309 research outputs found

    Basic cohomology of canonical holomorphic foliations on complex moment-angle manifolds

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    We describe the basic cohomology ring of the canonical holomorphic foliation on a moment-angle manifold, LVMB-manifold or any complex manifold with a maximal holomorphic torus action. Namely, we show that the basic cohomology has a description similar to the cohomology ring of a complete simplicial toric variety due to Danilov and Jurkiewicz. This settles a question of Battaglia and Zaffran, who previously computed the basic Betti numbers for the canonical holomorphic foliation in the case of a shellable fan. Our proof uses an Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence argument; the key ingredient is the formality of the Cartan model for the torus action on a moment-angle manifold. We develop the concept of transverse equivalence as an important tool for studying smooth and holomorphic foliated manifolds. For an arbitrary complex manifold with a maximal torus action, we show that it is transverse equivalent to a moment-angle manifold and therefore has the same basic cohomology.Comment: 16 pages, final published versio

    Topological moduli space for germs of foliations II : universal deformations

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    This work deals with the topological classification of singular foliation germs on (C2,0). Working in a suitable class of foliations we fix the topological invariants given by the separatrix set, the Camacho-Sad indices and the projective holonomy representations and we prove the existence of a topological universal deformation through which every equisingular deformation uniquely factorizes up to topological conjugacy. This is done by representing the functor of topological classes of equisingular deformations of a fixed foliation. We also describe the functorial dependence of this representation with respect to the foliation

    Homogeneous compact geometries

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    We classify compact homogeneous geometries of irreducible spherical type and rank at least 2 which admit a transitive action of a compact connected group, up to equivariant 2-coverings. We apply our classification to polar actions on compact symmetric spaces.Comment: To appear in: Transformation Group

    Cohomology of lie groups made discrete

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    We give a survey of the work of Milnor, Friedlander, Mislin, Suslin, and other authors on the Friedlander-Milnor conjecture on the homology of Lie groups made discrete and its relation to the algebraic K-theory of fields
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