8 research outputs found

    A formalized general theory of syntax with bindings: extended version

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    We present the formalization of a theory of syntax with bindings that has been developed and refined over the last decade to support several large formalization efforts. Terms are defined for an arbitrary number of constructors of varying numbers of inputs, quotiented to alpha-equivalence and sorted according to a binding signature. The theory contains a rich collection of properties of the standard operators on terms, including substitution, swapping and freshness—namely, there are lemmas showing how each of the operators interacts with all the others and with the syntactic constructors. The theory also features induction and recursion principles and support for semantic interpretation, all tailored for smooth interaction with the bindings and the standard operators

    Rensets and renaming-based recursion for syntax with bindings extended version

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    We introduce renaming-enriched sets (rensets for short), which are algebraic structures axiomatizing fundamental properties of renaming (also known as variable-for-variable substitution) on syntax with bindings. Rensets compare favorably in some respects with the well-known foundation based on nominal sets. In particular, renaming is a more fundamental operator than the nominal swapping operator and enjoys a simpler, equationally expressed relationship with the variable-freshness predicate. Together with some natural axioms matching properties of the syntactic constructors, rensets yield a truly minimalistic characterization of λ -calculus terms as an abstract datatype—one involving an infinite set of unconditional equations, referring only to the most fundamental term operators: the constructors and renaming. This characterization yields a recursion principle, which (similarly to the case of nominal sets) can be improved by incorporating Barendregt’s variable convention. When interpreting syntax in semantic domains, our renaming-based recursor is easier to deploy than the nominal recursor. Our results have been validated with the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL

    A Type and Scope Safe Universe of Syntaxes with Binding: Their Semantics and Proofs

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    Almost every programming language’s syntax includes a notion of binder and corresponding bound occurrences, along with the accompanying notions of α-equivalence, capture avoiding substitution, typing contexts, runtime environments, and so on. In the past, implementing and reasoning about programming languages required careful handling to maintain the correct behaviour of bound variables. Modern programming languages include features that enable constraints like scope safety to be expressed in types. Nevertheless, the programmer is still forced to write the same boilerplate over again for each new implementation of a scope safe operation (e.g., renaming, substitution, desugaring, printing, etc.), and then again for correctness proofs. We present an expressive universe of syntaxes with binding and demonstrate how to (1) implement scope safe traversals once and for all by generic programming; and (2) how to derive properties of these traversals by generic proving. Our universe description, generic traversals and proofs, and our examples have all been formalised in Agda and are available in the accompanying material

    Engineering formal systems in constructive type theory

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    This thesis presents a practical methodology for formalizing the meta-theory of formal systems with binders and coinductive relations in constructive type theory. While constructive type theory offers support for reasoning about formal systems built out of inductive definitions, support for syntax with binders and coinductive relations is lacking. We provide this support. We implement syntax with binders using well-scoped de Bruijn terms and parallel substitutions. We solve substitution lemmas automatically using the rewriting theory of the -calculus. We present the Autosubst library to automate our approach in the proof assistant Coq. Our approach to coinductive relations is based on an inductive tower construction, which is a type-theoretic form of transfinite induction. The tower construction allows us to reduce coinduction to induction. This leads to a symmetric treatment of induction and coinduction and allows us to give a novel construction of the companion of a monotone function on a complete lattice. We demonstrate our methods with a series of case studies. In particular, we present a proof of type preservation for CC!, a proof of weak and strong normalization for System F, a proof that systems of weakly guarded equations have unique solutions in CCS, and a compiler verification for a compiler from a non-deterministic language into a deterministic language. All technical results in the thesis are formalized in Coq.In dieser Dissertation beschreiben wir praktische Techniken um Formale Systeme mit Bindern und koinduktiven Relationen in Konstruktiver Typtheorie zu implementieren. WĂ€hrend Konstruktive Typtheorie bereits gute UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr Induktive Definition bietet, gibt es momentan kaum UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr syntaktische Systeme mit Bindern, oder koinduktiven Definitionen. Wir kodieren Syntax mit Bindern in Typtheorie mit einer de Bruijn Darstellung und zeigen alle Substitutionslemmas durch Termersetzung mit dem -KalkĂŒl. Wir prĂ€sentieren die Autosubst Bibliothek, die unseren Ansatz im Beweisassistenten Coq implementiert. FĂŒr koinduktive Relationen verwenden wir eine induktive Turmkonstruktion, welche das typtheoretische Analog zur Transfiniten Induktion darstellt. Auf diese Art erhalten wir neue Beweisprinzipien fĂŒr Koinduktion und eine neue Konstruktion von Pous’ “companion” einer monotonen Funktion auf einem vollstĂ€ndigen Verband. Wir validieren unsere Methoden an einer Reihe von Fallstudien. Alle technischen Ergebnisse in dieser Dissertation sind mit Coq formalisiert

