7 research outputs found

    The schema coercion problem

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    Journal ArticleOver the past decade, the ability to incorporate data from a wide variety of sources has become increasingly important to database users. To meet this need, significant effort has been expended in automatic database schema manipulation. However, to date this effort has focused on two aspects of this problem: schema integration and schema evolution. Schema integration results in a unified view of several databases, while schema evolution enhances an existing database design to represent additional information. This work defines and addresses a third problem, schema coercion, which defines a mapping from one database to another. This paper presents an overview of the problems associated with schema coercion and how they correspond to the problems encountered by schema integration and schema evolution. In addition, our approach to this problem is outlined. The feasibility of this approach is demonstrated by a tool which reduces the human interaction required at all steps in the integration process. The database schemata are automatically read and converted into corresponding ER representations. Then, a correspondence identification heuristic is used to identify similar concepts, and create mappings between them. Finally, a program is generated to perform the data transfer. This tool has successfully been used to coerce the Haemophilus and Methanococcus genomes from the Genbank ASN.l database to the Utah Center for Human Genome Research database. Our comprehensive approach to addressing the schema coercion problem has proven extremely valuable in reducing the interaction required to define coercions, particularly when the heuristics are unsuccessful

    Semantics of Database Transformations

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    Database transformations arise in many different settings including database integrations, evolution of database systems, and implementing user views and data-entry tools. This paper surveys approaches that have been taken to problems in these settings, assesses their strengths and weaknesses, and develops requirements on a formal model for specifying and implementing database transformations. We also consider the problem of insuring the correctness of database transformations. In particular, we demonstrate that the usefulness of correctness conditions such as information preservation are hindered by the interactions of transformations and database constraints, and the limited expressive power of established database constraint languages. We conclude that more general notions of correctness are required, and that there is a need for a uniform formalism for expressing both database transformations and constraints, and reasoning about their interactions. Finally we introduce WOL, a declarative language for specifying and implementing database transformations and constraints. We briefly describe the WOL language and its semantics, and argue that it addresses many of the requirements of a formalism for dealing with general database transformations

    Challenges in Integrating Biological Data Sources

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    this report, we examine the technical challenges to integration, critique the available tools and resources, and compare the cost and advantages of various methodologies. We begin by analyzing the basic steps in strict and complete integration: 1) transformation of the various schemas to a common data model; 2) matching of semantically related schema objects; 3) schema integration; 4) transformation of data to the federated database on demand; and 5) matching of semantically equivalent data. Some progress has been made on generic problems such as (1) and (3) within the wider database community, but issues of semantics (steps (2) and (5)) have only been dealt with any degree of success by domain experts within the biological community. We then look at the solution space of integration strategies as defined by two axes, the "tightness" of federation and the "degree" of instantiation, discuss where various solutions fall on this plane, and examine their cost and advantages/disadvantages. Finally, we examine technical challenges that are not -3- July 12, 199

    Transforming Databases with Recursive Data Structures

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    This thesis examines the problems of performing structural transformations on databases involving complex data-structures and object-identities, and proposes an approach to specifying and implementing such transformations. We start by looking at various applications of such database transformations, and at some of the more significant work in these areas. In particular we will look at work on transformations in the area of database integration, which has been one of the major motivating areas for this work. We will also look at various notions of correctness that have been proposed for database transformations, and show that the utility of such notions is limited by the dependence of transformations on certain implicit database constraints. We draw attention to the limitations of existing work on transformations, and argue that there is a need for a more general formalism for reasoning about database transformations and constraints. We will also argue that, in order to ensure that database transformations are well-defined and meaningful, it is necessary to understand the information capacity of the data-models being transformed. To this end we give a thorough analysis of the information capacity of data-models supporting object identity, and will show that this is dependent on the operations supported by a query language for comparing object identities. We introduce a declarative language, WOL, based on Horn-clause logic, for specifying database transformations and constraints. We also propose a method of implementing transformations specified in this language, by manipulating their clauses into a normal form which can then be translated into an underlying database programming language. Finally we will present a number of optimizations and techniques necessary in order to build a practical implementation based on these proposals, and will discuss the results of some of the trials that were carried out using a prototype of such a system

    Aplicação de estrategias de integração de bancos de dados : um estudo de caso

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    Orientador: Marcos Sfair SunyeDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Parana, Setor de Ciencias Exata