13 research outputs found

    The hierarchy of rogue wave solutions in nonlinear systems

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    Oceanic freak waves, optical spikes and extreme events in numerous contexts can arguably be modelled by modulationally unstable solutions within nonlinear systems. In particular, the fundamental nonlinear Schroedinger equation (NLSE) hosts a high-amplitude spatiotemporally localised solution on a plane-wave background, called the Peregrine breather, which is generally considered to be the base-case prototype of a rogue wave. Nonetheless, until very recently, little was known about what to expect when observing or engineering entire clusters of extreme events. Accordingly, this thesis aims to elucidate this matter by investigating complicated structures formed from collections of Peregrine breathers. Many novel NLSE solutions are discovered, all systematically classifiable by their geometry. The methodology employed here is based on the well-established concept of Darboux transformations, by which individual component solutions of an integrable system are nonlinearly superimposed to form a compound wavefunction. It is primarily implemented in a numerical manner within this study, operating on periodically modulating NLSE solutions called breathers. Rogue wave structures can only be extracted at the end of this process, when a limit of zero modulation frequency is applied to all components. Consequently, a requirement for breather asymmetry ensures that a multi-rogue wavefunction must be formed from a triangular number of individual Peregrine breathers (e.g. 1, 3, 6, 10, ...), whether fused or separated. Furthermore, the arrangements of these are restricted by a maximum phase-shift allowable along an evolution trajectory through the relevant wave field. Ultimately, all fundamental high-order rogue wave solutions can be constructed via polynomial relations between origin-translating component shifts and squared modulation frequency ratios. They are simultaneously categorisable by both these mathematical existence conditions and the corresponding visual symmetries, appearing spatiotemporally as triangular cascades, pentagrams, heptagrams, and so on. These parametric relations do not conflict with each other, meaning that any arbitrary NLSE rogue wave solution can be considered a hybridisation of this elementary set. Moreover, this hierarchy of structures is significantly general, with complicated arrangements persisting even on a cnoidal background

    Solitons, Breathers and Rogue Waves in Nonlinear Media

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    In this thesis, the solutions of the Nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) and its hierarchy are studied extensively. In nonlinear optics, as the duration of optical pulses get shorter, in highly nonlinear media, their dynamics become more complex, and, as a modelling equation, the basic NLSE fails to explain their behaviour. Using the NLSE and its hierarchy, this thesis explains the ultra-short pulse dynamics in highly nonlinear media. To pursue this purpose, the next higher-order equations beyond the basic NLSE are considered; namely, they are the third order Hirota equation and the fifth order quintic NLSE. Solitons, breathers and rogue wave solutions of these two equations have been derived explicitly. It is revealed that higher order terms offer additional features in the solutions, namely, ‘Soliton Superposition’, ‘Breather Superposition’ and ‘Breather-to-Soliton’ conversion. How robust are the rogue wave solutions against perturbations? To answer this question, two types of perturbative cases have been considered; one is odd-asymmetric and the other type is even-symmetric. For the odd-asymmetric perturbative case, combined Hirota and Sasa-Satsuma equations are considered, and for the latter case, fourth order dispersion and a quintic nonlinear term combined with the NLSE are considered. Indeed, this thesis shows that rogue waves survive these perturbations for specific ranges of parameter values. The integrable Ablowitz-Ladik (AL) equation is the discrete counterpart of the NLSE. If the lattice spacing parameter goes to zero, the discrete AL becomes the continuous NLSE. Similar rules apply to their solutions. A list of corresponding solutions of the discrete Ablowitz-Ladik and the NLSE has been derived. Using associate Legendre polynomial functions, sets of solutions have been derived for the coupled Manakov equations, for both focusing and defocusing cases. They mainly explain partially coherent soliton (PCS) dynamics in Kerr-like media. Additionally, corresponding approximate solutions for two coupled NLSE and AL equations have been derived. For the shallow water case, closed form breathers, rational and degenerate solutions of the modified Kortweg-de Vries equation are also presented

    Structure and dynamics of solitary waves in fluid media

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    This research deals with the study of nonlinear solitary waves in fluid media. The equations which model surface and internal waves in fluids have been studied and used in this research. The approach to study the structure and dynamics of internal solitary waves in near-critical situations is the traditional theoretical and numerical study of nonlinear wave processes based on the methods of dynamical systems. The synergetic approach has been exploited, which presumes a combination of theoretical and numerical methods. All numerical calculations were performed with the desktop personal computer. Traditional and novel methods of mathematical physics were actively used, including Fourier analysis technique, inverse scattering method, Hirota method, phase-plane analysis, analysis of integral invariants, finite-difference method, Petviashvili and Yang–Lakoba numerical iterative techniques for the numerical solution of Partial Differential Equation. A new model equation, dubbed the Gardner–Kawahara equation, has been suggested to describe wave phenomena in the near-critical situations, when the nonlinear and dispersive coefficients become anomalously small. Such near-critical situations were not studied so far, therefore this study is very topical and innovative. Results obtained will shed a light on the structure of solitary waves in near-critical situation, which can occur in two-layer fluid with strong surface tension between the layers. A family of solitary waves was constructed numerically for the derived Gardner–Kawahara equation; their structure has been investigated analytically and numerically. The problem of modulation stability of quasi-monochromatic wave-trains propagating in a media has also being studied. The Nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) has been derived from the unidirectional Gardner–Ostrovsky equation and a general Shrira equation which describes both surface and internal long waves in a rotating fluid. It was demonstrated that earlier obtained results (Grimshaw & Helfrich, 2008; 2012; Whitfield & Johnson, 2015a; 2015b) on modulational stability/instability are correct within the limited range of wavenumbers where the Ostrovsky equation is applicable. In the meantime, results obtained in this Thesis and published in the paper (Nikitenkova et al., 2015) are applicable in the wider range of wavenumbers up to k = 0. It was shown that surface and internal oceanic waves are stable with respect to selfmodulation at small wavenumbers when k → 0 in contrast to what was mistakenly obtained in (Shrira, 1981). In Chapter 4 new exact solutions of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation with a positive dispersion are obtained in the form of obliquely propagating skew lumps. Specific features of such lumps were studied in details. In particular, the integral characteristics of single lumps (mass, momentum components and energy) have been calculated and presented in terms of lump velocity. It was shown that exact stationary multi-lump solutions can be constructed for this equation. As the example, the exact bilump solution is presented in the explicit form and illustrated graphically. The relevance of skew lumps to the real physical systems is discussed

