170 research outputs found

    Biologically-inspired data decorrelation for hyperspectral imaging

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    Hyper-spectral data allows the construction of more robust statistical models to sample the material properties than the standard tri-chromatic color representation. However, because of the large dimensionality and complexity of the hyper-spectral data, the extraction of robust features (image descriptors) is not a trivial issue. Thus, to facilitate efficient feature extraction, decorrelation techniques are commonly applied to reduce the dimensionality of the hyper-spectral data with the aim of generating compact and highly discriminative image descriptors. Current methodologies for data decorrelation such as principal component analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), wavelet decomposition (WD), or band selection methods require complex and subjective training procedures and in addition the compressed spectral information is not directly related to the physical (spectral) characteristics associated with the analyzed materials. The major objective of this article is to introduce and evaluate a new data decorrelation methodology using an approach that closely emulates the human vision. The proposed data decorrelation scheme has been employed to optimally minimize the amount of redundant information contained in the highly correlated hyper-spectral bands and has been comprehensively evaluated in the context of non-ferrous material classificatio

    Real-time hyperspectral processing for automatic nonferrous material sorting

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    The application of hyperspectral sensors in the development of machine vision solutions has become increasingly popular as the spectral characteristics of the imaged materials are better modeled in the hyperspectral domain than in the standard trichromatic red, green, blue data. While there is no doubt that the availability of detailed spectral information is opportune as it opens the possibility to construct robust image descriptors, it also raises a substantial challenge when this high-dimensional data is used in the development of real-time machine vision systems. To alleviate the computational demand, often decorrelation techniques are commonly applied prior to feature extraction. While this approach has reduced to some extent the size of the spectral descriptor, data decorrelation alone proved insufficient in attaining real-time classification. This fact is particularly apparent when pixel-wise image descriptors are not sufficiently robust to model the spectral characteristics of the imaged materials, a case when the spatial information (or textural properties) also has to be included in the classification process. The integration of spectral and spatial information entails a substantial computational cost, and as a result the prospects of real-time operation for the developed machine vision system are compromised. To answer this requirement, in this paper we have reengineered the approach behind the integration of the spectral and spatial information in the material classification process to allow the real-time sorting of the nonferrous fractions that are contained in the waste of electric and electronic equipment scrap. © 2012 SPIE and IS&

    Characterization of fine metal particles using hyperspectral imaging in automatic WEEE recycling systems

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    Waste from electric and electronic equipment (WEEE) represents the fastest growing waste stream in EU. The large amount and the high variability of electric and electronic products introduced every year in the market make the WEEE recycling process a complex task, especially considering that mechanical processes currently used by recycling companies are not flexible enough. In this context, hyperspectral imaging systems (HSI) can represent an enabling technology able to improve the recycling rates and the quality of the output products. This study shows the preliminary results achieved using a HSI technology in a WEEE recycling pilot plant, for the characterization of fine metal particles derived from WEEE shredding

    Color in scientific visualization: Perception and image-based data display

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    Visualization is the transformation of information into a visual display that enhances users understanding and interpretation of the data. This thesis project has investigated the use of color and human vision modeling for visualization of image-based scientific data. Two preliminary psychophysical experiments were first conducted on uniform color patches to analyze the perception and understanding of different color attributes, which provided psychophysical evidence and guidance for the choice of color space/attributes for color encoding. Perceptual color scales were then designed for univariate and bivariate image data display and their effectiveness was evaluated through three psychophysical experiments. Some general guidelines were derived for effective color scales design. Extending to high-dimensional data, two visualization techniques were developed for hyperspectral imagery. The first approach takes advantage of the underlying relationships between PCA/ICA of hyperspectral images and the human opponent color model, and maps the first three PCs or ICs to several opponent color spaces including CIELAB, HSV, YCbCr, and YUV. The gray world assumption was adopted to automatically set the mapping origins. The rendered images are well color balanced and can offer a first look capability or initial classification for a wide variety of spectral scenes. The second approach combines a true color image and a PCA image based on a biologically inspired visual attention model that simulates the center-surround structure of visual receptive fields as the difference between fine and coarse scales. The model was extended to take into account human contrast sensitivity and include high-level information such as the second order statistical structure in the form of local variance map, in addition to low-level features such as color, luminance, and orientation. It generates a topographic saliency map for both the true color image and the PCA image, a difference map is then derived and used as a mask to select interesting locations where the PCA image has more salient features than available in the visible bands. The resulting representations preserve consistent natural appearance of the scene, while the selected attentional locations may be analyzed by more advanced algorithms

    Characterization of fine metal particles derived from shredded WEEE using a hyperspectral image system: Preliminary results

