785 research outputs found

    Bitcoin Exchange Addresses Identification and Its Application in Online Drug Trading Regulation

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    A typical example of the impact of the use of Bitcoin on smart health is the darknet market, the website for Bitcoin-based drug sales, and the anonymity exacerbates regulatory difficulties. Bitcoin exchanges are critical portals that link the physical world with cyberspace through buying and selling Bitcoins using fiat money, such as USD and Euro. Thus, identifying exchange addresses in the Bitcoin transaction network is the primary step to detect drug trading in darknet markets. In this paper, we first validate that the exchange addresses are identifiable. Then we propose identification methods based on embedding representation of transaction network. Experimental results on a dataset with records of one-week transactions validated the effectiveness of our method. This work will offer the basis for subsequent applications in smart health

    Sex, drugs, and bitcoin:How much illegal activity Is financed through cryptocurrencies?

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    © The Author(s) 2019. Cryptocurrencies are among the largest unregulated markets in the world. We find that approximately one-quarter of bitcoin users are involved in illegal activity.We estimate that around 76 billion of illegal activity per year involve bitcoin (46% of bitcoin transactions), which is close to the scale of the U.S. and European markets for illegal drugs. The illegal share of bitcoin activity declines with mainstream interest in bitcoin and with the emergence of more opaque cryptocurrencies. The techniques developed in this paper have applications in cryptocurrency surveillance. Our findings suggest that cryptocurrencies are transforming the black markets by enabling black e-commerce. (JEL G18, O31, O32, O33)

    Cryptocurrency and its forensic significance

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    Cryptocurrency is a relatively new form of investment. Its concept was first introduced in 2009, and has grown ever since. To this day, there are thousands of cryptocurrencies. Just as other currencies, cryptocurrency can be related to a crime. Ever since its introduction nearly a decade ago, there have been crimes where cryptocurrency are related. According to ACIC’s crime types, cryptocurrency are related to two crime categories: cybercrime, and illicit drugs. There are also other cases where the type of crimes is not listed as a part of ACIC’s. In response to the crimes that have occurred throughout the years, several governments have moved to establish laws regarding cryptocurrency. Some governments chose to ban cryptocurrency completely, whereas others opted for regulation