    Analysis of localized solutions in coupled Gross-Pitavskii equations

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    Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) have been one of the most active areas of research since their experimental birth in 1995. The complicated nature of the experiments on BECs suggests to observe them in reduced dimensions. The dependence of the collective excitations of the systems on the spatial degrees of freedom allows the study in lower dimensions. In this thesis, we first study two effectively one-dimensional parallel linearly coupled BECs in the presence of external potentials. The system is modelled by linearly coupled Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equations. In particular, we discuss the dark solitary waves and the grey-soliton-like solutions representing analogues of superconducting Josephson fluxons which we refer to as the fluxon analogue (FA) solutions. We analyze the existence, stability and time dynamics of FA solutions and coupled dark solitons in the presence of a harmonic trap. We observe that the presence of the harmonic trap destabilizes the FA solutions. However, stabilization is possible by controlling the effective linear coupling between the condensates. We also derive theoretical approximations based on variational formulations to study the dynamics of the solutions semi-analytically. We then study multiple FA solutions and coupled dark solitons in the same settings. We examine the effects of trapping strength on the existence and stability of the localized solutions. We also consider the interactions of multiple FA solutions as well as coupled dark solitons. In addition, we determine the oscillation frequencies of the prototypical structures of two and three FA solutions using a variational approach. Finally, we consider two effectively two-dimensional parallel coupled BECs enclosed in a double well potential. The system is modelled by two GP equations coupled by linear and nonlinear cross-phase-modulations. We study a large set of radially symmetric nonlinear solutions of the system in the focusing and defocusing cases. The relevant three principal branches, i.e. the ground state and the first two excited states, are continued as a function of either linear or nonlinear couplings. We investigate the linear stability and time evolution of these solutions in the absence and presence of a topological charge. We notice that only the chargeless or charged ground states can be stabilized by adjusting the linear or nonlinear coupling between the condensates

    Analysis of localized solutions in coupled Gross-Pitavskii equations

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    Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) have been one of the most active areas of research since their experimental birth in 1995. The complicated nature of the experiments on BECs suggests to observe them in reduced dimensions. The dependence of the collective excitations of the systems on the spatial degrees of freedom allows the study in lower dimensions. In this thesis, we first study two effectively one-dimensional parallel linearly coupled BECs in the presence of external potentials. The system is modelled by linearly coupled Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equations. In particular, we discuss the dark solitary waves and the grey-soliton-like solutions representing analogues of superconducting Josephson fluxons which we refer to as the fluxon analogue (FA) solutions. We analyze the existence, stability and time dynamics of FA solutions and coupled dark solitons in the presence of a harmonic trap. We observe that the presence of the harmonic trap destabilizes the FA solutions. However, stabilization is possible by controlling the effective linear coupling between the condensates. We also derive theoretical approximations based on variational formulations to study the dynamics of the solutions semi-analytically. We then study multiple FA solutions and coupled dark solitons in the same settings. We examine the effects of trapping strength on the existence and stability of the localized solutions. We also consider the interactions of multiple FA solutions as well as coupled dark solitons. In addition, we determine the oscillation frequencies of the prototypical structures of two and three FA solutions using a variational approach. Finally, we consider two effectively two-dimensional parallel coupled BECs enclosed in a double well potential. The system is modelled by two GP equations coupled by linear and nonlinear cross-phase-modulations. We study a large set of radially symmetric nonlinear solutions of the system in the focusing and defocusing cases. The relevant three principal branches, i.e. the ground state and the first two excited states, are continued as a function of either linear or nonlinear couplings. We investigate the linear stability and time evolution of these solutions in the absence and presence of a topological charge. We notice that only the chargeless or charged ground states can be stabilized by adjusting the linear or nonlinear coupling between the condensates


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    We introduce a discontinuous spectral element method for simulating seismic wave in 2- dimensional elastic media. The methods combine the flexibility of a discontinuous finite element method with the accuracy of a spectral method. The elastodynamic equations are discretized using high-degree of Lagrange interpolants and integration over an element is accomplished based upon the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre integration rule. This combination of discretization and integration results in a diagonal mass matrix and the use of discontinuous finite element method makes the calculation can be done locally in each element. Thus, the algorithm is simplified drastically. We validated the results of one-dimensional problem by comparing them with finite-difference time-domain method and exact solution. The comparisons show excellent agreement