    Nominal Recursors as Epi-Recursors: Extended Technical Report

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    We study nominal recursors from the literature on syntax with bindings and compare them with respect to expressiveness. The term "nominal" refers to the fact that these recursors operate on a syntax representation where the names of bound variables appear explicitly, as in nominal logic. We argue that nominal recursors can be viewed as epi-recursors, a concept that captures abstractly the distinction between the constructors on which one actually recurses, and other operators and properties that further underpin recursion.We develop an abstract framework for comparing epi-recursors and instantiate it to the existing nominal recursors, and also to several recursors obtained from them by cross-pollination. The resulted expressiveness hierarchies depend on how strictly we perform this comparison, and bring insight into the relative merits of different axiomatizations of syntax. We also apply our methodology to produce an expressiveness hierarchy of nominal corecursors, which are principles for defining functions targeting infinitary non-well-founded terms (which underlie lambda-calculus semantics concepts such as B\"ohm trees). Our results are validated with the Isabelle/HOL theorem prover

    Mechanising syntax with binders in Coq

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    Mechanising binders in general-purpose proof assistants such as Coq is cumbersome and difficult. Yet binders, substitutions, and instantiation of terms with substitutions are a critical ingredient of many programming languages. Any practicable mechanisation of the meta-theory of the latter hence requires a lean formalisation of the former. We investigate the topic from three angles: First, we realise formal systems with binders based on both pure and scoped de Bruijn algebras together with basic syntactic rewriting lemmas and automation. We automate this process in a compiler called Autosubst; our final tool supports many-sorted, variadic, and modular syntax. Second, we justify our choice of realisation and mechanise a proof of convergence of the sigma calculus, a calculus of explicit substitutions that is complete for equality of the de Bruijn algebra corresponding to the lambda calculus. Third, to demonstrate the practical usefulness of our approach, we provide concise, transparent, and accessible mechanised proofs for a variety of case studies refined to de Bruijn substitutions.Die Mechanisierung von Bindern in universellen Beweisassistenten wie Coq ist arbeitsaufwĂ€ndig und schwierig. Binder, Substitutionen und die Instantiierung von Substitutionen sind jedoch kritischer Bestandteil vieler Programmiersprachen. Deshalb setzt eine praktikable Mechanisierung der Metatheorie von Programmiersprachen eine elegante Formalisierung von Bindern voraus. Wir nĂ€hern uns dem Thema aus drei Richtungen an: Zuerst realisieren wir formale Systeme mit Bindern mit Hilfe von reinen und indizierten de Bruijn Algebren, zusammen mit grundlegenden syntaktischen Gleichungen und Automatisierung. Wir automatisieren diesen Prozess in einem Kompilierer namens Autosubst. Unser finaler Kompilierer unterstĂŒtzt Sortenlogik, variadische Syntax und modulare Syntax. Zweitens rechtfertigen wir unsere ReprĂ€sentation und mechanisieren einen Beweis der Konvergenz des SP-KalkĂŒls, einem KalkĂŒl expliziter Substitutionen der bezĂŒglich der Gleichheit der puren de Bruijn Algebra des -KalkĂŒls vollstĂ€ndig ist. Drittens entwickeln wir kurze, transparente und leicht zugĂ€ngliche mechanisierte Beweise fĂŒr diverse Fallstudien, die wir an de Bruijn Substitutionen angepasst haben. Wir weisen so die praktische Anwendbarkeit unseres Ansatzes nach

