2 research outputs found

    Bi-(N-) cluster editing and its biomedical applications

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    The extremely fast advances in wet-lab techniques lead to an exponential growth of heterogeneous and unstructured biological data, posing a great challenge to data integration in nowadays system biology. The traditional clustering approach, although widely used to divide the data into groups sharing common features, is less powerful in the analysis of heterogeneous data from n different sources (n _ 2). The co-clustering approach has been widely used for combined analyses of multiple networks to address the challenge of heterogeneity. In this thesis, novel methods for the co-clustering of large scale heterogeneous data sets are presented in the software package n-CluE: one exact algorithm and two heuristic algorithms based on the model of bi-/n-cluster editing by modeling the input as n-partite graphs and solving the clustering problem with various strategies. In the first part of the thesis, the complexity and the fixed-parameter tractability of the extended bicluster editing model with relaxed constraints are investigated, namely the ?-bicluster editing model and its NP-hardness is proven. Based on the results of this analysis, three strategies within the n-CluE software package are then established and discussed, together with the evaluations on performances and the systematic comparisons against other algorithms of the same type in solving bi-/n-cluster editing problem. To demonstrate the practical impact, three real-world analyses using n-CluE are performed, including (a) prediction of novel genotype-phenotype associations by clustering the data from Genome-Wide Association Studies; (b) comparison between n-CluE and eight other biclustering tools on GEO Omnibus microarray data sets; (c) drug repositioning predictions by co-clustering on drug, gene and disease networks. The outstanding performance of n-CluE in the real-world applications shows its strength and flexibility in integrating heterogeneous data and extracting biological relevant information in bioinformatic analyses.Die enormen Fortschritte im Bereich Labortechnik haben in jüngster Zeit zu einer exponentiell wachsenden Menge an heterogenen und unstrukturierten Daten geführt. Dies stellt eine große Herausforderung für systembiologische Forschung dar, innerhalb derer diese Datenmengen durch Datenintegration und Datamining zusammengefasst und in Kombination analysiert werden. Traditionelles Clustering ist eine vielseitig eingesetzte Methode, um Entitäten innerhalb grosser Datenmengen bezüglich ihrer Ähnlichkeit bestimmter Attribute zu gruppieren (“clustern„). Beim Clustern von heterogenen Daten aus n (n > 2) unterschiedlichen Quellen zeigen traditionelle Clusteringmethoden jedoch Schwächen. In solchen Fällen bieten Co-clusteringmethoden dadurch Vorteile, dass sie Datensätze gleichzeitig partitionieren können. In dieser Dissertation stelle ich neue Clusteringmethoden vor, die in der Software n-CluE zusammengeführt sind. Diese neuen Methoden wurden aus dem bi-/n-cluster editing heraus entwickelt und lösen durch Transformation der Eingangsdatensätze in n-partite Graphen mit verschiedenen Strategien das zugrundeliegende Clusteringproblem. Diese Dissertation ist in zwei verschiedene Teile gegliedert. Der erste Teil befasst sich eingehend mit der Komplexitätanalyse verschiedener erweiterter bicluster editing Modelle, die sog. ?-bicluster editing Modelle und es wird der Beweis der NP-Schwere erbracht. Basierend auf diesen theoretischen Gesichtspunkten präsentiere ich im zweiten Teil drei unterschiedliche Algorithmen, einen exakten Algorithmus und zwei Heuristiken und demonstriere ihre Leistungsfähigkeit und Robustheit im Vergleich mit anderen algorithmischen Herangehensweisen. Die Stärken von n-CluE werden anhand von drei realen Anwendungsbeispielen untermauert: (a) Die Vorhersage neuartiger Genotyp-Phänotyp-Assoziationen durch Biclustering-Analyse von Daten aus genomweiten Assoziationsstudien (GWAS);(b) Der Vergleich zwischen n-CluE und acht weiteren Softwarepaketen anhand von Bicluster-Analysen von Microarraydaten aus den Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO); (c) Die Vorhersage von Medikamenten-Repositionierung durch integrierte Analyse von Medikamenten-, Gen- und Krankeitsnetzwerken. Die Resultate zeigen eindrucksvoll die Stärken der n-CluE Software. Das Ergebnis ist eine leistungsstarke, robuste und flexibel erweiterbare Implementierung des Biclustering-Theorems zur Integration grosser heterogener Datenmengen für das Extrahieren biologisch relevanter Ergebnisse im Rahmen von bioinformatischen Studien

    Bi-(N-) cluster editing and its biomedical applications

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    he extremely fast advances in wet-lab techniques lead to an exponential growth of heterogeneous and unstructured biological data, posing a great challenge to data integration in nowadays system biology. The traditional clustering approach, although widely used to divide the data into groups sharing common features, is less powerful in the analysis of heterogeneous data from n different sources (n _ 2). The co-clustering approach has been widely used for combined analyses of multiple networks to address the challenge of heterogeneity. In this thesis, novel methods for the co-clustering of large scale heterogeneous data sets are presented in the software package n-CluE: one exact algorithm and two heuristic algorithms based on the model of bi-/n-cluster editing by modeling the input as n-partite graphs and solving the clustering problem with various strategies. In the first part of the thesis, the complexity and the fixed-parameter tractability of the extended bicluster editing model with relaxed constraints are investigated, namely the ?-bicluster editing model and its NP-hardness is proven. Based on the results of this analysis, three strategies within the n-CluE software package are then established and discussed, together with the evaluations on performances and the systematic comparisons against other algorithms of the same type in solving bi-/n-cluster editing problem. To demonstrate the practical impact, three real-world analyses using n-CluE are performed, including (a) prediction of novel genotype-phenotype associations by clustering the data from Genome-Wide Association Studies; (b) comparison between n-CluE and eight other biclustering tools on GEO Omnibus microarray data sets; (c) drug repositioning predictions by co-clustering on drug, gene and disease networks. The outstanding performance of n-CluE in the real-world applications shows its strength and flexibility in integrating heterogeneous data and extracting biological relevant information in bioinformatic analyses