43 research outputs found

    A Calculus of Mobile Resources

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    We introduce a calculus of Mobile Resources (MR) tailored for the design and analysis of systems containing mobile, possibly nested, computing devices that may have resource and access constraints, and which are not copyable nor modifiable per se. We provide a reduction as well as a labelled transition semantics and prove a correspondence be- tween barbed bisimulation congruence and a higher-order bisimulation. We provide examples of the expressiveness of the calculus, and apply the theory to prove one of its characteristic properties

    Space-Aware Ambients and Processes

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    Resource control has attracted increasing interest in foundational research on distributed systems. This paper focuses on space control and develops an analysis of space usage in the context of an ambient-like calculus with bounded capacities and weighed processes, where migration and activation require space. A type system complements the dynamics of the calculus by providing static guarantees that the intended capacity bounds are preserved throughout the computation

    On the Distributability of Mobile Ambients

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    Modern society is dependent on distributed software systems and to verify them different modelling languages such as mobile ambients were developed. To analyse the quality of mobile ambients as a good foundational model for distributed computation, we analyse the level of synchronisation between distributed components that they can express. Therefore, we rely on earlier established synchronisation patterns. It turns out that mobile ambients are not fully distributed, because they can express enough synchronisation to express a synchronisation pattern called M. However, they can express strictly less synchronisation than the standard pi-calculus. For this reason, we can show that there is no good and distributability-preserving encoding from the standard pi-calculus into mobile ambients and also no such encoding from mobile ambients into the join-calculus, i.e., the expressive power of mobile ambients is in between these languages. Finally, we discuss how these results can be used to obtain a fully distributed variant of mobile ambients.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2018, arXiv:1808.08071. Conference version of arXiv:1808.0159

    A Calculus of Bounded Capacities

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    Resource control has attracted increasing interest in foundational research on distributed systems. This paper focuses on space control and develops an analysis of space usage in the context of an ambient-like calculus with bounded capacities and weighed processes, where migration and activation require space. A type system complements the dynamics of the calculus by providing static guarantees that the intended capacity bounds are preserved throughout the computation

    Encapsulation and Dynamic Modularity in the Pi-Calculus

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    We describe a process calculus featuring high level constructs for component-oriented programming in a distributed setting. We propose an extension of the higher-order pi-calculus intended to capture several important mechanisms related to component-based programming, such as dynamic update, reconfiguration and code migration. In this paper, we are primarily concerned with the possibility to build a distributed implementation of our calculus. Accordingly, we define a low-level calculus, that describes how the high-level constructs are implemented, as well as details of the data structures manipulated at runtime. We also discuss current and future directions of research in relation to our analysis of component-based programming

    On the Construction of Sorted Reactive Systems

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    We develop a theory of sorted bigraphical reactive systems. Every application of bigraphs in the literature has required an extension, a sorting, of pure bigraphs. In turn, every such application has required a redevelopment of the theory of pure bigraphical reactive systems for the sorting at hand. Here we present a general construction of sortings. The constructed sortings always sustain the behavioural theory of pure bigraphs (in a precise sense), thus obviating the need to redevelop that theory for each new application. As an example, we recover Milner’s local bigraphs as a sorting on pure bigraphs. Technically, we give our construction for ordinary reactive systems, then lift it to bigraphical reactive systems. As such, we give also a construction of sortings for ordinary reactive systems. This construction is an improvement over previous attempts in that it produces smaller and much more natural sortings, as witnessed by our recovery of local bigraphs as a sorting

    Boxed ambients with communication interfaces

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    We define BACI (Boxed Ambients with Communication Interfaces), an ambient calculus with a flexible communication policy. Traditionally, typed ambient calculi have a fixed communication policy determining the kind of information that can be exchanged with a parent ambient, even though mobility changes the parent. BACI lifts that restriction, allowing different communication policies with different parents during computation. Furthermore, BACI separates communication and mobility by making the channels of communication between ambients explicit. In contrast with other typed ambient calculi where communication policies are global, each ambient in BACI is equipped with a description of the communication policies ruling its information exchange with parent and child ambients. The communication policies of ambients increase when they move: more precisely, when an ambient enters another ambient, the entering ambient and the host ambient can exchange their communication ports and agree on the kind of information to be exchanged. This information is recorded locally in both ambients. We show the type-soundness of BACI, proving that it satisfies the subject reduction property, and we study its behavioural semantics by means of a labelled transition syste