300,253 research outputs found

    An exploration, using a SENCo questionnaire and a senior management semi-structured interview schedule, of the continuing professional development (CPD) arrangements in place in primary schools in one local authority cluster

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    This thesis describes a practitioner led exploration carried out in two phases: Phase 1. A scoping (Delphi) study that explored the school-based provision in place to meet the needs of pupils experiencing special educational needs, the outcome of which guided the choice of focus of the second phase. The scoping (Delphi) study findings highlighted the importance of continuing professional development (CPD) suggesting that it will have an increasingly significant role to play in preparing schools for a future in which they will become increasingly responsible for identifying, assessing, meeting, monitoring and reviewing the needs of their pupils. Phase 2. An exploration (using a SENCo questionnaire and a senior management semi-structured interview schedule) of the CPD arrangements in place in primary schools in one local authority cluster. The thesis describes, in as much detail as the available resources and goodwill allowed, the CPD practices that existed within one local authority cluster and compares these with best CPD practices as described in the literature In addition to presenting a summary of best CPD practices, conclusions are drawn, and recommendations made, regarding: actions that schools in the sample cluster might wish to take to improve the efficacy of their CPD practices, actions that I can take to improve the efficacy of my own CPD practices, and actions that I can take to inform the CPD practices of those organisations, agencies and professionals with or for whom I work

    Innovation in Brazilian Industries: Analysis of Management Practices Using Fuzzy TOPSIS

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    This study examined the practices of innovation management used by Brazilian industries. A survey was carried out with specialists that assessed 27 practices (PR) proposed by ISO 56002, considering two types of firms: small and medium-sized industries (SMI) and large industries (LI). The methodological approach included Hierarchical Cluster Analysis to identify the similarities between the specialists and define levels of specialists, as well as Fuzzy TOPSIS and frequency and sensitivity analyses to examine their responses. PR1 (analysis of internal and external issues that impact innovation management) was deemed the best practice for LIs, whereas PR10 (adequate assessment of potential partnerships) was best evaluated for SMIs. The PR27 (periodic audits to identify opportunities for improvement) received the lowest rating from both LIs and SMIs. In general, SMIs in the Brazilian context have more severe deficiencies in terms of applying innovation management practices than LIs. A broad overview of the innovation practices adopted in the Brazilian industrial scenario is provided. The study’s findings may assist managers and policymakers to develop initiatives and actions to improve the capacity of Brazilian industries to innovate. This research can also support future studies aimed at better understanding specific practices related to the topic

    A Guide to Cluster Munitions

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    Since the CCM entered into force in 2010, much expertise has been acquired by States Parties and partner organisations. This expertise addresses challenges in treaty compliance and best practices that have been developed within the sector to support effective and efficient implementation of the Convention. This new edition of A Guide to Cluster Munitions features updated information on the Convention’s key obligations such as stockpile destruction and cluster munitions clearance. It features comprehensive descriptions and illustrations of the types of cluster munitions in contaminated areas. It also explores good practices in risk education and victim assistance, as well as other critical elements such as information management systems. The guide is completed by a close look at the legal framework of the Convention, providing clear guidance for the ratification of the Treaty. In particular, the third edition will be useful for new States Parties, or States considering accession to the Convention, who may be seeking further information, including specific responsibilities of State Parties. For those requiring more in depth information or technical data, this edition also provides several valuable links to resource websites

    Best performance-best practice nelle imprese manifatturiere italiane

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    WP 08/2008; The aim of this working paper is to analyse the best practices of a sample of manufacturing firms that have carried out lasting best performance in terms of solvency, growth and profitability. Firstly, the paper analyses the factors that have favoured or hindered best performance, that is: size; ownership and corporate structure; product and production strategies; competitive and international position; human resources management; product and process development, and so on. Secondly, the paper analyses the correlation between size, qualitative and relational growth. By cluster analysis, three groups of firms have been defined with different levels of qualitative and relational contents. The clusters are the dependent variable of an ordered logit regression and the explanatory variables are the performance and structural variables. The research has been founded by the Piedmont Region and, consequently, is focused on the manufacturing companies located in this region

    Best performance-best practice nelle imprese manifatturiere italiane

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    The aim of this working paper is to analyse the best practices of a sample of manufacturing firms that have carried out lasting best performance in terms of solvency, growth and profitability. Firstly, the paper analyses the factors that have favoured or hindered best performance, that is: size; ownership and corporate structure; product and production strategies; competitive and international position; human resources management; product and process development, and so on. Secondly, the paper analyses the correlation between size, qualitative and relational growth. By cluster analysis, three groups of firms have been defined with different levels of qualitative and relational contents. The clusters are the dependent variable of an ordered logit regression and the explanatory variables are the performance and structural variables. The research has been founded by the Piedmont Region and, consequently, is focused on the manufacturing companies located in this region.Best performance, Best practice, Manufacturing firms, Size growth

    Best management practices to face degradated territories occupied by Cistus ladanifer shrublands – Portugal case study

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    Land degradation in Mediterranean Basin is clearly connected to the resilience of perturbed ecosystems, contributing to land abandonment, recurrent fires and biodiversity loss, with the prevalence of secondary shrublands that tend to occupy large areas. This is the case of Cistus ladanifer .shrublands, one of the most widespread shrub communities in Iberian Peninsula and a poor, uniform and resilient system. Here we analyze the impact of several management practices in the recovery of territories largely occupied by this shrublands. We tested “nonintervention”, “cut”, “fire”, “mechanical mobilization” and “pasture” in 100 m2 plots of Cistus ladaniferus L., in Central Portugal, being followed since 1993. Flora was analyzed using Braun–Blanquet’s methodology and the plots compared with hierarchical cluster analysis and PCA. An ANOVA analysis was also performed to investigate differences in management practices, between plots and between two periods of time. The results show that extensive grazing or continuous cut have a high impact on plant diversity and community structure, been extensive grazing, the best way to improve plant diversity in a short period of time, using less resource

