32,149 research outputs found

    Alida Wynanda Sanders Van Loo (1860-1939) De biografie van een vergeten schrijfster, journaliste en vertaalster

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    Biografie van de vergeten schrijfster, journaliste en vertaalster Alida Wynanda Sanders Van Loo, met een gannoteerde editie van haar reisdagboeken Europe en met haar oorlogsdagboek (Wereldoorlog I, Gent) in bijlage. Enkele trefwoorden: Paul Buschmann junior, Pol de Mont, Marie Belpaire, Charles Doudelet. Dietsche Warande en Belfort, de Vlaamsche School, Onze Kunst

    Energiegebruik en kosten van centrale afzuiging en afzuiging per afdeling in varkensstallen

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    Centrale afzuiging wordt in de praktijk bij nieuwbouw vaak toegepast. Een belangrijk voordeel van centrale afzuiging is de energiebesparing die ermee te realiseren is

    De steekproef voor het Bedrijven-Informatienet van het LEI; Bedrijfskeuze 2001, selectieplan 2002 en evaluatie 1999.

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    Mede voor de Europese Unie houdt het LEI jaarlijks een bedrijfseconomische boekhouding bij van circa 1.500 bedrijven in de akkerbouw, tuinbouw en veehouderij. Deze administratie is vastgelegd in het Bedrijven-Informatienet van het LEI (het Informatienet). In dit rapport wordt verantwoording afgelegd van de opzet en uitvoering van de steekproef voor het Informatienet, waaronder de bedrijfskeuze voor het boekjaar 2001 en het selectieplan voor 2002. Tevens wordt een kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve evaluatie gegeven over het boekjaar 1999. Het waarnemingsveld voor 1999 bestaat uit bedrijven groter dan 16 nge en kleiner dan 800 nge

    Raising teacher supply: An assessment of three options for increasing wages

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    A shortage of teachers in primary and secondary schools in the Netherlands is expected in the near future as a large part of the current workforce will retire. Recently, the Dutch government has decided to increase wages of teachers. This paper qualitatively assesses the impact of three options for increasing teaching wages on teacher supply in the medium term: increasing wages at the start of the career, increasing wages at mid career or increasing wages at the end of the career.

