5,032 research outputs found

    A Contraction Theory Approach to Singularly Perturbed Systems with Application to Retroactivity Attenuation

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    In this paper, we revisit standard results for singularly perturbed systems on the infinite time interval by employing tools from nonlinear contraction theory. This allows us to determine explicit bounds both on the rate of convergence of trajectories to the slow manifold, and on the distance between these trajectories and those of the reduced system. We illustrate the application of the proposed technique to the problem of retroactivity attenuation in biomolecular systems, that is, to the problem of attenuating the effects of output loading due to interconnection to downstream systems. By virtue of the explicit bounds, we can single out the key biochemical parameters to tune in order to enhance retroactivity attenuation. This provides design guidelines for synthetic biology devices that are robust to loading and can function as insulation devices just like insulating amplifiers work in electronics.National Science Foundation (U.S.). Division of Computing and Communication Foundations (NSF-CCF Grant 1058127

    Robustness analysis of a nucleic acid controller for a dynamic biomolecular process using the structured singular value

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    In the field of synthetic biology, theoretical frameworks and software tools are now available that allow control systems represented as chemical reaction networks to be translated directly into nucleic acid-based chemistry, and hence implement embedded control circuitry for biomolecular processes. However, the development of tools for analysing the robustness of such controllers is still in its infancy. An interesting feature of such control circuits is that, although the transfer function of a linear system can be easily implemented via a chemical network of catalysis, degradation and annihilation reactions, this introduces additional nonlinear dynamics, due to the annihilation kinetics. We exemplify this problem for a dynamical biomolecular feedback system, and demonstrate how the structured singular value (μ) analysis framework can be extended to rigorously analyse the robustness of this class of system. We show that parametric uncertainty in the system affects the location of its equilibrium, and that this must be taken into account in the analysis. We also show that the parameterisation of the system can be scaled for experimental feasibility without affecting its robustness properties, and that a statistical analysis via Monte Carlo simulation fails to uncover the worst-case uncertainty combination found by μ-analysis.</p

    Computing Substrates and Life

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    Alive matter distinguishes itself from inanimate matter by actively maintaining a high degree of inhomogenous organisation. Information processing is quintessential to this capability. The present paper inquires into the degree to which the information processing aspect of living systems can be abstracted from the physical medium of its implementation. Information processing serving to sustain the complex organisation of a living system faces both the harsh reality of real-time requirements and severe constraints on energy and material that can be expended on the task. This issue is of interest for the potential scope of Artificial Life and its interaction with Synthetic Biology. It is pertinent also for information technology. With regard to the latter aspect, the use of a living cell in a robot control architecture is considered

    Biosensors for Biomolecular Computing: a Review and Future Perspectives

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    Biomolecular computing is the field of engineering where computation, storage, communication, and coding are obtained by exploiting interactions between biomolecules, especially DNA, RNA, and enzymes. They are a promising solution in a long-term vision, bringing huge parallelism and negligible power consumption. Despite significant efforts in taking advantage of the massive computational power of biomolecules, many issues are still open along the way for considering biomolecular circuits as an alternative or a complement to competing with complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) architectures. According to the Von Neumann architecture, computing systems are composed of a central processing unit, a storage unit, and input and output (I/O). I/O operations are crucial to drive and read the computing core and to interface it to other devices. In emerging technologies, the complexity overhead and the bottleneck of I/O systems are usually limiting factors. While computing units and memories based on biomolecular systems have been successfully presented in literature, the published I/O operations are still based on laboratory equipment without a real development of integrated I/O. Biosensors are suitable devices for transducing biomolecular interactions by converting them into electrical signals. In this work, we explore the latest advancements in biomolecular computing, as well as in biosensors, with focus on technology suitable to provide the required and still missing I/O devices. Therefore, our goal is to picture out the present and future perspectives about DNA, RNA, and enzymatic-based computing according to the progression in its I/O technologies, and to understand how the field of biosensors contributes to the research beyond CMOS

    Chemical communication between synthetic and natural cells: a possible experimental design

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    The bottom-up construction of synthetic cells is one of the most intriguing and interesting research arenas in synthetic biology. Synthetic cells are built by encapsulating biomolecules inside lipid vesicles (liposomes), allowing the synthesis of one or more functional proteins. Thanks to the in situ synthesized proteins, synthetic cells become able to perform several biomolecular functions, which can be exploited for a large variety of applications. This paves the way to several advanced uses of synthetic cells in basic science and biotechnology, thanks to their versatility, modularity, biocompatibility, and programmability. In the previous WIVACE (2012) we presented the state-of-the-art of semi-synthetic minimal cell (SSMC) technology and introduced, for the first time, the idea of chemical communication between synthetic cells and natural cells. The development of a proper synthetic communication protocol should be seen as a tool for the nascent field of bio/chemical-based Information and Communication Technologies (bio-chem-ICTs) and ultimately aimed at building soft-wet-micro-robots. In this contribution (WIVACE, 2013) we present a blueprint for realizing this project, and show some preliminary experimental results. We firstly discuss how our research goal (based on the natural capabilities of biological systems to manipulate chemical signals) finds a proper place in the current scientific and technological contexts. Then, we shortly comment on the experimental approaches from the viewpoints of (i) synthetic cell construction, and (ii) bioengineering of microorganisms, providing up-to-date results from our laboratory. Finally, we shortly discuss how autopoiesis can be used as a theoretical framework for defining synthetic minimal life, minimal cognition, and as bridge between synthetic biology and artificial intelligence.Comment: In Proceedings Wivace 2013, arXiv:1309.712

    DNA Computing by Self-Assembly

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    Information and algorithms appear to be central to biological organization and processes, from the storage and reproduction of genetic information to the control of developmental processes to the sophisticated computations performed by the nervous system. Much as human technology uses electronic microprocessors to control electromechanical devices, biological organisms use biochemical circuits to control molecular and chemical events. The engineering and programming of biochemical circuits, in vivo and in vitro, would transform industries that use chemical and nanostructured materials. Although the construction of biochemical circuits has been explored theoretically since the birth of molecular biology, our practical experience with the capabilities and possible programming of biochemical algorithms is still very young