125 research outputs found

    Actuators and sensors for application in agricultural robots: A review

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    In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, agricultural robots have gradually begun to replace humans, to complete various agricultural operations, changing traditional agricultural production methods. Not only is the labor input reduced, but also the production efficiency can be improved, which invariably contributes to the development of smart agriculture. This paper reviews the core technologies used for agricultural robots in non-structural environments. In addition, we review the technological progress of drive systems, control strategies, end-effectors, robotic arms, environmental perception, and other related systems. This research shows that in a non-structured agricultural environment, using cameras and light detection and ranging (LiDAR), as well as ultrasonic and satellite navigation equipment, and by integrating sensing, transmission, control, and operation, different types of actuators can be innovatively designed and developed to drive the advance of agricultural robots, to meet the delicate and complex requirements of agricultural products as operational objects, such that better productivity and standardization of agriculture can be achieved. In summary, agricultural production is developing toward a data-driven, standardized, and unmanned approach, with smart agriculture supported by actuator-driven-based agricultural robots. This paper concludes with a summary of the main existing technologies and challenges in the development of actuators for applications in agricultural robots, and the outlook regarding the primary development directions of agricultural robots in the near future

    Using a Combination of PID Control and Kalman Filter to Design of IoT-based Telepresence Self-balancing Robots during COVID-19 Pandemic

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    COVID-19 is a very dangerous respiratory disease that can spread quickly through the air. Doctors, nurses, and medical personnel need protective clothing and are very careful in treating COVID-19 patients to avoid getting infected with the COVID-19 virus. Hence, a medical telepresence robot, which resembles a humanoid robot, is necessary to treat COVID-19 patients. The proposed self-balancing COVID-19 medical telepresence robot is a medical robot that handles COVID-19 patients, which resembles a stand-alone humanoid soccer robot with two wheels that can maneuver freely in hospital hallways. The proposed robot design has some control problems; it requires steady body positioning and is subjected to disturbance. A control method that functions to find the stability value such that the system response can reach the set-point is required to control the robot's stability and repel disturbances; this is known as disturbance rejection control. This study aimed to control the robot using a combination of Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control and a Kalman filter. Mathematical equations were required to obtain a model of the robot's characteristics. The state-space model was derived from the self-balancing robot's mathematical equation. Since a PID control technique was used to keep the robot balanced, this state-space model was converted into a transfer function model. The second Ziegler-Nichols's rule oscillation method was used to tune the PID parameters. The values of the amplifier constants obtained were Kp=31.002, Ki=5.167, and Kd=125.992128. The robot was designed to be able to maintain its balance for more than one hour by using constant tuning, even when an external disturbance is applied to it. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-SP1-016 Full Text: PD

    Analysis of ANN and Fuzzy Logic Dynamic Modelling to Control the Wrist Exoskeleton

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    Human intention has long been a primary emphasis in the field of electromyography (EMG) research. This being considered, the movement of the exoskeleton hand can be accurately predicted based on the user's preferences. The EMG is a nonlinear signal formed by muscle contractions as the human hand moves and easily captured noise signal from its surroundings. Due to this fact, this study aims to estimate wrist desired velocity based on EMG signals using ANN and FL mapping methods. The output was derived using EMG signals and wrist position were directly proportional to control wrist desired velocity. Ten male subjects, ranging in age from 21 to 40, supplied EMG signal data set used for estimating the output in single and double muscles experiments. To validate the performance, a physical model of an exoskeleton hand was created using Sim-mechanics program tool. The ANN used Levenberg training method with 1 hidden layer and 10 neurons, while FL used a triangular membership function to represent muscles contraction signals amplitude at different MVC levels for each wrist position. As a result, PID was substituted to compensate fluctuation of mapping outputs, resulting in a smoother signal reading while improving the estimation of wrist desired velocity performance. As a conclusion, ANN compensates for complex nonlinear input to estimate output, but it works best with large data sets. FL allowed designers to design rules based on their knowledge, but the system will struggle due to the large number of inputs. Based on the results achieved, FL was able to show a distinct separation of wrist desired velocity hand movement when compared to ANN for similar testing datasets due to the decision making based on rules setting setup by the designer

    Capuchin Search Particle Swarm Optimization (CS-PSO) based Optimized Approach to Improve the QoS Provisioning in Cloud Computing Environment

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    This review introduces the methods for further enhancing resource assignment in distributed computing situations taking into account QoS restrictions. While resource distribution typically affects the quality of service (QoS) of cloud organizations, QoS constraints such as response time, throughput, hold-up time, and makespan are key factors to take into account. The approach makes use of a methodology from the Capuchin Search Particle Large Number Improvement (CS-PSO) apparatus to smooth out resource designation while taking QoS constraints into account. Throughput, reaction time, makespan, holding time, and resource use are just a few of the objectives the approach works on. The method divides the resources in an optimum way using the K-medoids batching scheme. During batching, projects are divided into two-pack assembles, and the resource segment method is enhanced to obtain the optimal configuration. The exploratory association makes use of the JAVA device and the GWA-T-12 Bitbrains dataset for replication. The outrageous worth advancement problem of the multivariable capacity is addressed using the superior calculation. The simulation findings demonstrate that the core (Cloud Molecule Multitude Improvement, CPSO) computation during 500 ages has not reached assembly repeatedly, repeatedly, repeatedly, and repeatedly, respectively.The connection analysis reveals that the developed model outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches. Generally speaking, this approach provides significant areas of strength for a successful procedure for improving resource designation in distributed processing conditions and can be applied to address a variety of resource segment challenges, such as virtual machine setup, work arranging, and resource allocation. Because of this, the capuchin search molecule enhancement algorithm (CSPSO) ensures the success of the improvement measures, such as minimal streamlined polynomial math, rapid consolidation speed, high productivity, and a wide variety of people

