2 research outputs found

    Bispectral analysis of single channel EEG to estimate macro-sleep-architecture

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    Estimation of macro-sleep-architecture (MSA) is a critical process in assessing several sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnoea, periodic leg movement disorder, upper-airway resistance syndrome, etc. MSA is defined as classification of sleep into three major states: state wake, state REM and state NREM. Existing methods of MSA analysis use six channels of electrophysiological signals (EEG, EOG and EMG). They depend on the manual scoring of overnight data records using the R&K criteria (1968), developed for visual analysis of signals based on morphological features. Manual scoring is cumbersome, subjective and not suitable for portable devices used for community screening of sleep disorders. To address this issue, we propose a fully automated technology for MSA estimation based on a single channel of EEG data. The proposed technology was compared, on a clinical database of 47 patients, with that of an expert human scorer. The average agreement between the human and the proposed technology was found to be 76 ± 7.5% (kappa = 0.51 ± 0.14). The proposed method estimates MSA using simplified instrumentation making it possible to extend EEG/MSA to portable systems as well; method uses low-computation-load bispectrum techniques independent of R&K criteria (1968) making real-time automated analysis a reality. Copyrigh

    Automatic sleep stages classification using EEG entropy features and unsupervised pattern analysis techniques

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    Sleep is a growing area of research interest in medicine and neuroscience. Actually, one major concern is to find a correlation between several physiologic variables and sleep stages. There is a scientific agreement on the characteristics of the five stages of human sleep, based on EEG analysis. Nevertheless, manual stage classification is still the most widely used approach. This work proposes a new automatic sleep classification method based on unsupervised feature classification algorithms recently developed, and on EEG entropy measures. This scheme extracts entropy metrics from EEG records to obtain a feature vector. Then, these features are optimized in terms of relevance using the Q-α algorithm. Finally, the resulting set of features is entered into a clustering procedure to obtain a final segmentation of the sleep stages. The proposed method reached up to an average of 80% correctly classified stages for each patient separately while keeping the computational cost low.The authors would like to thank Universidad Autonoma de Manizales for financial support in the present work (Research project 328-038). This work has also been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, research project TEC2009-14222.Rodríguez-Sotelo, JL.; Osorio-Forero, A.; Jiménez-Rodríguez, A.; Cuesta Frau, D.; Cirugeda Roldán, EM.; Peluffo, D. (2014). Automatic sleep stages classification using EEG entropy features and unsupervised pattern analysis techniques. Entropy. 16(12):6573-6589. https://doi.org/10.3390/e16126573S657365891612Saper, C. B., Fuller, P. M., Pedersen, N. P., Lu, J., & Scammell, T. E. (2010). Sleep State Switching. Neuron, 68(6), 1023-1042. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2010.11.032RAUCHS, G., DESGRANGES, B., FORET, J., & EUSTACHE, F. (2005). The relationships between memory systems and sleep stages. 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