    Formal verification of the equivalence of system F and the pure type system L2

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    We develop a formal proof of the equivalence of two different variants of System F. The first is close to the original presentation where expressions are separated into distinct syntactic classes of types and terms. The second, L2 (also written as λ2), is a particular pure type system (PTS) where the notions of types and terms, and the associated expressions are unified in a single syntactic class. The employed notion of equivalence is a bidirectional reduction of the respective typing relations. A machine-verified proof of this result turns out to be surprisingly intricate, since the two variants noticeably differ in their expression languages, their type systems and the binding of local variables. Most of this work is executed in the Coq theorem prover and encompasses a general development of the PTS metatheory, an equivalence result for a stratified and a PTS variant of the simply typed λ-calculus as well as the subsequent extension to the full equivalence result for System F. We utilise nameless de Bruijn syntax with parallel substitutions for the representation of variable binding and develop an extended notion of context morphism lemmas as a structured proof method for this setting. We also provide two developments of the equivalence result in the proof systems Abella and Beluga, where we rely on higher-order abstract syntax (HOAS). This allows us to compare the three proof systems, as well as HOAS and de Bruijn for the purpose of developing formal metatheory.Wir prĂ€sentieren einen maschinell verifizierten Beweis der Äquivalenz zweier Darstellungen des Lambda-KalkĂŒls System F. Die erste unterscheidet syntaktisch zwischen Termen und Typen und entspricht somit der gelĂ€ufigen Form. Die zweite, L2 bzw. λ2, ist ein sog. Pure Type System (PTS), bei welchem alle AusdrĂŒcke in einer syntaktischen Klasse zusammen fallen. Unser Äquivalenzbegriff ist eine bidirektionale Reduktion der jeweiligen Typrelationen. Ein formaler Beweis dieser Eigenschaft ist aufgrund der Unterschiede der Ausdruckssprachen, der Typrelationen und der Bindung lokaler Variablen ĂŒberraschend anspruchsvoll. Der Hauptteil dieser Arbeit wurde in dem Beweisassistenten Coq entwickelt und umfasst eine Abhandlung der PTS Metatheorie, sowie einen Äquivalenzbeweis fĂŒr das einfach getypte Lambda-KalkĂŒl, welcher dann zu dem vollen Ergebnis fĂŒr System F skaliert wird. FĂŒr die Darstellung lokaler Variablenbindung verwenden wir de Bruijn Syntax, gepaart mit parallelen Substitutionen. Außerdem entwickeln wir eine generalisierte Form von Kontext-Morphismen Lemmas, welche eine strukturierte Beweismethodik in diesem Umfeld liefern. DarĂŒber hinaus betrachten wir zwei weitere Formalisierungen des Äquivalenzresultats in den Beweissystemen Abella und Beluga, welche beide höherstufige abstrakte Syntax (HOAS) zur Darstellung lokaler Bindung verwenden. Dies ermöglicht es uns, sowohl die drei Beweissysteme, als auch den HOAS und den de Bruijn Ansatz mit Hinblick auf die Entwicklung formaler Metatheorie zu vergleichen

    A framework for semiring-annotated type systems

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    The use of proof assistants as a tool for programming language theorists is becoming ever more practical and widespread. There is a range of satisfactory implementations of simply typed calculi in proof assistants based on dependent type theory. In this thesis, I extend an account of Simply Typed λ-calculus so as to be able to represent and reason about calculi whose variables have restricted usage patterns. Examples of such calculi include a logic with an S4 □-modality, in which certain variables cannot be used “inside” a box (□); and Linear Logic, in which linear variables have to be used exactly once. While there are existing implementations of some of these calculi in proof assistants, many of these implementations share little with the best presentations of simply typed calculi without variable usage restrictions, and thus end up being poorly understood or suboptimal in facilitating mechanised reasoning. Concretely, the main result of this thesis is a framework for representing and reasoning about a wide range of calculi with restricted variable usage. All of these calculi support novel simultaneous renaming and substitution operations. Furthermore, I provide several other examples of generic and specific programs facilitated by the framework. All of this work is implemented in the proof assistant Agda.The use of proof assistants as a tool for programming language theorists is becoming ever more practical and widespread. There is a range of satisfactory implementations of simply typed calculi in proof assistants based on dependent type theory. In this thesis, I extend an account of Simply Typed λ-calculus so as to be able to represent and reason about calculi whose variables have restricted usage patterns. Examples of such calculi include a logic with an S4 □-modality, in which certain variables cannot be used “inside” a box (□); and Linear Logic, in which linear variables have to be used exactly once. While there are existing implementations of some of these calculi in proof assistants, many of these implementations share little with the best presentations of simply typed calculi without variable usage restrictions, and thus end up being poorly understood or suboptimal in facilitating mechanised reasoning. Concretely, the main result of this thesis is a framework for representing and reasoning about a wide range of calculi with restricted variable usage. All of these calculi support novel simultaneous renaming and substitution operations. Furthermore, I provide several other examples of generic and specific programs facilitated by the framework. All of this work is implemented in the proof assistant Agda