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    Waste of electric and electronic equipment (WEEE) is the fastest-growing waste stream in Europe. The large amount of electric and electronic products introduced every year in the market makes WEEE disposal a relevant problem. On the other hand, the high abundance of key metals included in WEEE has increased the industrial interest in WEEE recycling. However, the high variability of materials used to produce electric and electronic equipment makes key metalsâ recovery a complex task: the separation process requires flexible systems, which are not currently implemented in recycling plants. In this context, hyperspectral sensors and imaging systems represent a suitable technology to improve WEEE recycling rates and the quality of the output products. This work introduces the preliminary tests using a hyperspectral system, integrated in an automatic WEEE recycling pilot plant, for the characterization of mixtures of fine particles derived from WEEE shredding. Several combinations of classification algorithms and techniques for signal enhancement of reflectance spectra were implemented and compared. The methodology introduced in this study has shown characterization accuracies greater than 95%

    Deep convolutional neural network for damaged vegetation segmentation from RGB images based on virtual NIR-channel estimation

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    Performing accurate and automated semantic segmentation of vegetation is a first algorithmic step towards more complex models that can extract accurate biological information on crop health, weed presence and phenological state, among others. Traditionally, models based on normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), near infrared channel (NIR) or RGB have been a good indicator of vegetation presence. However, these methods are not suitable for accurately segmenting vegetation showing damage, which precludes their use for downstream phenotyping algorithms. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive method for robust vegetation segmentation in RGB images that can cope with damaged vegetation. The method consists of a first regression convolutional neural network to estimate a virtual NIR channel from an RGB image. Second, we compute two newly proposed vegetation indices from this estimated virtual NIR: the infrared-dark channel subtraction (IDCS) and infrared-dark channel ratio (IDCR) indices. Finally, both the RGB image and the estimated indices are fed into a semantic segmentation deep convolutional neural network to train a model to segment vegetation regardless of damage or condition. The model was tested on 84 plots containing thirteen vegetation species showing different degrees of damage and acquired over 28 days. The results show that the best segmentation is obtained when the input image is augmented with the proposed virtual NIR channel (F1=0.94) and with the proposed IDCR and IDCS vegetation indices (F1=0.95) derived from the estimated NIR channel, while the use of only the image or RGB indices lead to inferior performance (RGB(F1=0.90) NIR(F1=0.82) or NDVI(F1=0.89) channel). The proposed method provides an end-to-end land cover map segmentation method directly from simple RGB images and has been successfully validated in real field conditions

    A Survey on Reservoir Computing and its Interdisciplinary Applications Beyond Traditional Machine Learning

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    Reservoir computing (RC), first applied to temporal signal processing, is a recurrent neural network in which neurons are randomly connected. Once initialized, the connection strengths remain unchanged. Such a simple structure turns RC into a non-linear dynamical system that maps low-dimensional inputs into a high-dimensional space. The model's rich dynamics, linear separability, and memory capacity then enable a simple linear readout to generate adequate responses for various applications. RC spans areas far beyond machine learning, since it has been shown that the complex dynamics can be realized in various physical hardware implementations and biological devices. This yields greater flexibility and shorter computation time. Moreover, the neuronal responses triggered by the model's dynamics shed light on understanding brain mechanisms that also exploit similar dynamical processes. While the literature on RC is vast and fragmented, here we conduct a unified review of RC's recent developments from machine learning to physics, biology, and neuroscience. We first review the early RC models, and then survey the state-of-the-art models and their applications. We further introduce studies on modeling the brain's mechanisms by RC. Finally, we offer new perspectives on RC development, including reservoir design, coding frameworks unification, physical RC implementations, and interaction between RC, cognitive neuroscience and evolution.Comment: 51 pages, 19 figures, IEEE Acces

    The dynamics of neural codes in biological and artificial neural networks

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    Advancing our knowledge of how the brain processes information remains a key challenge in neuroscience. This thesis combines three different approaches to the study of the dynamics of neural networks and their encoding representations: a computational approach, that builds upon basic biological features of neurons and their networks to construct effective models that can simulate their structure and dynamics; a machine-learning approach, which draws a parallel with the functional capabilities of brain networks, allowing us to infer the dynamical and encoding properties required to solve certain input-processing tasks; and a final, theoretical treatment, which will take us into the fascinating hypothesis of the "critical" brain as the mathematical foundation that can explain the emergent collective properties arising from the interactions of millions of neurons. Hand in hand with physics, we venture into the realm of neuroscience to explain the existence of quasi-universal scaling properties across brain regions, setting out to quantify the distance of their dynamics from a critical point. Next, we move into the grounds of artificial intelligence, where the very same theory of critical phenomena will prove very useful for explaining the effects of biologically-inspired plasticity rules in the forecasting ability of Reservoir Computers. Halfway into our journey, we explore the concept of neural representations of external stimuli, unveiling a surprising link between the dynamical regime of neural networks and the optimal topological properties of such representation manifolds. The thesis ends with the singular problem of representational drift in the process of odor encoding carried out by the olfactory cortex, uncovering the potential synaptic plasticity mechanisms that could explain this recently observed phenomenon.Comment: A dissertation submitted to the University of Granada in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosoph