98,931 research outputs found

    Decompositions of Grammar Constraints

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    A wide range of constraints can be compactly specified using automata or formal languages. In a sequence of recent papers, we have shown that an effective means to reason with such specifications is to decompose them into primitive constraints. We can then, for instance, use state of the art SAT solvers and profit from their advanced features like fast unit propagation, clause learning, and conflict-based search heuristics. This approach holds promise for solving combinatorial problems in scheduling, rostering, and configuration, as well as problems in more diverse areas like bioinformatics, software testing and natural language processing. In addition, decomposition may be an effective method to propagate other global constraints.Comment: Proceedings of the Twenty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligenc

    A polynomial delay algorithm for the enumeration of bubbles with length constraints in directed graphs and its application to the detection of alternative splicing in RNA-seq data

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    We present a new algorithm for enumerating bubbles with length constraints in directed graphs. This problem arises in transcriptomics, where the question is to identify all alternative splicing events present in a sample of mRNAs sequenced by RNA-seq. This is the first polynomial-delay algorithm for this problem and we show that in practice, it is faster than previous approaches. This enables us to deal with larger instances and therefore to discover novel alternative splicing events, especially long ones, that were previously overseen using existing methods.Comment: Peer-reviewed and presented as part of the 13th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI2013

    Using philosophy to improve the coherence and interoperability of applications ontologies: A field report on the collaboration of IFOMIS and L&C

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    The collaboration of Language and Computing nv (L&C) and the Institute for Formal Ontology and Medical Information Science (IFOMIS) is guided by the hypothesis that quality constraints on ontologies for software ap-plication purposes closely parallel the constraints salient to the design of sound philosophical theories. The extent of this parallel has been poorly appreciated in the informatics community, and it turns out that importing the benefits of phi-losophical insight and methodology into application domains yields a variety of improvements. L&C’s LinKBase¼ is one of the world’s largest medical domain ontologies. Its current primary use pertains to natural language processing ap-plications, but it also supports intelligent navigation through a range of struc-tured medical and bioinformatics information resources, such as SNOMED-CT, Swiss-Prot, and the Gene Ontology (GO). In this report we discuss how and why philosophical methods improve both the internal coherence of LinKBase¼, and its capacity to serve as a translation hub, improving the interoperability of the ontologies through which it navigates

    Methodology for Constructing Problem Definitions in Bioinformatics

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    Motivation: A recurrent criticism is that certain bioinformatics tools do not account for crucial biology and therefore fail answering the targeted biological question. We posit that the single most important reason for such shortcomings is an inaccurate formulation of the computational problem. Results: Our paper describes how to define a bioinformatics problem so that it captures both the underlying biology and the computational constraints for a particular problem. The proposed model delineates comprehensively the biological problem and conducts an item-by-item bioinformatics transformation resulting in a germane computational problem. This methodology not only facilitates interdisciplinary information flow but also accommodates emerging knowledge and technologies

    Flexible RNA design under structure and sequence constraints using formal languages

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    The problem of RNA secondary structure design (also called inverse folding) is the following: given a target secondary structure, one aims to create a sequence that folds into, or is compatible with, a given structure. In several practical applications in biology, additional constraints must be taken into account, such as the presence/absence of regulatory motifs, either at a specific location or anywhere in the sequence. In this study, we investigate the design of RNA sequences from their targeted secondary structure, given these additional sequence constraints. To this purpose, we develop a general framework based on concepts of language theory, namely context-free grammars and finite automata. We efficiently combine a comprehensive set of constraints into a unifying context-free grammar of moderate size. From there, we use generic generic algorithms to perform a (weighted) random generation, or an exhaustive enumeration, of candidate sequences. The resulting method, whose complexity scales linearly with the length of the RNA, was implemented as a standalone program. The resulting software was embedded into a publicly available dedicated web server. The applicability demonstrated of the method on a concrete case study dedicated to Exon Splicing Enhancers, in which our approach was successfully used in the design of \emph{in vitro} experiments.Comment: ACM BCB 2013 - ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedical Informatics (2013

    Gene Similarity-based Approaches for Determining Core-Genes of Chloroplasts

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    In computational biology and bioinformatics, the manner to understand evolution processes within various related organisms paid a lot of attention these last decades. However, accurate methodologies are still needed to discover genes content evolution. In a previous work, two novel approaches based on sequence similarities and genes features have been proposed. More precisely, we proposed to use genes names, sequence similarities, or both, insured either from NCBI or from DOGMA annotation tools. Dogma has the advantage to be an up-to-date accurate automatic tool specifically designed for chloroplasts, whereas NCBI possesses high quality human curated genes (together with wrongly annotated ones). The key idea of the former proposal was to take the best from these two tools. However, the first proposal was limited by name variations and spelling errors on the NCBI side, leading to core trees of low quality. In this paper, these flaws are fixed by improving the comparison of NCBI and DOGMA results, and by relaxing constraints on gene names while adding a stage of post-validation on gene sequences. The two stages of similarity measures, on names and sequences, are thus proposed for sequence clustering. This improves results that can be obtained using either NCBI or DOGMA alone. Results obtained with this quality control test are further investigated and compared with previously released ones, on both computational and biological aspects, considering a set of 99 chloroplastic genomes.Comment: 4 pages, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2014