    Cryptocurrencies as a subject of financial fraud

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    CEL: Celem głównym niniejszego opracowania jest identyfikacja aktualnego zakresu badań dotyczących kryptowalut jako przedmiotu nadużyć finansowych. Szczegółowe pytania badawcze odnosiły się do prezentacji najważniejszych kierunków tematycznych prowadzonych badań oraz zdefiniowania potencjalnych możliwości dalszej analizy tego tematu. Jedno z pytań wiązało się również z identyfikacją najbardziej popularnych oszustw przeprowadzanych z użyciem kryptowalut. METODYKA: Artykuł opiera się na systematycznym przeglądzie literatury (SLR) przeprowadzonym dla 57 publikacji dostępnych w bazie Scopus. Dokonano bibliometrycznej oraz opisowej analizy wybranych pozycji literatury przedmiotu. Następnie wydzielono główne klastry tematyczne i dokonano pogłębionej analizy ich treści. WYNIKI: Szczegółowa analiza bibliometryczna i opisowa pokazała, że tematyka kryptowalut jako przedmiotu nadużyć finansowych jest generalnie nowym obszarem badań naukowych, choć rozwija się dość intensywnie. Relatywnie mała liczba publikacji w porównaniu z innymi podobnymi obszarami pokazuje również, że ten temat nie jest jeszcze tak mocno eksplorowany przez naukowców i można w nim rozwijać wiele różnych trendów badawczych. Ostatecznie zidentyfikowano następujące kluczowe obszary badawcze: rodzaje oszustw kryptowalutowych, metody wykrywania nadużyć, ryzyka związane z technologią blockchain, pranie brudnych pieniędzy oraz regulacje prawne dotyczące kryptowalut. Udało się również ustalić, że obecnie najczęściej występującym przestępstwem jest pranie pieniędzy. Zwrócono jednak uwagę, że drugim dość częstym oszustwem są piramidy finansowe oparte na schemacie Ponziego. IMPLIKACJE: W artykule wyraźnie przedstawiono główne trendy badawcze dotyczące wykorzystania kryptowalut w działalności przestępczej. Jednocześnie podkreślono, że w porównaniu do innych obszarów badawczych niniejsza tematyka jest stosunkowo nowa. Powstaje zatem szeroka możliwość eksploracji nie tylko istniejących, ale również nie odkrytych do tej pory nurtów badawczych. Ponadto zidentyfikowano kluczowe rodzaje oszustw w praktyce gospodarczej, co jest szczególnie istotne dla uczestników rynków finansowych. Wyraźnie wskazano bowiem, które transakcje są obarczone największym ryzykiem. Warto również zwrócić uwagę na istotną aktualność tematu, gdyż skala przestępczości z udziałem kryptowalut ostatnio gwałtownie rośnie. Opracowanie potwierdza niedostateczny zakres regulacji prawnych, które nie są w stanie odpowiednio wzmocnić bezpieczeństwa obrotu gospodarczego. Może być zatem jasnym wskazaniem dla rządów poszczególnych państw, czy też instytucji międzynarodowych do dalszych sprawnych zmian przepisów prawa. ORYGINALNOŚĆ I WARTOŚĆ: Naukowy wkład niniejszego opracowania jest potrójny. Po pierwsze, jest to jeden z pierwszych artykułów badawczych prezentujący wyniki systematycznego przeglądu literatury (SLR) połączonego z analizą bibliograficzną oraz pogłębioną analizą treści publikacji. Podczas pracy zastosowano również oprogramowanie VOSviewer, które umożliwiło obiektywną identyfikację głównych klastrów tematycznych opartą na occurrences and link strength of keywords ujętych w publikacjach. Po drugie, zidentyfikowano kluczowe rodzaje oszustw, które jednocześnie powodują największe straty finansowe. Wyznaczono również kierunki dalszych badań, które mają głębokie praktyczne implikacje dla uczestników rynku. Niektóre z nich dotyczą bowiem konieczności opracowywania i wdrażania nowoczesnych aplikacji komputerowych, pozwalających na wykrywanie szerszego zakresu pojawiających się nadużyć.PURPOSE: The main purpose of this paper was to identify the current scope of research on cryptocurrencies as a subject of fraud. Detailed research questions related to the determination of contemporary trends of the conducted research and the definition of potential opportunities for further investigation of this topic. One of the questions also concerned identifying the most common crimes committed using cryptocurrencies. METHODOLOGY: The study is based on a systematic literature review (SLR) of 57 publications available on the Scopus database. A bibliometric and descriptive analysis of selected literature items was carried out. Then, vital thematic clusters were separated, and an in-depth content analysis was performed. FINDINGS: The detailed bibliometric and descriptive analysis showed that cryptocurrencies as a subject of financial fraud are generally a new area of scientific research, although it is developing quite intensively. The relatively small number of publications, compared to other similar areas, also indicates that this topic has not yet been explored widely by scientists, and many different research trends can be created in it. Ultimately, the following key research areas were identified: types of cryptocurrency fraud, crime detection methods, risks related to blockchain technology, money laundering, and legal regulations regarding cryptocurrencies. It was also possible to identify that money laundering is currently the most common fraud. However, it has been pointed out that the second most frequent fraud is financial pyramids based on the Ponzi scheme. IMPLICATIONS: The paper clearly presents the main research trends on using cryptocurrencies in criminal activities. At the same time, it was emphasized that, compared to other research areas, this topic is relatively new. Therefore, there is a wide possibility of exploring not only existing but also undiscovered research trends. In addition, key types of fraud in economic practice have been identified, which is particularly important for financial market participants. It was clearly indicated which transactions bear the highest risk. It is also worth paying attention to the critical timeliness of the topic, as the scale of crimes involving cryptocurrencies has recently been growing rapidly. The study confirms the insufficient scope of legal regulations, which are not able to strengthen the security of economic transactions adequately. Therefore, it can be a clear indication for the governments of individual countries or international institutions for further efficient changes to the law. ORIGINALITY AND VALUE: The contribution of this study is threefold. It is one of the first research papers showing the results of a systematic literature review (SLR) combined with a bibliographic and in-depth analysis of the content of publications in this field. During the work, the VOSviewer software was also used, which enabled objective identification of the main thematic clusters based on the occurrences and link strength of keywords included in the publications. Secondly, the key types of fraud have been identified that, at the same time, cause the most significant financial loss. This allowed for the establishing of directions for further research, which have profound practical implications for market participants. Some of them relate to the need to develop and implement modern computer applications, allowing for the detection of a wider range of emerging abuses

