8 research outputs found

    Large Cross-free sets in Steiner triple systems

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    A {\em cross-free} set of size mm in a Steiner triple system (V,B)(V,{\cal{B}}) is three pairwise disjoint mm-element subsets X1,X2,X3⊂VX_1,X_2,X_3\subset V such that no B∈BB\in {\cal{B}} intersects all the three XiX_i-s. We conjecture that for every admissible nn there is an STS(n)(n) with a cross-free set of size ⌊n−33⌋\lfloor{n-3\over 3}\rfloor which if true, is best possible. We prove this conjecture for the case n=18k+3n=18k+3, constructing an STS(18k+3)(18k+3) containing a cross-free set of size 6k6k. We note that some of the 33-bichromatic STSs, constructed by Colbourn, Dinitz and Rosa, have cross-free sets of size close to 6k6k (but cannot have size exactly 6k6k). The constructed STS(18k+3)(18k+3) shows that equality is possible for n=18k+3n=18k+3 in the following result: in every 33-coloring of the blocks of any Steiner triple system STS(n)(n) there is a monochromatic connected component of size at least ⌈2n3⌉+1\lceil{2n\over 3}\rceil+1 (we conjecture that equality holds for every admissible nn). The analogue problem can be asked for rr-colorings as well, if r-1 \equiv 1,3 \mbox{ (mod 6)} and r−1r-1 is a prime power, we show that the answer is the same as in case of complete graphs: in every rr-coloring of the blocks of any STS(n)(n), there is a monochromatic connected component with at least nr−1{n\over r-1} points, and this is sharp for infinitely many nn.Comment: Journal of Combinatorial Designs, 201

    Set-Codes with Small Intersections and Small Discrepancies

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    We are concerned with the problem of designing large families of subsets over a common labeled ground set that have small pairwise intersections and the property that the maximum discrepancy of the label values within each of the sets is less than or equal to one. Our results, based on transversal designs, factorizations of packings and Latin rectangles, show that by jointly constructing the sets and labeling scheme, one can achieve optimal family sizes for many parameter choices. Probabilistic arguments akin to those used for pseudorandom generators lead to significantly suboptimal results when compared to the proposed combinatorial methods. The design problem considered is motivated by applications in molecular data storage and theoretical computer science

    Colouring 4-cycle systems with equitably coloured blocks

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    AbstractA colouring of a 4-cycle system (V,B) is a surjective mapping φ:V→Γ. The elements of Γ are colours and, for each i∈Γ, the set Ci=φ−1(i) is a colour class. If |Γ|=m, we have an m-colouring of (V,B). For every B∈B, let φ(B)={φ(x)|x∈B}. We say that a block B is equitably coloured if either |φ(B)∩Ci|=0 or |φ(B)∩Ci|=2 for every i∈Γ. Let F(n) be the set of integers m such that there exists an m-coloured 4-cycle system of order n with every block equitably coloured. We prove that: •minF(n)=3 for every n≡1(mod8), n⩾17, F(9)=∅,•{m|3⩽m⩽n+3116}⊆F(n), n≡1(mod16), n⩾17,•{m|3⩽m⩽n+2316}⊆F(n), n≡9(mod16), n⩾25,•for every sufficiently large n≡1(mod8), there is an integer m̄ such that maxF(n)⩽m̄. Moreover we show that maxF(n)=m̄ for infinite values of n

    Steiner configurations ideals: Containment and colouring

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    Given a homogeneous ideal I ⊆ k[x0, …, xn ], the Containment problem studies the relation between symbolic and regular powers of I, that is, it asks for which pairs m, r ∈ N, I(m) ⊆ Ir holds. In the last years, several conjectures have been posed on this problem, creating an active area of current interests and ongoing investigations. In this paper, we investigated the Stable Harbourne Conjecture and the Stable Harbourne–Huneke Conjecture, and we show that they hold for the defining ideal of a Complement of a Steiner configuration of points in Pnk. We can also show that the ideal of a Complement of a Steiner Configuration of points has expected resurgence, that is, its resurgence is strictly less than its big height, and it also satisfies Chudnovsky and Demailly’s Conjectures. Moreover, given a hypergraph H, we also study the relation between its colourability and the failure of the containment problem for the cover ideal associated to H. We apply these results in the case that H is a Steiner System

    Bicoloring Steiner Triple Systems

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    A Steiner triple system has a bicoloring with m color classes if the points are partitioned into m subsets and the three points in every block are contained in exactly two of the color classes. In this paper we give necessary conditions for the existence of a bicoloring with 3 color classes and give a multiplication theorem for Steiner triple systems with 3 color classes. We also examine bicolorings with more than 3 color classes. Math Subject Clasification: 05B07 1 Introduction Throughout this paper we use notation consistent with that found in [2]. Let D = (V; B) be a (v; k; )-design. A coloring of D is a mapping ' : V ! C. The elements of C are colors; if jCj = m, we have an m-coloring of D. For the electronic journal of combinatorics 6 (1999), #R25 2 each c 2 C, the set ' \Gamma1 (c) = fx : '(x) = cg is a color class. A coloring ' of D is weak (strong) if for all B 2 B, j '(B) j? 1 ('(B) = k, respectively), where '(B) = [ v2B '(v). Each color class in a weak or strong color..