7 research outputs found

    Merdeka Belajar untuk Menumbuhkan Kearifan Lokal Berbasis Nilai Pancasila pada Lembaga PAUD

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    Saat ini sedang terjadi pergantian kurikulum dari kurikulum 2013 ke kurikulum merdeka di jenjang PAUD. Hal yang umum terjadi adalah para guru lebih fokus memperhatikan perubahan pada format rencana pembelajaran seperti RPPH daripada fokus pada esensi yang terdapat pada kurikulum merdeka. Hal yang paling esensi dari kurikulum merdeka di jenjang PAUD adalah pada munculnya nilai Pancasila, di mana nilai tersebut harus diinternalisasikan pada anak melalui berbagai kegiatan. Salah satu kegiatan yang bisa dijadikan sebagai media internalisasi nilai Pancasila adalah kegiatan permainan tradisional yang notabene merupakan produk dari kearifan lokal masyarakat Indonesia. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mendesripsikan tentang merdeka belajar untuk menumbuhkan kearifan lokal berbasis nilai Pancasila di lembaga PAUD. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian netnografi sehingga penulis lebih banyak mengumpulkan data yang berasal dari berita-berita online yang digunakan sebagai media untuk mengakses informasi terkait dengan kurikulum merdeka belajar. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis konten. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: pertama, ada enam nilai Pancasila yang bisa diinternalisasikan pada anak melalui permainan tradisional, yaitu beriman dan bertakwa pada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa serta berakhlak mulia, berkebhinekaan global, gotong royong, mandiri, kreatif, dan bernalar kritis. Kedua, internalisasi nilai Pancasila melalui permainan tradisional dilakukan dengan mengenalkan berbagai permainan tradisional pada anak, menunjukkan cara memainkan permainan tradisional, serta menunjukkan aturan main dalam memainkannya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai Pancasila yang diaktualisasikan oleh anak pada pelaksanaan permainan tradisional dapat mensukseskan implementasi kurikulum merdeka sekaligus melestarikan kearifan lokal pada masyarakat. Kata kunci: Kearifan Lokal, Merdeka Belajar, Nilai, Pancasil

    Globalisasi Society 5.0 Jepang: Studi Kasus Hasil Pencarian Google di Luar Jepang Tahun 2019

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    This article seeks to describe the spread of Japan's Society 5.0 topic outside Japan based on Google's search results in 2019. Japan's Society 5.0 needs to be discussed because the global aspect of Japan's Society 5.0, namely the spread via the internet and Google, has not been researched widely. Even though, the Government of Japan committed as a role model for the world with Society 5.0. The method used in this article is a case study with data from Google Trends. The concept used is the globalization from Thomas Friedman. The results of this article show that the topic of Japan's Society 5.0 has attracted foreign public attention in several countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, India, and the United States. Then, the public in these countries also used Google to find out topics related to Japan's Society 5.0. For example, the topics of society, industry, the industrial revolution, and Industry 4.0. The spread of Japan's Society 5.0 topic in various countries can be stated in line with Thomas Friedman's argumentation on globalization which is centered on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) development.Artikel ini berupaya untuk mendeskripsikan penyebaran topik Society 5.0 Jepang di luar Jepang berdasarkan hasil pencarian Google pada tahun 2019. Society 5.0 Jepang perlu untuk dibahas karena aspek global dari Society 5.0 Jepang yaitu penyebaran melalui internet dan Google belum terlalu dikaji secara luas. Padahal, Pemerintah Jepang memiliki komitmen untuk menjadi percontohan bagi dunia dengan Society 5.0. Metode yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah studi kasus dengan data dari Google Trends. Konsep yang digunakan adalah globalisasi dari Thomas Friedman. Hasil artikel ini memperlihatkan topik Society 5.0 Jepang menjadi perhatian publik asing di beberapa negara seperti Indonesia, Malaysia, India, dan Amerika Serikat. Lalu, publik di negara-negara tersebut juga menggunakan Google untuk mencari tahu topik yang terkait dengan Society 5.0 Jepang. Contohnya adalah topik masyarakat, industri, revolusi industri, dan Industry 4.0. Penyebaran topik Society 5.0 Jepang di berbagai negara dapat dinyatakan sejalan dengan argumentasi globalisasi dari Thomas Friedman yang berpusat pada perkembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK)

    Intellectual Capital as a Factor Forming Economic Security of Enterprises in Society 5.0