    Monitor Bouwen met de Natuur

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    Part I Introduction and justification of the Monitor Building with NatureThis report describes the Monitor Building with Nature in the IJsselmeer region. When itcomes to implementing the concept of building with nature the main issue is not how it istechnically possible, but whether stakeholders consider it possible and desirable. The monitorgives insight into perceptions of stakeholders and provides possibilities for improvements indecision making and in generating societal support for Building with Nature projects. Theproject that developed this monitor is part of the Building with Nature research andinnovations programme.The monitor has the following goals:Describe the (changes in) perceptions and actions related to ‘building with nature’ inhydraulic engineering projects. Among which:1.Describe the situation of the project at the start of the monitoring, include the history of the project, the broad context, the assignment of the project, and the (formal) involvement of stakeholders.2.Make an inventory of the (developments in) observed threats and opportunities at project level (design, project management, process).3.Make an inventory of the (developments in) observed threats and opportunities for building with nature within the external field of force.4.Make an inventory of perceptions related to improvements and the involvement of the different stakeholders.The focus of the monitor is on perceptions of people who are involved in hydraulicengineering projects. For the development of the monitor, existing monitor approaches areused. The focus of the monitor is gathering of information and has characteristics ofconstructivist monitoring. However, the monitor aims to show the diversity of the availableperceptions and actions. The focus of the monitor is not merely on ‘learning’, although whenthe monitor is used in meetings or workshops, it can contribute to learning about building with nature. The monitor is qualitative of nature, with implicit use of indicators. The monitor is one of the initiatives of monitoring within the Research programme Building with Nature. Oneother initiative is for example the monitoring of the Community of Practice in the IJsselmeerregion.Part II The Monitor – QuestionnaireIn preparing for the use of the monitor, three main questions are to be asked. The firstquestion is: what is the focus in the project? The second question is: who are the respondentsand why? There are no universal criteria, nor are these desirable. And the third question is:how do we use the questionnaire? Are we interested in doing face to face interviews, orinterviews by phone? How the questionnaire is used depends largely on the goal of themonitor and the resources (i.e. time, money, people) availableThe questionnaire consists of four different parts. Part A discusses issues related to buildingwith nature within the project and deals with stakeholders’ perceptions of the concept. Part Bdiscusses factors influencing the feasibility of building with nature. Part C is about placingissues on the agenda and possibilities for improvements. Part D rounds up the questionnaire.For analysing the results of the monitor the following elements compromise the framework ofanalysis:1.Aspects perceived as characteristic for building with nature2.Aspects of building with nature in the project3.Best practices of building with nature according to respondents4.Perceptions of factors and conditions which stimulate or obstruct building with nature.5.Perceptions of the future and future possibilities for realizing building with nature6.Perceptions of action perspectives to realize building with nature on large scale in multiple7.projects in the IJsselmeer region.Part III The Monitor testedTo test the monitor two projects were selected as pilots: the dike strengthening project Edam-Amsterdam and the silt catch pit. Applying the monitor in these projects has lead to animproved version of the monitor and lessons learned on how to apply the monitor. It was notpossible to apply the monitor itself in the dike strengthening project, although the process wasvery useful. We found that interesting projects to apply the monitor also are subject tosensitive issues. Great concern is necessary to deal with these issues. Therefore, sensitiveissues require more preparation time.In the project ‘silt catch pit’ we were able to apply the monitor and make a case description ofthe project. Applying the questionnaire and developing the case description lead toimprovements of the monitor and recommendations on its use.On the development of the monitor, the following is concluded:•Applying the monitor results in a broad insight into the feasibility of the building with nature concept, factors which are of influence and insight into the decision making in building with nature projects.•It is recommended to have an exploratory interview before using the questionnaire. This is necessary to gain enough information relevant for the case description, gain permission to apply the monitor and get in contact with the relevant stakeholders.•Applying the monitor in the silt catch pit showed that it is very suitable to find factors influencing the feasibility of building with nature in projects. Because it was only possible to develop one pilot, we recommend to again reflect critically on the monitor when applied.•Sensitive issues may make a project an (more) interesting one for applying the monitor. However, it may be more difficult to acquire permission for application and it may require more time. During application of the monitor one should be aware of the issues. Demarcation of concepts is important for the sake of comparing results, as the questionnaires are used for different persons and in different moments in time•The questionnaire can be combined with workshops or meetings to stimulate the realization of the building with nature concept.•The case description is based on a monitor that is incomplete and is part of developing the monitor. Therefore the case description should not be used as a complete example and should be considered together with the conclusions and recommendations made

    Morfologische, ecologische en governance principes voor ecodynamisch ontwerpen: toegespitst op de 'Bouwen met Natuur' pilots Friese IJsselmeerkust : building with nature, case Markermeer IJsselmeer, MIJ 4.2, Deliverable 1.6

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    Het concept ‘Bouwen met Natuur’ richt zich op gebiedsgerichte ontwerpprocessen langs kusten met het doel om de interactie tussen menselijke ingrepen en ecosysteem processen te vergroten. Het concept maakt maximaal gebruik van dynamiek van natuurlijke processen en van de inzet van bio@engineers bij de ontwikkeling van nieuwe kustlandschappen. De uitdaging bij ‘Bouwen met Natuur’ projecten is om een menselijke ambitie m.b.t. waterbouw te realiseren op een wijze die maximaal gebruik maakt van het ecosysteem en tevens dit ecosysteem versterkt. Het zoeken naar een win@win situatie voor zowel de menselijke waterbouwambitie als voor de natuurwaarden is dus iets anders dan natuur behouden die er is of nieuwe natuur ontwikkelen. Ook is het concept fundamenteel anders dan het compenseren van natuur die elders verloren gaat

    Diagnostiek, behandeling en follow-up van het intermediair en hooggradig Non-Hodgkin Lymfoom. Kosten van protocollaire en niet-protocollaire behandelingen.

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    In dit onderzoek is een berekening gemaakt van de gemiddelde kosten van diagnostiek, behandeling en follow-up van patiënten met een non-Hodgkin lymfoom (NHL). Dit rapport is opgesteld in het kader van de opdracht van het ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS) aan het iMTA om in samenwerking met alle betrokken beroepsgroepen een landelijke klinische richtlijn voor het NHL te ontwikkelen, waarbij kosten-effectiviteitsoverwegingen in ogenschouw zijn genomen. In het voorliggende rapport wordt ten eerste een indicatie gegeven van de gemiddelde kosten in verschillende behandelingsgroepen (protocollair en niet-protocollair). Voorts biedt het rapport inzicht in specifieke kostenposten die ten behoeve van NHL-patiënten gemaakt worden, bijvoorbeeld de kosten van verschillende diagnostische opties