    AML/CFT regulations of EU in the age of virtual currency

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    Dissertação de mestrado em European and Transglobal Business LawGlobal consideration on money laundering has its origins in narco-trafficking of 1980s which raised public awareness and took international regulatory body’s attention. Throughout time, due to the socio-economic and political context, legislations on money laundering were transformed in order to introduce an efficient response to new issues. As a need in the aftermath of 9/11, counter-financing of terrorism (CFT) was included in the scope of anti-money laundering (AML) legislations, due to the intertwined nature of these two criminal matters. A new challenge to the AML/CFT legislations was introduced by the technological developments and the emergence of virtual currency. Appearing as an alternative, fast, easy and cheap non-cash payment method, its relation with criminal activities, widespread usage and unregulated operations raised concerns. When traditional approaches to the fight against money laundering and financing of terrorism were circumvented by pseudo-anonymous and decentralized nature of new transaction methods, existing legislations were forced to be transformed once more. European Union, taking its powers for regulating criminal matters from the Treaty of the Functioning of European Union (TFEU), proposed an amendment to the 4th AML, with the purpose of reducing anonymity of virtual currency. Not being accepted yet, its ability to produce an adequate respond to challenges, due to the special nature of virtual currency, is questionable. This thesis analyse European Union’s current Anti-Money Laundering legislation and its responsiveness to the characteristics of virtual currency that are attributable to the risks, with particular attention to crypto-currency, through a critical perspective. It aimed to raise awareness of the subject matter and contribute to the future of AML/CFT reuglations of the EU.A preocupação internacional com o branqueamento de capitais está ligada ao narcotráfico da década de oitenta. Ao longo do tempo e devido ao contexto sócio económico e político, a legislação relacionada com o branqueamento de capitais foi sendo adaptada, permitindo introduzir uma resposta mais eficiente aos novos desafios. Isto foi particularmente visível na sequência dos ataques de 11 de setembro, momento a partir do qual a prevenção do financiamento do terrorismo passou a estar incluída no domínio do branqueamento de capitais, atendendo à ligação próxima entre estes dois fenómenos. Um novo desafio à legislação sobre branqueamento de capitais surgiu como desenvolvimento tecnológico, nomeadamente com o aparecimento de cripto-moedas. As moedas virtuais surgiram como uma alternativa rápida, fácil e pouco dispendiosa, para realizar pagamentos. Porém, a sua associação a atividades criminosas, uso generalizado e ausência de regulamentação própria conduziram a fortes preocupações por parte das entidades reguladoras. As abordagens tradicionais de combate à lavagem de dinheiro e financiamento do terrorismo tornaram-se obsoletas perante a natureza descentralizada e pseudoanónima destes novos métodos de transações, demandando uma reforma célere da legislação existente. A União Europeia, utilizando o Tratado sobre o Funcionamento da União Europeia como forma de fundamentar os seus poderes, propôs uma alteração à diretiva 4.ª AML, com o objetivo de reduzir o anonimato das cripto-moedas. Não tendo sido ainda aprovada, a capacidade desta alteração produzir a resposta adequada aos desafios apresentados pela natureza especial das moedas virtuais é, no mínimo, questionável. O trabalho aqui apresentado analisa a atual legislação europeia contra o branqueamento de capitais e a sua capacidade de responder às características das moedas virtuais, às quais se atribui um elevado risco. Tem também como objetivo salientar questões relativas a esta temática e despertar maior interesse, assim como contribuir para o futuro da regulamentação AML/CFT da União Europeia

