2 research outputs found

    Bi-exponential magnetic resonance signal model for partial volume computation.

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    International audienceAccurate quantification of small structures in magnetic resonance (MR) images is often limited by partial volume (PV) effects which arise when more than one tissue type is present in a voxel. PV may be critical when dealing with changes in brain anatomy as the considered structures such as gray matter (GM) are of similar size as the MR spatial resolution. To overcome the limitations imposed by PV effects and achieve subvoxel accuracy different methods have been proposed. Here, we describe a method to compute PV by modeling the MR signal with a biexponential linear combination representing the contribution of at most two tissues in each voxel. In a first step, we estimated the parameters (T1, T2 and proton density) per tissue. Then, based on the bi-exponential formulation one can retrieve fractional contents by solving a linear system of two equations with two unknowns, namely tissue magnetizations. Preliminary tests were conducted on images acquired on a specially designed physical phantom for the study of PV effects. Further, the model was tested on BrainWeb simulated brain images to estimate GM and white matter (WM) PV effects. Root mean squared error was computed between the BrainWeb ground truth and the obtained GM and WM PV maps. The proposed method outperformed traditionally used methods by 33% and 34% in GM and WM, respectively

    Étude des effets de volume partiel en IRM cérébrale pour l'estimation d'épaisseur corticale

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    The work developed in this thesis is within the scope of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) acquisition and image processing for the automated analysis of brain structures. The measurement of structural modifications with time such as cortical atrophy requires the application of image processing algorithms. They must compensate for MRI artifacts such as intensity inhomogeneities or partial volume (PV) effects to allow for brain tissues segmentation then cortical thickness estimation. We suggest a new PV model relying on the physics of acquisition named bi-exponential model that differs from the commonly used linear model by modelling brain tissues and image acquisition. It requires the use of two differently contrasted and perfectly coregistered images. This model has been validated with simulations and physical and digital phantoms in a first place. In parallel, the recent MP2RAGE sequence provides two coregistered images and their combination results in a bias-field corrected image as well as a T1 map of the scanned tissues. We tested our model with in vivo MP2RAGE data and demonstrated that using the linear PV model leads to a systematic gray matter proportion underestimation in PV voxels. These errors result in cortical thickness underestimation. Our results favor the following assumption: PV modelling with MP2RAGE images must differ from the usual linear PV model applied for images obtained from more classic sequences. The bi-exponential model is an adapted solution to this particular sequence.Les travaux réalisés dans cette thèse se situent à l'interface des domaines de l'acquisition en imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) et du traitement d'image pour l'analyse automatique des structures cérébrales. La mesure de modifications structurelles telles que l'atrophie corticale nécessite l'application d'algorithmes de traitement d'image. Ceux-ci doivent compenser les artefacts en IRM tels que l'inhomogénéité du signal ou les effets de volume partiel (VP) pour permettre la segmentation des tissus cérébraux puis l'estimation d'épaisseur corticale. Nous proposons une nouvelle modélisation de VP proche de la physique de l'acquisition baptisée modèle bi-exponentiel qui vient concurrencer le traditionnel modèle linéaire. Il nécessite l'utilisation de deux images de contrastes différents parfaitement recalées. Ce modèle a été validé sur des simulations et des fantômes physique et numérique dans un premier temps. Parallèlement, la récente séquence MP2RAGE permet d'acquérir deux images co-recalées par acquisition et leur combinaison aboutit à l'obtention d'une image insensible aux inhomogénéités du signal et d'une carte de T1 des tissus imagés. Nous avons testé notre modèle sur des données in vivo MP2RAGE et avons montré que l'application du modèle linéaire de VP conduit à une sous-estimation systématique de la substance grise à l'échelle du voxel. Ces erreurs se propagent à l'estimation d'épaisseur corticale, biomarqueur très sensible aux effets de VP. Nos résultats plaident en faveur de l'hypothèse suivante : la modélisation de VP pour les images MP2RAGE doit être différente de celle employée pour des images obtenues avec des séquences plus classiques. Le modèle bi-exponentiel est une solution adaptée à cette séquence particulière