockchain, блокчейн, технологія Накомото, блок, майнер, учасники, записи, ключ, принципи. Данильчук Р. К., кандидат технических наук, Жураковская О. С. Анализ основных принципов технологии blockchain / Национальный технический университет Украины «Киевский политехнический институт имени Игоря Сикорского», Украина, Киев В данной статье приведен подробный анализ принципов технологии Blockchain. На сегодняшний день подавляющее количество информации об этой сети является поверхностной [10, 11, 13, 14, 17]. В своей работе я анализирую, каким образом эта технология обеспечивает защищенность, распределенность и открытость. А также, в отличие от предыдущих исследователей, рассматривающих только простые атаки на блокчейн [1, 3, 12, 15, 16,], я привожу пример опасных действий вредоносных участников. Данная статья будет достаточно интересной для читателей, которые уже "в теме", ведь открывает новые горизонты в понимании Blockchain.Ключевые слова: технология blockchain, блокчейн, технология Накомото, блок, майнер, участники, записи, ключ, принципы. R. Danylchuk, PhD, senior lecturer, O. Zhurakovska Analysis of the basic principles of blockchain technology / National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine, Kyiv This article provides a detailed analysis of the principles of Blockchain technology. To date, the vast majority of information on this network is superficial. In my work, I analyze how this technology provides security, distribution and openness. And also, unlike previous researchers who consider only simple attacks on blockade, I give an example of the most dangerous actions of malicious participants. This article will be interesting enough for the reader, which is already "in the topic", because it opens new horizons in the sense of Blockchain.Key words: technology blockchain, blockade, technology Nakomoto, block, minaret, participants, records, key, principles.

    Artificial intelligence and blockchain in online education

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    Risks and opportunities in arbitrage and market-making in blockchain-based currency markets. Part 1 : Risks

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    This study provides a practical introduction to high-frequency trading in blockchain-based currency markets. These types of markets have some specific characteristics that differentiate them from the stock markets, such as a large number of trading exchanges (centralized and decentralized), relative simplicity in moving funds from one exchange to another, and the large number of new currencies that have very little liquidity. This study analyzes the possible risks that specifically characterize this type of trading operation, the potential opportunities, and the algorithms that are mostly used, providing information that can be useful for practitioners who intend to operate in these markets by providing (and risking) liquidity

    Blockchain and Smart Contract Engineering

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    Blockchains help to build trust among a decentralized network of unknown and untrusted peers who need to agree on a common protocol and trust the correctness and compatibility of the corresponding software implementations. The software engineering discipline cannot ignore this trend, as it fundamentally affects the way software is designed, developed, deployed, and delivered.1 As with the emergence of the Internet, software smart contracts for solving new classes of real-world problems, as opposed to introducing blockchains everywhere, where they may be unnecessary, or provide an inefficient and environmentally unsound solution.


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    This study is a literature review study aims to compare government policies towards Bitcoin as a digital currency. The government policies studied were the policies of the American, British, Japanese and Indonesian. The data collected were the data of legislation and the results of previous studies. The results of this study found that each country has different policies regarding digital currencies. In America and Singapore, digital currency is considered property and only applies to some circles and areas. Meanwhile, Japan and Indonesia have the similar policy in which prohibiting the use of digital currency as a means of payment. However, this policy is still under review. This study concludes that every country continues to use conventional money as the main means of payment, although it is possible that there will be policy changes in the future. Currently, each country has also conducted special studies on digital currency because there is the possibility of using digital currency for money laundering crimes

    Systematic review of the literature, research on blockchain technology as support to the trust model proposed applied to smart places

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    The smart places are vulnerable with corrupted or compromised data, with the false integration of new devices, and devices with firmware versions inconsistent. These risks worsen with the increasing volume and diversity of data, devices, infrastructures and users connected to the Web. The systematic review of the literature were selected 190 documents, which reveals the growing interest on the theme of blockchain technology with the publication of 14 documents in 2014 to about 100 already in 2017. The articles focused on the areas bitcoin (about 40%), IoT (about 30%), financial (about 15%), cryptocurrencies, electronic government (about 12%), smart contracts, smart cities, business (with about 10% each) and health (about 5%). This perspective confirms the generic model study data supported in blockchain technology for smart places, especially when applied to smart cities and the specific field of the mobility ecosystem, with the use of the new concepts of the application of blockchain in IoT, smart contracts and e-governance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Blockchain transaction analysis using dominant sets

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    Blockchain is an emerging backbone technology behind different crypto-currencies. It can also be used for other purposes and areas. There are different scalability issues associated with blockchain. It is important to know the in depth structure of blockchain by identifying common behaviors of the transactions and the effect of these behaviors on the nodes of the network. Dominant set approach can categorize the blockchain transactions into different clusters without mentioning number of clusters in advance. The experimental evaluation of blockchain transactions shows better clustering accuracy of dominant set approach than existing method of central clustering approach