16,234 research outputs found

    CONFLLVM: A Compiler for Enforcing Data Confidentiality in Low-Level Code

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    We present an instrumenting compiler for enforcing data confidentiality in low-level applications (e.g. those written in C) in the presence of an active adversary. In our approach, the programmer marks secret data by writing lightweight annotations on top-level definitions in the source code. The compiler then uses a static flow analysis coupled with efficient runtime instrumentation, a custom memory layout, and custom control-flow integrity checks to prevent data leaks even in the presence of low-level attacks. We have implemented our scheme as part of the LLVM compiler. We evaluate it on the SPEC micro-benchmarks for performance, and on larger, real-world applications (including OpenLDAP, which is around 300KLoC) for programmer overhead required to restructure the application when protecting the sensitive data such as passwords. We find that performance overheads introduced by our instrumentation are moderate (average 12% on SPEC), and the programmer effort to port OpenLDAP is only about 160 LoC.Comment: Technical report for CONFLLVM: A Compiler for Enforcing Data Confidentiality in Low-Level Code, appearing at EuroSys 201

    EASYFLOW: Keep Ethereum Away From Overflow

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    While Ethereum smart contracts enabled a wide range of blockchain applications, they are extremely vulnerable to different forms of security attacks. Due to the fact that transactions to smart contracts commonly involve cryptocurrency transfer, any successful attacks can lead to money loss or even financial disorder. In this paper, we focus on the overflow attacks in Ethereum , mainly because they widely rooted in many smart contracts and comparatively easy to exploit. We have developed EASYFLOW , an overflow detector at Ethereum Virtual Machine level. The key insight behind EASYFLOW is a taint analysis based tracking technique to analyze the propagation of involved taints. Specifically, EASYFLOW can not only divide smart contracts into safe contracts, manifested overflows, well-protected overflows and potential overflows, but also automatically generate transactions to trigger potential overflows. In our preliminary evaluation, EASYFLOW managed to find potentially vulnerable Ethereum contracts with little runtime overhead.Comment: Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings. IEEE Press, 201

    Dynamic Information Flow Tracking on Multicores

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    Dynamic Information Flow Tracking (DIFT) is a promising technique for detecting software attacks. Due to the computationally intensive nature of the technique, prior efficient implementations [21, 6] rely on specialized hardware support whose only purpose is to enable DIFT. Alternatively, prior software implementations are either too slow [17, 15] resulting in execution time increases as much as four fold for SPEC integer programs or they are not transparent [31] requiring source code modifications. In this paper, we propose the use of chip multiprocessors (CMP) to perform DIFT transparently and efficiently. We spawn a helper thread that is scheduled on a separate core and is only responsible for performing information flow tracking operations. This entails the communication of registers and flags between the main and helper threads. We explore software (shared memory) and hardware (dedicated interconnect) approaches to enable this communication. Finally, we propose a novel application of the DIFT infrastructure where, in addition to the detection of the software attack, DIFT assists in the process of identifying the cause of the bug in the code that enabled the exploit in the first place. We conducted detailed simulations to evaluate the overhead for performing DIFT and found that to be 48 % for SPEC integer programs