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    У статті показано, що в Суспільстві 5.0 інтелектуальний капітал є ключовим фактором формування економічної безпеки підприємств. Визначено пріоритетність структурних компонентів інтелектуального капіталу як чинника формування економічної безпеки підприємства. При структуруванні інтелектуального капіталу розглядаються особливості функціонування гірничо-збагачувальних підприємств. Встановлено отримані критерії оцінки ефективності використання інтелектуального капіталу під час формування економічної безпеки. Визначено три ключові групи компетенцій персоналу, необхідних для формування економічної безпеки. Обґрунтовано, що органічний зв’язок структурних елементів інтелектуального капіталу дозволить сформувати економічну безпеку підприємства протягом поточного періоду та забезпечити параметри економічної безпеки в довгостроковій перспективі. На основі даних, отриманих від видобувних та збагачувальних підприємств, показано, що це стане можливим завдяки зростанню інноваційного рівня технологічних процесів, що сприятиме підвищенню якості продукції, що, у свою чергу, розширить клієнтську базу.В статье показано, что в обществе 5.0 интеллектуальный капитал является ключевым фактором, формирующим экономическую безопасность предприятий. Определен приоритет структурных компонентов интеллектуального капитала как фактора формирования экономической безопасности предприятия. Рассмотрены особенности работы горно-обогатительных предприятий при структурировании интеллектуального капитала. Установлены результирующие критерии оценки эффективности использования интеллектуального капитала при формировании экономической безопасности. Выделены три ключевые группы компетенций персонала, необходимых для формирования экономической безопасности. Обосновано, что органическая связь структурных элементов интеллектуального капитала позволит сформировать экономическую безопасность предприятия в текущем периоде и обеспечить параметры экономической безопасности в долгосрочной перспективе. На основе данных, полученных от горно-обогатительных предприятий, показано, что это станет возможным за счет роста инновационного уровня технологических процессов, что будет способствовать повышению качества продукции, что, в свою очередь, расширит клиентскую базу.The article shows that in Society 5. 0 intellectual capital is a key factor forming economic security of enterprises. The priority of structural components of intellectual capital as a factor of enterprise economic security formation is determined. Features of mining and beneficiation enterprises operation are considered while structuring intellectual capital. The resulting criteria for assessing efficiency of the intellectual capital use during economic security formation are established. Three key groups of competences of personnel necessary for economic security formation are identified. It is substantiated that organic connection of intellectual capital structural elements will enable forming economic security of the enterprise during the current period and providing economic security parameters in the long term. Based on the data obtained from mining and beneficiation enterprises, it is demonstrated that this will be possible due to growth of an innovative level of technological processes which will contribute to product quality enhancement that, in turn, will expand the client base

    Líderes de la Sociedad 5.0. Un enfoque desde las Instituciones de Educación Superior

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    The major challenges facing higher education are related issues to the training the next generation of engineers who must be recognized as leaders with technical skills but also with competencies to provide smart solutions in the problem-solving processes. Many approaches have been proposed in this context, but the most of them not be formal, do not focus on engineering and not consider the trends and challenges as a starting point to define new practical proposals. In this paper, a set of challenges are researched to define a new proposal for training the next generation of engineers focused on leadership. The main objective is to provide guidelines to guidance in the training process into higher education institutions. After that, new research will be performed to put in practical context the proposal defined in this paper

    Society 5.0: technologies for collecting, analyzing, and sharing data about individuals

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    The proposal of Sociedade 5.0 is to contribute to a better quality of life for individuals, and for this, it is also necessary to know these individuals. This need has led researchers and organizations to develop and use technological systems and devices for data collection. These systems and devices take different forms and are increasingly present in the daily lives of individuals. Data collection is performed actively, namely through sensors, or passively, receiving the data that is entered by its users, often unconsciously. This paper presents an initial literature review where it is intended to investigate which technologies and the main sources for collecting information about individuals and how this information can be gathered to contribute to Society 5.0. This investigation aims to know some of the possibilities of these technologies and contribute to future work on this topic

    El líder de la sociedad 5.0

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    En este trabajo se establecen las características que debe tener el líder de la sociedad 5.0 a partir del estudio y análisis de los conceptos de líder sabio, líder adaptativo y sociedad 5.0. Para ello, se realizó un recorrido histórico por dichos conceptos, con el objetivo de determinar sus características principales y su evolución, analizarlos a la luz de sus diferencias y semejanzas, determinar categorías de comparación, y, posteriormente, contrastarlas con las características y objetivos de la sociedad 5.0 para determinar su aplicabilidad. Finalmente, se proponen las características del líder de este tipo de sociedad, en las que predominan aquellas involucradas en la toma de decisiones efectivas y ajustadas a los cambios del entorno, con creatividad y flexibilidad, así como características que implican consideraciones éticas y establecer el bien común por encima del individual. Estas características responden al principal pilar de la Sociedad 5.0, poner nuevamente al hombre en el centro de los desarrollos tecnológicos en búsqueda de su bienestar y salud.This paper sets out the characteristics that the leader of society 5.0 must have from the study and analysis of the concepts of wise leader, adaptative leader and society 5.0. In order to understand these concepts it was necessary to make a historical review of them to the present day, with the aim of determining main characteristics and their evolution, these were then analyzed in light of their differences and similarities with a comparison category to finally counteract them with the characteristics and objectives of society 5.0 and determine their applicability. As a conclusion, the characteristics of the leader of society 5.0 are presented, where those that allow effective decisions to be made and adjusted to changes in the environment predominate, creativity, flexibility and also those that allow the evaluation of ethics and values, as well as establishing the common good above the individual good to respond to the main pillar of this society, which is to put man back at the center of technological developments

    Chapter 1 Transformation of the economy

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    "This book presents the ways in which three key issues of the modern world – transformation, digitalisation and sustainability – may be combined for the greater good and highlights which activities may be designed to integrate these three directly linked paths. It is an experience-derived and evidence-based analysis of how sustainable development impacts the transformation of the economy and how the business environment influences economic transformation in the light of the sustainable development principles. The book addresses the current challenges and shows how the economy can be transformed further in an organic way that meets the needs of society and the environment, through the use of digital technologies. The multidisciplinary approach to sustainability transformation is one of the core strengths of the book, as it emphasises the need for a holistic approach to the functioning of sustainable development ideas at the micro- and macro-levels. The authors present a fresh perspective, particularly around the regulations stimulating the sustainable development of enterprises, tax systems, and the allocation of capital. Moreover, the book brings together and makes available the results of the latest research on the subject, using a vast amount of primary evidence and both quantitative and qualitative methodology. The authors’ insights go beyond the obvious effects of economic transformation and call attention to ways in which smart technology and digitalisation may help to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The book is directed first and foremost towards academics, researchers and students, but also professionals, who would like to expand their knowledge of sustainable development from a scientific perspective.