1,010 research outputs found

    Kick control: using the attracting states arising within the sensorimotor loop of self-organized robots as motor primitives

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    Self-organized robots may develop attracting states within the sensorimotor loop, that is within the phase space of neural activity, body, and environmental variables. Fixpoints, limit cycles, and chaotic attractors correspond in this setting to a non-moving robot, to directed, and to irregular locomotion respectively. Short higher-order control commands may hence be used to kick the system from one self-organized attractor robustly into the basin of attraction of a different attractor, a concept termed here as kick control. The individual sensorimotor states serve in this context as highly compliant motor primitives. We study different implementations of kick control for the case of simulated and real-world wheeled robots, for which the dynamics of the distinct wheels is generated independently by local feedback loops. The feedback loops are mediated by rate-encoding neurons disposing exclusively of propriosensoric inputs in terms of projections of the actual rotational angle of the wheel. The changes of the neural activity are then transmitted into a rotational motion by a simulated transmission rod akin to the transmission rods used for steam locomotives. We find that the self-organized attractor landscape may be morphed both by higher-level control signals, in the spirit of kick control, and by interacting with the environment. Bumping against a wall destroys the limit cycle corresponding to forward motion, with the consequence that the dynamical variables are then attracted in phase space by the limit cycle corresponding to backward moving. The robot, which does not dispose of any distance or contact sensors, hence reverses direction autonomously.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    Millennial Variability in an Idealized Ocean Model: Predicting the AMOC Regime Shifts

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    A salient feature of paleorecords of the last glacial interval in the North Atlantic is pronounced millennial variability, commonly known as Dansgaard–Oeschger events. It is believed that these events are related to variations in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and heat transport. Here, the authors formulate a new low-order model, based on the Howard–Malkus loop representation of ocean circulation, capable of reproducing millennial variability and its chaotic dynamics realistically. It is shown that even in this chaotic model changes in the state of the meridional overturning circulation are predictable. Accordingly, the authors define two predictive indices which give accurate predictions for the time the circulation should remain in the on phase and then stay in the subsequent off phase. These indices depend mainly on ocean stratification and describe the linear growth of small perturbations in the system. Thus, monitoring particular indices of the ocean state could help predict a potential shutdown of the overturning circulation

    Marching bifurcations

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    Ensemble Kalman Filter with a Square Root Scheme (EnKF-SR) for Trajectory Estimation of AUV SEGOROGENI ITS

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    Results of a study on the development of navigation system and guidance for A UV are presented in this paper. The study was carried to evaluate the behavior of A UV SEGOROGENI ITS, designed with a characteristic length of 980 mm, cross-section diameter of i80 mm, for operation in a 3.0 m water depth, at a maximum forward speed of 1.94 knots. The most common problem in the development of AUVs is the limitation in the mathematical model and the restriction on the degree of freedom in simulation. in this study a model of linear system was implemented, derived from a non-linear system that is linearized utilizing the Jacobian matrix. The linear system is then implemented as a platform to estimate the trajecto1y. in this respect the estimation is carried out by adopting the method of Ensemble Kalman Filter Square Root (EnKFSR). The EnKF-SR method basically is developedfrom EnKF at the stage of correction algorithm. The implementation of EnKF-SR on the linear model comprises of three simulations, each of which generates 100, 200 and 300 ensembles. The best simulation exhibited the error behveen the real tracking and the simulation in translation mode was in the order of 0. 009 m/s, whereas in the rotation mode was some 0. 00 I radls. These fact indicates the accuracy of higher than 9 5% has been achieved. Copyright© 2015 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l

    Non-linear investigation of an asymmetric disk brake model

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugÀnglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Among design engineers, it is known that breaking symmetries of a brake rotor can help to prevent squeal. From a modelling point of view, in the literature brake squeal is almost exclusively treated using models with a symmetric brake rotor, which are capable of explaining the excitation mechanism but yield no insight into the relation between rotor asymmetry and stability. In previous work, it has been demonstrated with linear models that the breaking of symmetries of the brake rotor has a stabilizing effect. The equations of motion for this case have periodic coefficients with respect to time and are therefore more difficult to analyse than in the symmetric case. The goal of this article is to investigate whether due to the breaking of symmetries also, the non-linear behaviour of the brake changes qualitatively compared to the symmetric case

    Time Quasilattices in Dissipative Dynamical Systems

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    We establish the existence of `time quasilattices' as stable trajectories in dissipative dynamical systems. These tilings of the time axis, with two unit cells of different durations, can be generated as cuts through a periodic lattice spanned by two orthogonal directions of time. We show that there are precisely two admissible time quasilattices, which we term the infinite Pell and Clapeyron words, reached by a generalization of the period-doubling cascade. Finite Pell and Clapeyron words of increasing length provide systematic periodic approximations to time quasilattices which can be verified experimentally. The results apply to all systems featuring the universal sequence of periodic windows. We provide examples of discrete-time maps, and periodically-driven continuous-time dynamical systems. We identify quantum many-body systems in which time quasilattices develop rigidity via the interaction of many degrees of freedom, thus constituting dissipative discrete `time quasicrystals'.Comment: 38 pages, 14 figures. This version incorporates "Pell and Clapeyron Words as Stable Trajectories in Dynamical Systems", arXiv:1707.09333. Submission to SciPos

    5th EUROMECH nonlinear dynamics conference, August 7-12, 2005 Eindhoven : book of abstracts

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    5th EUROMECH nonlinear dynamics conference, August 7-12, 2005 Eindhoven : book of abstracts

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    Basins of attraction in nonsmooth models of gear rattle

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    This paper is concerned with the computation of the basins of attraction of a simple one degree-of-freedom backlash oscillator using cell-to-cell mapping techniques. This analysis is motivated by the modeling of order vibration in geared systems. We consider both a piecewise-linear stiffness model and a simpler infinite stiffness impacting limit. The basins reveal rich and delicate dynamics, and we analyze some of the transitions in the system's behavior in terms of smooth and discontinuity-induced bifurcations. The stretching and folding of phase space are illustrated via computations of the grazing curve, and its preimages, and manifold computations of basin boundaries using DsTool (Dynamical Systems Toolkit)