    A Review on the Integration of Supply Chain Management and Industrial Cluster

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    Although Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Industrial Cluster (IC) are two different fields of study, it has been identified that there is a natural and internal relationship between these two theories. Most of research works depict that, integration of the two concepts is in its infancy. The aim of this research is to review the integration between supply chain management and industrial cluster, at the same time to identify the gap and propose solution. To achieve the research aim, two pairs of keywords namely “supply chain” and “industrial cluster” were used, to track literatures from the online databases. The search initially identified over 46 articles. After further screening, they were reduced to 17. Finally, contents of these articles were analyzed based on their general focus area. From the content analysis, considerable evidences are found in the literature review on the integration of supply chain management with industrial cluster. The entire emphasis of the previous researches was on cluster supply chain (CSC) management, which highly promotes efficient operations of industrial clusters. Most of the CSC articles focused on the importance of cluster supply chain. However, there are few researches in the design, implementation and improvement of cluster supply chain. On the other hand, the role of industrial clusters in a global supply chain management and benchmarking of best practices have not yet been given the attention they deserve in previous studies. This is one of the first studies which critically examine researches that deal about supply chain management and industrial cluster integration theories

    Best practices for promoting teachers' development in Malaysia

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    The cluster schools in Malaysia were formed to employ best teachers to achieve educational outcomes corresponding to 4th Industrial revolution. This study examines the best practices of promoting teachers’ professional development among principals of cluster secondary schools in Malaysia. The Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale (PIMRS) was used as the data collection instrument through survey questionnaire. A diverse sample constituting 871 respondents of different gender, ethnicity, type of schools, and, designations at schools was drawn randomly using cluster sampling. The researcher employed descriptive statistical procedures involving frequency count, percentage distribution, and, means to analyze the data collected. Use of such data is one of the standard practices in Malaysia to plan for the professional development among principals of cluster secondary schools. The study indicated that the best practice of developing teacher professionalism among principals of cluster secondary schools Malaysia according to principals’ and teachers’ perceptions was ‘setting aside time at faculty meetings for teachers to share ideas on instruction or information from in-service activities.’ Findings shall effectively assist the process of promoting a positive school learning climate among the principals and teachers of secondary schools in Malaysia in wake of meeting the goals of National Philosophy of Education, Vision 2020 and aspiration of the Malaysia Education Development Plan 2013-2025 in the Era of IR 4. Other school principals may use the outcomes of research to facilitate and improve students' academic performance in their respective schools and join hands in the collective effort of raising the work force compatible to meet national goals at par with international standards

    Improved delivery of cardiovascular care (IDOCC) through outreach facilitation: study protocol and implementation details of a cluster randomized controlled trial in primary care

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    Abstract Background There is a need to find innovative approaches for translating best practices for chronic disease care into daily primary care practice routines. Primary care plays a crucial role in the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease. There is, however, a substantive care gap, and many challenges exist in implementing evidence-based care. The Improved Delivery of Cardiovascular Care (IDOCC) project is a pragmatic trial designed to improve the delivery of evidence-based care for the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease in primary care practices using practice outreach facilitation. Methods The IDOCC project is a stepped-wedge cluster randomized control trial in which Practice Outreach Facilitators work with primary care practices to improve cardiovascular disease prevention and management for patients at highest risk. Primary care practices in a large health region in Eastern Ontario, Canada, were eligible to participate. The intervention consists of regular monthly meetings with the Practice Outreach Facilitator over a one- to two-year period. Starting with audit and feedback, consensus building, and goal setting, the practices are supported in changing practice behavior by incorporating chronic care model elements. These elements include (a) evidence-based decision support for providers, (b) delivery system redesign for practices, (c) enhanced self-management support tools provided to practices to help them engage patients, and (d) increased community resource linkages for practices to enhance referral of patients. The primary outcome is a composite score measured at the level of the patient to represent each practice's adherence to evidence-based guidelines for cardiovascular care. Qualitative analysis of the Practice Outreach Facilitators' written narratives of their ongoing practice interactions will be done. These textual analyses will add further insight into understanding critical factors impacting project implementation. Discussion This pragmatic, stepped-wedge randomized controlled trial with both quantitative and process evaluations demonstrates innovative methods of implementing large-scale quality improvement and evidence-based approaches to care delivery. This is the first Canadian study to examine the impact of a large-scale multifaceted cardiovascular quality-improvement program in primary care. It is anticipated that through the evaluation of IDOCC, we will demonstrate an effective, practical, and sustainable means of improving the cardiovascular health of patients across Canada. Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT0057480

    HRM in the South Asian Context: A Comparison of HRM in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka

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    A recurring question in contemporary organizations is how to deal with HRM (human resource management) in the wake of globalization and an emerging knowledge economy. Many research studies have been conducted to examine the extent to which HRM practices converge and diverge in different socio-cultural contexts. National institutions and local cultures are cited as the major stumbling blocks for HRM convergence. However, it is also true that regional clusters have many things in common (cultural similarity, level of economic development, and geographical proximity etc.) make conditions that ultimately lead to isomorphism in HRM. The study in question attempts to look at the extent of convergence and divergence of HRM in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka that constitute one cluster. The study specifically examines various HRM practices including training, compensation, and employees’ safety in the light of recommendations of International Labor Organization (ILO). The goal of this study is to develop a model of HRM which best describes the situation in the three countries for guiding effective employment, deployment, and development of human resources