    End-to-End Learning of Speech 2D Feature-Trajectory for Prosthetic Hands

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    Speech is one of the most common forms of communication in humans. Speech commands are essential parts of multimodal controlling of prosthetic hands. In the past decades, researchers used automatic speech recognition systems for controlling prosthetic hands by using speech commands. Automatic speech recognition systems learn how to map human speech to text. Then, they used natural language processing or a look-up table to map the estimated text to a trajectory. However, the performance of conventional speech-controlled prosthetic hands is still unsatisfactory. Recent advancements in general-purpose graphics processing units (GPGPUs) enable intelligent devices to run deep neural networks in real-time. Thus, architectures of intelligent systems have rapidly transformed from the paradigm of composite subsystems optimization to the paradigm of end-to-end optimization. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end convolutional neural network (CNN) that maps speech 2D features directly to trajectories for prosthetic hands. The proposed convolutional neural network is lightweight, and thus it runs in real-time in an embedded GPGPU. The proposed method can use any type of speech 2D feature that has local correlations in each dimension such as spectrogram, MFCC, or PNCC. We omit the speech to text step in controlling the prosthetic hand in this paper. The network is written in Python with Keras library that has a TensorFlow backend. We optimized the CNN for NVIDIA Jetson TX2 developer kit. Our experiment on this CNN demonstrates a root-mean-square error of 0.119 and 20ms running time to produce trajectory outputs corresponding to the voice input data. To achieve a lower error in real-time, we can optimize a similar CNN for a more powerful embedded GPGPU such as NVIDIA AGX Xavier

    Agricultural Structures and Mechanization

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    In our globalized world, the need to produce quality and safe food has increased exponentially in recent decades to meet the growing demands of the world population. This expectation is being met by acting at multiple levels, but mainly through the introduction of new technologies in the agricultural and agri-food sectors. In this context, agricultural, livestock, agro-industrial buildings, and agrarian infrastructure are being built on the basis of a sophisticated design that integrates environmental, landscape, and occupational safety, new construction materials, new facilities, and mechanization with state-of-the-art automatic systems, using calculation models and computer programs. It is necessary to promote research and dissemination of results in the field of mechanization and agricultural structures, specifically with regard to farm building and rural landscape, land and water use and environment, power and machinery, information systems and precision farming, processing and post-harvest technology and logistics, energy and non-food production technology, systems engineering and management, and fruit and vegetable cultivation systems. This Special Issue focuses on the role that mechanization and agricultural structures play in the production of high-quality food and continuously over time. For this reason, it publishes highly interdisciplinary quality studies from disparate research fields including agriculture, engineering design, calculation and modeling, landscaping, environmentalism, and even ergonomics and occupational risk prevention

    Navigation control of an automated mobile robot robot using neural network technique

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    Over recent years, automated mobile robots play a crucial role in various navigation operations. For any mobile device, the capacity to explore in its surroundings is essential. Evading hazardous circumstances, for example, crashes and risky conditions (temperature, radiation, presentation to climate, and so on.) comes in the first place, yet in the event that the robot has a reason that identifies with particular places in its surroundings, it must discover those spots. There is an increment in examination here due to the requisition of mobile robots in a solving issues like investigating natural landscape and assets, transportation tasks, surveillance, or cleaning. We require great moving competencies and a well exactness for moving in a specified track in these requisitions. Notwithstanding, control of these navigation bots get to be exceptionally troublesome because of the exceedingly unsystematic and dynamic aspects of the surrounding world. The intelligent reply to this issue is the provision of sensors to study the earth. As neural networks (NNs) are described by adaptability and a fitness for managing non-linear problems, they are conceived to be useful when utilized on navigation robots. In this exploration our computerized reasoning framework is focused around neural network model for control of an Automated motion robot in eccentric and unsystematic nature. Hence the back propagation algorithm has been utilized for controlling the direction of the mobile robot when it experiences by an obstacle in the left, right and front directions. The recreation of the robot under different deterrent conditions is carried out utilizing Arduino which utilizes C programs for usage

    Impact of Ear Occlusion on In-Ear Sounds Generated by Intra-oral Behaviors

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    We conducted a case study with one volunteer and a recording setup to detect sounds induced by the actions: jaw clenching, tooth grinding, reading, eating, and drinking. The setup consisted of two in-ear microphones, where the left ear was semi-occluded with a commercially available earpiece and the right ear was occluded with a mouldable silicon ear piece. Investigations in the time and frequency domains demonstrated that for behaviors such as eating, tooth grinding, and reading, sounds could be recorded with both sensors. For jaw clenching, however, occluding the ear with a mouldable piece was necessary to enable its detection. This can be attributed to the fact that the mouldable ear piece sealed the ear canal and isolated it from the environment, resulting in a detectable change in pressure. In conclusion, our work suggests that detecting behaviors such as eating, grinding, reading with a semi-occluded ear is possible, whereas, behaviors such as clenching require the complete occlusion of the ear if the activity should be easily detectable. Nevertheless, the latter approach may limit real-world applicability because it hinders the hearing capabilities.</p