394 research outputs found

    Review of Neurobiologically Based Mobile Robot Navigation System Research Performed Since 2000

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    In an attempt to better understand how the navigation part of the brain works and to possibly create smarter and more reliable navigation systems, many papers have been written in the field of biomimetic systems. This paper presents a literature survey of state-of-the-art research performed since the year 2000 on rodent neurobiological and neurophysiologically based navigation systems that incorporate models of spatial awareness and navigation brain cells. The main focus is to explore the functionality of the cognitive maps developed in these mobile robot systems with respect to route planning, as well as a discussion/analysis of the computational complexity required to scale these systems.http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/863725

    A biologically inspired meta-control navigation system for the Psikharpax rat robot

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    A biologically inspired navigation system for the mobile rat-like robot named Psikharpax is presented, allowing for self-localization and autonomous navigation in an initially unknown environment. The ability of parts of the model (e. g. the strategy selection mechanism) to reproduce rat behavioral data in various maze tasks has been validated before in simulations. But the capacity of the model to work on a real robot platform had not been tested. This paper presents our work on the implementation on the Psikharpax robot of two independent navigation strategies (a place-based planning strategy and a cue-guided taxon strategy) and a strategy selection meta-controller. We show how our robot can memorize which was the optimal strategy in each situation, by means of a reinforcement learning algorithm. Moreover, a context detector enables the controller to quickly adapt to changes in the environment-recognized as new contexts-and to restore previously acquired strategy preferences when a previously experienced context is recognized. This produces adaptivity closer to rat behavioral performance and constitutes a computational proposition of the role of the rat prefrontal cortex in strategy shifting. Moreover, such a brain-inspired meta-controller may provide an advancement for learning architectures in robotics

    A Cognitive Approach to Mobile Robot Environment Mapping and Path Planning

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    This thesis presents a novel neurophysiological based navigation system which uses less memory and power than other neurophysiological based systems, as well as traditional navigation systems performing similar tasks. This is accomplished by emulating the rodent’s specialized navigation and spatial awareness brain cells, as found in and around the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex, at a higher level of abstraction than previously used neural representations. Specifically, the focus of this research will be on replicating place cells, boundary cells, head direction cells, and grid cells using data structures and logic driven by each cell’s interpreted behavior. This method is used along with a unique multimodal source model for place cell activation to create a cognitive map. Path planning is performed by using a combination of Euclidean distance path checking, goal memory, and the A* algorithm. Localization is accomplished using simple, low power sensors, such as a camera, ultrasonic sensors, motor encoders and a gyroscope. The place code data structures are initialized as the mobile robot finds goal locations and other unique locations, and are then linked as paths between goal locations, as goals are found during exploration. The place code creates a hybrid cognitive map of metric and topological data. In doing so, much less memory is needed to represent the robot’s roaming environment, as compared to traditional mapping methods, such as occupancy grids. A comparison of the memory and processing savings are presented, as well as to the functional similarities of our design to the rodent’ specialized navigation cells

    Hippocampus, Amygdala and Basal Ganglia Based Navigation Control

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    In this paper we present a novel robot navigation system aimed at testing hypotheses about the roles of key brain areas in foraging behavior of rats. The key components of the control network are: 1. a Hippocampus inspired module for spatial localization based on associations between sensory inputs and places; 2. an Amygdala inspired module for the association of values with places and sensory stimuli; 3. a Basal Ganglia inspired module for the selection of actions based on the evaluated sensory inputs. By implementing this Hippocampus-Amygdala-Basal Ganglia based control network with a simulated rat embodiment we intend to test not only our understanding of the individual brain areas but especially the interaction between them. Understanding the neural circuits that allows rats to efficiently forage for food will also help to improve the ability of robots to autonomously evaluate and select navigation targets

    Spatial Learning and Localization in Animals: A Computational Model and Its Implications for Mobile Robots

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    The ability to acquire a representation of spatial environment and the ability to localize within it are essential for successful navigation in a-priori unknown environments. The hippocampal formation is believed to play a key role in spatial learning and navigation in animals. This paper briefly reviews the relevant neurobiological and cognitive data and their relation to computational models of spatial learning and localization used in mobile robots. It also describes a hippocampal model of spatial learning and navigation and analyzes it using Kalman filter based tools for information fusion from multiple uncertain sources. The resulting model allows a robot to learn a place-based, metric representation of space in a-priori unknown environments and to localize itself in a stochastically optimal manner. The paper also describes an algorithmic implementation of the model and results of several experiments that demonstrate its capabilities

