7 research outputs found

    Bindings as bounded natural functors

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    We present a general framework for specifying and reasoning about syntax with bindings. Abstract binder types are modeled using a universe of functors on sets, subject to a number of operations that can be used to construct complex binding patterns and binding-aware datatypes, including non-well-founded and infinitely branching types, in a modular fashion. Despite not committing to any syntactic format, the framework is “concrete” enough to provide definitions of the fundamental operators on terms (free variables, alpha-equivalence, and capture-avoiding substitution) and reasoning and definition principles. This work is compatible with classical higher-order logic and has been formalized in the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL

    Bindings as bounded natural functors

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    We present a general framework for specifying and reasoning about syntax with bindings. Abstract binder types are modeled using a universe of functors on sets, subject to a number of operations that can be used to construct complex binding patterns and binding-aware datatypes, including non-well-founded and infinitely branching types, in a modular fashion. Despite not committing to any syntactic format, the framework is “concrete” enough to provide definitions of the fundamental operators on terms (free variables, alpha-equivalence, and capture-avoiding substitution) and reasoning and definition principles. This work is compatible with classical higher-order logic and has been formalized in the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL

    Quotients of Bounded Natural Functors

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    The functorial structure of type constructors is the foundation for many definition and proof principles in higher-order logic (HOL). For example, inductive and coinductive datatypes can be built modularly from bounded natural functors (BNFs), a class of well-behaved type constructors. Composition, fixpoints, and, under certain conditions, subtypes are known to preserve the BNF structure. In this article, we tackle the preservation question for quotients, the last important principle for introducing new types in HOL. We identify sufficient conditions under which a quotient inherits the BNF structure from its underlying type. Surprisingly, lifting the structure in the obvious manner fails for some quotients, a problem that also affects the quotients of polynomial functors used in the Lean proof assistant. We provide a strictly more general lifting scheme that supports such problematic quotients. We extend the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant with a command that automates the registration of a quotient type as a BNF, reducing the proof burden on the user from the full set of BNF axioms to our inheritance conditions. We demonstrate the command's usefulness through several case studies.Comment: Extended version of homonymous IJCAR 2020 pape

    Rensets and renaming-based recursion for syntax with bindings extended version

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    We introduce renaming-enriched sets (rensets for short), which are algebraic structures axiomatizing fundamental properties of renaming (also known as variable-for-variable substitution) on syntax with bindings. Rensets compare favorably in some respects with the well-known foundation based on nominal sets. In particular, renaming is a more fundamental operator than the nominal swapping operator and enjoys a simpler, equationally expressed relationship with the variable-freshness predicate. Together with some natural axioms matching properties of the syntactic constructors, rensets yield a truly minimalistic characterization of λ -calculus terms as an abstract datatype—one involving an infinite set of unconditional equations, referring only to the most fundamental term operators: the constructors and renaming. This characterization yields a recursion principle, which (similarly to the case of nominal sets) can be improved by incorporating Barendregt’s variable convention. When interpreting syntax in semantic domains, our renaming-based recursor is easier to deploy than the nominal recursor. Our results have been validated with the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL

    A general theory of syntax with bindings

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    In this thesis we give a general theory of syntax with bindings. We address the problem from a mathematical point of view and at the same time we give a formalization, in the Isabelle/HOL proof assistant. Our theory uses explicit names for variables, and then deals with alpha-equivalence classes, remaining intuitive and close to informal mathematics, although being fully formalized and sound in classical high-order logic. In this sense it can be regarded as a generalization of nominal logic. Our end product can be used to construct complex binding patterns and binding-aware datatypes, including non-well-founded and infinitely branching types, in a modular fashion. We provide definitions of the fundamental operators on terms (free variables, alpha-equivalence, and capture-avoiding substitution) and reasoning and definition principles, obeying Barendregt’s convention. We present our work as a thinking process that starts from some desiderata, and then evolves in different formalization stages for the general theory. We start by taking a “universal algebra” approach, modelling syntaxes via algebraic-style binding signatures, which we employ in a substantial case study on formal reasoning: Church-Rosser and standardization theorems for lamda-calculus. This solution proves itself too restrictive, so we refine it into a more flexible one, which constitutes the main original contribution of this thesis: We construct a universe of functors on sets that handle bindings on a general, flexible and modular level. Our functors do not commit to any a priori syntactic format, cater for codatatypes in addition to datatypes, and are supported by powerful definition and reasoning principles. They generalize the bounded natural functors (BNFs), which have been previously implemented in Isabelle/HOL to support (co)datatypes