6 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Bidirectional Link Selection in Full Duplex MIMO Systems

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    In this paper, we consider a point to point full duplex (FD) MIMO communication system. We assume that each node is equipped with an arbitrary number of antennas which can be used for transmission or reception. With FD radios, bidirectional information exchange between two nodes can be achieved at the same time. In this paper we design bidirectional link selection schemes by selecting a pair of transmit and receive antenna at both ends for communications in each direction to maximize the weighted sum rate or minimize the weighted sum symbol error rate (SER). The optimal selection schemes require exhaustive search, so they are highly complex. To tackle this problem, we propose a Serial-Max selection algorithm, which approaches the exhaustive search methods with much lower complexity. In the Serial-Max method, the antenna pairs with maximum "obtainable SINR" at both ends are selected in a two-step serial way. The performance of the proposed Serial-Max method is analyzed, and the closed-form expressions of the average weighted sum rate and the weighted sum SER are derived. The analysis is validated by simulations. Both analytical and simulation results show that as the number of antennas increases, the Serial-Max method approaches the performance of the exhaustive-search schemes in terms of sum rate and sum SER

    Throughput maximization for full-duplex energy harvesting MIMO communications

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    © 2016 IEEE.This paper proposes methods for optimizing bidirectional information rates between a base station (BS) and a wirelessly powered mobile station (MS). In the first phase, the MS harvests energy using signals transmitted by the BS, whereas in the second phase both the BS and MS communicate to each other in a full-duplex mode. The BS-beamformer and the time-splitting parameter (TSP) of energy harvesting scheme are jointly optimized to obtain the BS-MS rate region. The joint optimization is non-convex, however a computationally efficient optimum technique based upon semidefinite relaxation and line-search is proposed to solve the problem. Moreover, a suboptimum approach based upon the zero-forcing (ZF) beamformer constraint is also proposed. In this case, a closed-form solution of TSP is obtained. Simulation results demonstrate the advantage of the optimum method over the suboptimum method, especially for smaller values of BS transmit power and number of transmit antennas at the BS

    Beamforming Optimization for Full-Duplex Wireless-powered MIMO Systems

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    We propose techniques for optimizing transmit beamforming in a full-duplex multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) wireless-powered communication system, which consists of two phases. In the first phase, the wireless-powered mobile station (MS) harvests energy using signals from the base station (BS), whereas in the second phase, both MS and BS communicate to each other in a full-duplex mode. When complete instantaneous channel state information (CSI) is available, the BS beamformer and the time-splitting (TS) parameter of energy harvesting are jointly optimized in order to obtain the BS-MS rate region. The joint optimization problem is non-convex, however, a computationally efficient optimum technique, based upon semidefinite relaxation and line-search, is proposed to solve the problem. A sub-optimum zero-forcing approach is also proposed, in which a closed-form solution of TS parameter is obtained. When only second-order statistics of transmit CSI is available, we propose to maximize the ergodic information rate at the MS, while maintaining the outage probability at the BS below a certain threshold. An upper bound for the outage probability is also derived and an approximate convex optimization framework is proposed for efficiently solving the underlying non-convex problem. Simulations demonstrate the advantages of the proposed methods over the sub-optimum and half-duplex ones.Comment: 14 pages, accepte

    Delay QoS Provisioning and Optimal Resource Allocation for Wireless Networks

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    Recent years have witnessed a significant growth in wireless communication and networking due to the exponential growth in mobile applications and smart devices, fueling unprecedented increase in both mobile data traffic and energy demand. Among such data traffic, real-time data transmissions in wireless systems require certain quality of service (QoS) constraints e.g., in terms of delay, buffer overflow or packet drop/loss probabilities, so that acceptable performance levels can be guaranteed for the end-users, especially in delay sensitive scenarios, such as live video transmission, interactive video (e.g., teleconferencing), and mobile online gaming. With this motivation, statistical queuing constraints are considered in this thesis, imposed as limitations on the decay rate of buffer overflow probabilities. In particular, the throughput and energy efficiency of different types of wireless network models are analyzed under QoS constraints, and optimal resource allocation algorithms are proposed to maximize the throughput or minimize the delay. In the first part of the thesis, the throughput and energy efficiency analysis for hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) protocols are conducted under QoS constraints. Approximations are employed for small QoS exponent values in order to obtain closed-form expressions for the throughput and energy efficiency metrics. Also, the impact of random arrivals, deadline constraints, outage probability and QoS constraints are studied. For the same system setting, the throughput of HARQ system is also analyzed using a recurrence approach, which provides more accurate results for any value of the QoS exponent. Similarly, random arrival models and deadline constraints are considered, and these results are further extended to the finite-blocklength coding regime. Next, cooperative relay networks are considered under QoS constraints. Specifically, the throughput performance in the two-hop relay channel, two-way relay channel, and multi-source multi-destination relay networks is analyzed. Finite-blocklength codes are considered for the two-hop relay channel, and optimization over the error probabilities is investigated. For the multi-source multi-destination relay network model, the throughput for both cases of with and without CSI at the transmitter sides is studied. When there is perfect CSI at the transmitter, transmission rates can be varied according to instantaneous channel conditions. When CSI is not available at the transmitter side, transmissions are performed at fixed rates, and decoding failures lead to retransmission requests via an ARQ protocol. Following the analysis of cooperative networks, the performance of both half-duplex and full-duplex operations is studied for the two-way multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system under QoS constraints. In full-duplex mode, the self-interference inflicted on the reception of a user due to simultaneous transmissions from the same user is taken into account. In this setting, the system throughput is formulated by considering the sum of the effective capacities of the users in both half-duplex and full-duplex modes. The low signal to noise ratio (SNR) regime is considered and the optimal transmission/power-allocation strategies are characterized by identifying the optimal input covariance matrices. Next, mode selection and resource allocation for device-to-device (D2D) cellular networks are studied. As the starting point, ransmission mode selection and resource allocation are analyzed for a time-division multiplexed (TDM) cellular network with one cellular user, one base station, and a pair of D2D users under rate and QoS constraints. For a more complicated setting with multiple cellular and D2D users, two joint mode selection and resource allocation algorithms are proposed. In the first algorithm, the channel allocation problem is formulated as a maximum-weight matching problem, which can be solved by employing the Hungarian algorithm. In the second algorithm, the problem is divided into three subproblems, namely user partition, power allocation and channel assignment, and a novel three-step method is proposed by combining the algorithms designed for the three subproblems. In the final part of the thesis, resource allocation algorithms are investigated for content delivery over wireless networks. Three different systems are considered. Initially, a caching algorithm is designed, which minimizes the average delay of a single-cell network. The proposed algorithm is applicable in settings with very general popularity models, with no assumptions on how file popularity varies among different users, and this algorithm is further extended to a more general setting, in which the system parameters and the distributions of channel fading change over time. Next, for D2D cellular networks operating under deadline constraints, a scheduling algorithm is designed, which manages mode selection, channel allocation and power maximization with acceptable complexity. This proposed scheduling algorithm is designed based on the convex delay cost method for a D2D cellular network with deadline constraints in an OFDMA setting. Power optimization algorithms are proposed for all possible modes, based on our utility definition. Finally, a two-step intercell interference (ICI)-aware scheduling algorithm is proposed for cloud radio access networks (C-RANs), which performs user grouping and resource allocation with the goal of minimizing delay violation probability. A novel user grouping algorithm is developed for the user grouping step, which controls the interference among the users in the same group, and the channel assignment problem is formulated as a maximum-weight matching problem in the second step, which can be solved using standard algorithms in graph theory