1,245 research outputs found

    Enumerating Segmented Patterns in Compositions and Encoding by Restricted Permutations

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    A composition of a nonnegative integer (n) is a sequence of positive integers whose sum is (n). A composition is palindromic if it is unchanged when its terms are read in reverse order. We provide a generating function for the number of occurrences of arbitrary segmented partially ordered patterns among compositions of (n) with a prescribed number of parts. These patterns generalize the notions of rises, drops, and levels studied in the literature. We also obtain results enumerating parts with given sizes and locations among compositions and palindromic compositions with a given number of parts. Our results are motivated by "encoding by restricted permutations," a relatively undeveloped method that provides a language for describing many combinatorial objects. We conclude with some examples demonstrating bijections between restricted permutations and other objects.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Unitary Representations of Wavelet Groups and Encoding of Iterated Function Systems in Solenoids

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    For points in dd real dimensions, we introduce a geometry for general digit sets. We introduce a positional number system where the basis for our representation is a fixed dd by dd matrix over \bz. Our starting point is a given pair (A,D)(A, \mathcal D) with the matrix AA assumed expansive, and D\mathcal D a chosen complete digit set, i.e., in bijective correspondence with the points in \bz^d/A^T\bz^d. We give an explicit geometric representation and encoding with infinite words in letters from D\mathcal D. We show that the attractor X(AT,D)X(A^T,\mathcal D) for an affine Iterated Function System (IFS) based on (A,D)(A,\mathcal D) is a set of fractions for our digital representation of points in \br^d. Moreover our positional "number representation" is spelled out in the form of an explicit IFS-encoding of a compact solenoid \sa associated with the pair (A,D)(A,\mathcal D). The intricate part (Theorem \ref{thenccycl}) is played by the cycles in \bz^d for the initial (A,D)(A,\mathcal D)-IFS. Using these cycles we are able to write down formulas for the two maps which do the encoding as well as the decoding in our positional D\mathcal D-representation. We show how some wavelet representations can be realized on the solenoid, and on symbolic spaces

    Quantum Information Encoding, Protection, and Correction from Trace-Norm Isometries

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    We introduce the notion of trace-norm isometric encoding and explore its implications for passive and active methods to protect quantum information against errors. Beside providing an operational foundations to the "subsystems principle" [E. Knill, Phys. Rev. A 74, 042301 (2006)] for faithfully realizing quantum information in physical systems, our approach allows additional explicit connections between noiseless, protectable, and correctable quantum codes to be identified. Robustness properties of isometric encodings against imperfect initialization and/or deviations from the intended error models are also analyzed.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Relational Parametricity and Control

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    We study the equational theory of Parigot's second-order λμ-calculus in connection with a call-by-name continuation-passing style (CPS) translation into a fragment of the second-order λ-calculus. It is observed that the relational parametricity on the target calculus induces a natural notion of equivalence on the λμ-terms. On the other hand, the unconstrained relational parametricity on the λμ-calculus turns out to be inconsistent with this CPS semantics. Following these facts, we propose to formulate the relational parametricity on the λμ-calculus in a constrained way, which might be called ``focal parametricity''.Comment: 22 pages, for Logical Methods in Computer Scienc


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    Encoding of finite automata or state machines is critical to modern digital logic design methods for sequential circuits. Encoding is the process of assigning to every state, input value, and output value of a state machine a binary string, which is used to represent that state, input value, or output value in digital logic. Usually, one wishes to choose an encoding that, when the state machine is implemented as a digital logic circuit, will optimize some aspect of that circuit. For instance, one might wish to encode in such a way as to minimize power dissipation or silicon area. For most such optimization objectives, no method to find the exact solution, other than a straightforward exhaustive search, is known. Recent progress towards producing a quantum computer of large enough scale to surpass modern supercomputers has made it increasingly relevant to consider how quantum computers may be used to solve problems of practical interest. A quantum computer using Grover’s well-known search algorithm can perform exhaustive searches that would be impractical on a classical computer, due to the speedup provided by Grover’s algorithm. Therefore, we propose to use Grover’s algorithm to find optimal encodings for finite state machines via exhaustive search. We demonstrate the design of quantum circuits that allow Grover’s algorithm to be used for this purpose. The quantum circuit design methods that we introduce are potentially applicable to other problems as well

    Z2SAL: a translation-based model checker for Z

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    Despite being widely known and accepted in industry, the Z formal specification language has not so far been well supported by automated verification tools, mostly because of the challenges in handling the abstraction of the language. In this paper we discuss a novel approach to building a model-checker for Z, which involves implementing a translation from Z into SAL, the input language for the Symbolic Analysis Laboratory, a toolset which includes a number of model-checkers and a simulator. The Z2SAL translation deals with a number of important issues, including: mapping unbounded, abstract specifications into bounded, finite models amenable to a BDD-based symbolic checker; converting a non-constructive and piecemeal style of functional specification into a deterministic, automaton-based style of specification; and supporting the rich set-based vocabulary of the Z mathematical toolkit. This paper discusses progress made towards implementing as complete and faithful a translation as possible, while highlighting certain assumptions, respecting certain limitations and making use of available optimisations. The translation is illustrated throughout with examples; and a complete working example is presented, together with performance data