Throughput maximization for full-duplex energy harvesting MIMO communications


© 2016 IEEE.This paper proposes methods for optimizing bidirectional information rates between a base station (BS) and a wirelessly powered mobile station (MS). In the first phase, the MS harvests energy using signals transmitted by the BS, whereas in the second phase both the BS and MS communicate to each other in a full-duplex mode. The BS-beamformer and the time-splitting parameter (TSP) of energy harvesting scheme are jointly optimized to obtain the BS-MS rate region. The joint optimization is non-convex, however a computationally efficient optimum technique based upon semidefinite relaxation and line-search is proposed to solve the problem. Moreover, a suboptimum approach based upon the zero-forcing (ZF) beamformer constraint is also proposed. In this case, a closed-form solution of TSP is obtained. Simulation results demonstrate the advantage of the optimum method over the suboptimum method, especially for smaller values of BS transmit power and number of transmit antennas at the BS

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