    Modeling the Bat Spatial Navigation System: A Neuromorphic VLSI Approach

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    Autonomously navigating robots have long been a tough challenge facing engineers. The recent push to develop micro-aerial vehicles for practical military, civilian, and industrial use has added a significant power and time constraint to the challenge. In contrast, animals, from insects to humans, have been navigating successfully for millennia using a wide range of variants of the ultra-low-power computational system known as the brain. For this reason, we look to biological systems to inspire a solution suitable for autonomously navigating micro-aerial vehicles. In this dissertation, the focus is on studying the neurobiological structures involved in mammalian spatial navigation. The mammalian brain areas widely believed to contribute directly to navigation tasks are the Head Direction Cells, Grid Cells and Place Cells found in the post-subiculum, the medial entorhinal cortex, and the hippocampus, respectively. In addition to studying the neurobiological structures involved in navigation, we investigate various neural models that seek to explain the operation of these structures and adapt them to neuromorphic VLSI circuits and systems. We choose the neuromorphic approach for our systems because we are interested in understanding the interaction between the real-time, physical implementation of the algorithms and the real-world problem (robot and environment). By utilizing both analog and asynchronous digital circuits to mimic similar computations in neural systems, we envision very low power VLSI implementations suitable for providing practical solutions for spatial navigation in micro-aerial vehicles

    How Albot0 finds its way home: a novel approach to cognitive mapping using robots

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    Much of what we know about cognitive mapping comes from observing how biological agents behave in their physical environments, and several of these ideas were implemented on robots, imitating such a process. In this paper a novel approach to cognitive mapping is presented whereby robots are treated as a species of their own and their cognitive mapping is being investigated. Such robots are referred to as Albots. The design of the first Albot, Albot0, is presented. Albot0 computes an imprecise map and employs a novel method to find its way home. Both the map and the returnhome algorithm exhibited characteristics commonly found in biological agents. What we have learned from Albot0’s cognitive mapping are discussed. One major lesson is that the spatiality in a cognitive map affords us rich and useful information and this argues against recent suggestions that the notion of a cognitive map is not a useful one

    An implementation of the path integrator mechanism of head direction cells for bio-mimetic navigation

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    © 2014 IEEE. Head direction cells are thought to be an integral part of the neural navigation system. These cells track the agent's current head direction irrespective of the host's location. In doing so, they process a combination of inputs: angular velocity and visual inputs are major effectors; to correctly encode the agent's current heading. There are close to fifteen models of head direction cell systems found in literature today. Very few of these models have been implemented for bio-mimetic navigation in robots. In this paper, we describe an implementation of the head direction cell system on the robot operating system (ROS) robotic platform as a first step towards a bio-mimetic navigation system for Willow Garage's personal robot 2 (PR2) robot

    Solving Navigational Uncertainty Using Grid Cells on Robots

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    To successfully navigate their habitats, many mammals use a combination of two mechanisms, path integration and calibration using landmarks, which together enable them to estimate their location and orientation, or pose. In large natural environments, both these mechanisms are characterized by uncertainty: the path integration process is subject to the accumulation of error, while landmark calibration is limited by perceptual ambiguity. It remains unclear how animals form coherent spatial representations in the presence of such uncertainty. Navigation research using robots has determined that uncertainty can be effectively addressed by maintaining multiple probabilistic estimates of a robot's pose. Here we show how conjunctive grid cells in dorsocaudal medial entorhinal cortex (dMEC) may maintain multiple estimates of pose using a brain-based robot navigation system known as RatSLAM. Based both on rodent spatially-responsive cells and functional engineering principles, the cells at the core of the RatSLAM computational model have similar characteristics to rodent grid cells, which we demonstrate by replicating the seminal Moser experiments. We apply the RatSLAM model to a new experimental paradigm designed to examine the responses of a robot or animal in the presence of perceptual ambiguity. Our computational approach enables us to observe short-term population coding of multiple location hypotheses, a phenomenon which would not be easily observable in rodent recordings. We present behavioral and neural evidence demonstrating that the conjunctive grid cells maintain and propagate multiple estimates of pose, enabling the correct pose estimate to be resolved over time even without uniquely identifying cues. While recent research has focused on the grid-like firing characteristics, accuracy and representational capacity of grid cells, our results identify a possible critical and unique role for conjunctive grid cells in filtering sensory uncertainty. We anticipate our study to be a starting point for animal experiments that test navigation in perceptually ambiguous environments
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