22,397 research outputs found

    Editorial: Biology education research

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    Interactive learning in biology with PhotoCD and associated software

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    This paper describes the pioneering development of flexible‐learning courseware in the teaching and learning of cell biology using a novel optical disk‐based technology — PhotoCD — and its associated computer software. The use of this format in an educational context for the manipulation of, and interaction with, photographic images in electronic form is presented for the first time. Examples of courseware which use PhotoCD, image‐enhancement and image‐management software in biology education are given, and an evaluation by undergraduates in biology education (student teachers) of these teaching and learning strategies is presente

    Rich Grades, Fall 1922

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    Mark Rich\u27s fall semester classes during his senior year at Linfield College include courses in biology, education, philosophy, public speaking, and sociology. Rich earned \u27A\u27s in all his courses.https://digitalcommons.linfield.edu/lca_rich/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Thoughtfulness in Biology Education

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    Self-evaluation in Distance Education of Biology Program FKIP-Universitas Terbuka

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    The purpose of this research is expected to help the S1 Biology Education Study Program FKIP-UT in improving academic and administrative services for users. In detail, the objectives of this study are: (1) The effectiveness of the services that have been provided by the Biology Education S1 Study Program FKIP-UT to service users; (2) Student services of the S1 Biology Education Study Program FKIP-UT; (3) Service user satisfaction of the S1 Biology Education Study Program FKIP-UT; (4) Characteristics of the learning process of the S1 Biology Education Study Program FKIP –UT; (5)  Learning experience of service users of  the S1 Biology Education Study Program FKIP-UT. The research used quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative methods are carried out by surveying all graduates/ students using questionnaires [letters, forms]. While the qualitative method was carried out for limited respondents who were randomly selected proportionally through [online] interviews. The results of this study include data analysis of the effectiveness of services that have been provided by the Biology Education S1 Study Program FKIP-UT to service users, as many as 62.4% are satisfied with the Subject Material Books used, 48.5% are online tutorials, 41.3% Webinars and 56.2% are final exams. As many as 62% of respondents already know the student services of the S1 Biology Education Study Program FKIP-UT regarding reasoning, interests and talents, 60% regarding career guidance and 45.8% regarding welfare and easy access.  Satisfaction with the learning experience in the S1 Biology Education Study Program, respondents were satisfied and very satisfied in discussions, tutorial assignments, practices and practicums. With respondents who are dissatisfied with academic and administrative services, it is necessary to improve services and socialization for those who have difficulty accessing services

    Identifikasi Gaya Belajar Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi di Masa New Normal

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    This study aims to identify the learning styles of Bung Hatta University Biology Education students and learning solutions in the New Normal era. Types of learning styles studied include visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles. The samples were determined by total sampling with 37 students of Biology Education at Bung Hatta University in Padang who were active in the odd semester 2020/2021. The research instrument was a valid questionnaire for the types of learning styles. Overall, the results showed that overall Biology Education students had a dominant kinesthetic learning style of 35%, a visual learning style of 33%, and an auditory learning style of 32%. In conclusion, Biology Education students tend to learn Kinesthetic learning styles. This study provides information to lecturers who teach in the study program and students of the Biology Education study program to use appropriate and varied learning methods and media during the lecture process. Keywords: Auditorial, Learning Style, Kinesthetic, New Normal, Visua


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the capacity of Biology Education Study Program lecturers in implementing learning management. Research data collection was carried out using survey methods and interviews with students, lecturers and academics at both the Faculty and Institute levels. Sources of data in this study consisted of two, namely: 1). The main data source (primary) is data contained in the Biology Education Study Program, Tarbiyah Faculty, and the Academic Bureau of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. 2). Sources of supporting data were obtained from interviews with students and lecturers of the Biology Education Study Program regarding the implementation of learning management at the Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. Students who were interviewed were taken from representatives of each unit, namely; 5 (five) people for each unit consisting of 2 men and 3 women (5 x 10 units = 50 people) plus a Biology Education Study Program Lecturer who is actively teaching. Data analysis was carried out in two ways, namely quantitative and qualitative analysis. Data processing is done by 1). Quantitative analysis; conducted to see the condition of the capacity of the Biology Education Study Program lecturers in the implementation of learning management with percentage analysis. 2). Descriptive analysis; carried out to provide an accurate and systematic description of the capacity of lecturers in the implementation of learning management in the Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at UIN AR- Raniry. The results showed that the ability of the lecturers of the Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh in the implementation of learning management was classified as good, this was indicated by the average score of the lecturer's ability, which was 3.48 (classified as good)

    Preludes to Mathematical Biology Education

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    Biology education – progress or retreat?

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