    Virtual Currencies Bitcoin & What Now After Liberty Reserve, Silk Road, and Mt. Gox?

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    During 2013, the U.S. Treasury Department evoked the first use of the 2001 Patriot Act to exclude virtual currency provider Liberty Reserve from the U.S. financial system. This article will discuss: the regulation of virtual currencies, cybercrimes and payment systems, darknets, Tor and the “deep web,” Bitcoin; Liberty Reserve, Silk Road, and Mt. Gox. Virtual currencies have quickly become a reality, gaining significant traction in a very short period of time, and are evolving rapidly

    Developing an effective regulatory framework for virtual currencies in Mauritius

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    It is widely accepted that virtual currencies have the potential of revolutionising the global finance sector. The potential of bitcoin has been recognised by corporate organisations and governments. With the continuing growth of bitcoin as a cryptocurrency, its regulatory regime has become crucial in determining the fate of this novel system of exchange. The global economic crisis and pandemic situation of 2020 is turning industries towards adoption of digital and virtual currencies. Although bitcoins have been regarded as the pioneer of decentralized peer to peer virtual currencies, there remains uncertainties in various countries as to whether they should embrace, devise new regulations or completely outlaw the digital currency. It has been recognised that Mauritius has the potential of acting as a Financial Technology (Fintech) hub for the African and surrounding regions through the rapid development and adoption of technology.For this to become possible, the current regulatory framework of Mauritius must be updated to reflect the continuing innovating changes in this area. So far, Mauritius has not yet implemented any specific regulations to address the use of Blockchain, bitcoins and cryptocurrencies in its jurisdiction. The only related legal framework currently being used in this area is the Regulatory Sandbox Licensing Scheme implemented by the Board of Investment Mauritius ("BOI"). It offers the possibility for investors to conduct their businesses in an area where there exists no legal framework or inadequate provisions under existing Mauritian legislation. In this research paper, the different regulatory frameworks of United States,Canada and China will be assessed to serve as a comparative analysis to examine the nature of their regulatory regimes.These jurisdictions have been chosen as they have been in the forefront of bringing significant regulatory changes, which has not been the case in any countries in Africa or Indian Ocean. These will be used to address the question as to whether there are any existing legal frameworks from other jurisdictions that can be customised or adapted for incorporation into the jurisdiction of Mauritius

    Do We Need KYC/AML: The Bank Secrecy Act and Virtual Currency Exchanges

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    Technology is moving faster than government or law can keep up. It\u27s moving faster than you can keep up: you should be asking the question of what are your rights and who owns your data. - Gus Hunt, 2013 CIA Chief Technology Officer1 The Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act, commonly referred to as the Bank Secrecy Act (the BSA), is the U.S. government’s 800-pound gorilla when it comes to regulating virtual currency.2 It has been expanded, transformed, and updated since its initial passage in 1970 to keep pace with new developments in global terrorism and money laundering, all the while only being challenged twice on its constitutional merits.3 The BSA, as notably amended by the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 (USA PATRIOT Act), imposes financial recordkeeping and reporting requirements, know your customer (KYC) requirements, and requirements to implement and maintain an anti-money laundering (AML) program. 4 Noncompliance can lead to both civil money penalties of varying amounts and criminal penalties of up to twenty-years imprisonment.