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    Bericht ĂŒber den Abschluss-Workshop des DFG-Projekts "Konzeptionelle Entwicklung einer Forschungsinfrastruktur fĂŒr die e-Humanities in Deutschland" am 22. Januar 2009 in Göttinge

    Clusterinitiativen in der Rhein-Main-Region: ein Konzept fĂŒr die Wirtschafts- und Regionalpolitik

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    Inhaltsverzeichnis: Martin FĂŒhr: Vorwort; Daniel-Patrick Görisch und Georg Cichorowski (2005): Bericht ĂŒber den Workshop „Cluster in der Rhein-Main-Region - Werbeslogan oder Zukunftskonzept?“ vom 15.2.2005 in Darmstadt; Georg Cichorowski (2004):Internetrecherche zu Clustern und Netzwerken in der Rhein-Main-Region.; Elisabeth Strasser (2005): Automotive Cluster-Projekt; Christian Langhagen-Rohrbach (2005): Cluster in der Rhein-Main-Region - Werbeslogan oder Zukunftskonzept?; Georg Cichorowski (2003): Bericht ĂŒber das 1. Wissenschaftsforum Zukunft Rhein-Main: „Erfolgsfaktoren regionaler Wirtschaftsentwicklung. Cluster und Netzwerke in der Rhein-Main-Region“ vom November 200

    Report and preliminary results of SONNE cruise SO175, Miami - Bremerhaven, 12.11 - 30.12.2003 : (GAP, Gibraltar Arc Processes)

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    Expedition SO175 using FS Sonne aimed for a multidisciplinerary geoscientific approach with an international group of researchers. Methods covered the entire span from geophysical data acquisition (seafloor mapping, echography, seismic reflection), sediment coring at sites of active fluid venting, in situ heat flow measurements across the entire length of the Gibraltar thrust wedge, the deformation front, landslide bodies, and mud volcanoes, and finally the deployment of a long-term pore pressure probe. Video-supported operations helped to identify fluid vent sites, regions with tectonic activity, and other attractive high priority targets. Qualitative and quantitative examinations took place on board and are continued on land with respect to pore pressure variation, geomicrobiology, sediment- and fluid mobilization, geochemical processes, faunal assemblages (e.g. cold water corals), and gas hydrates (flammable methane-ice-crystals). Main focus of the expedition has been a better understanding of interaction between dynamic processes in a seismically active region region with slow plate convergence. In the context of earthquake nucleation and subduction zone processes, the SO175 research programme had a variety of goals, such as: ‱ To test the frictional behaviour of the abyssal plain sediments. ‱ To explore the temperature field of the 1755 thrust earthquake event via heat flow measurements. ‱ To assess the role of fluid venting and gas hydrate processes control slope stability and mud volcanic activity along the Iberian continental margin. ‱ To measure isotope geochemistry of pore waters and carbonates of deep fluids. ‱ To quantify microbial activity in Gibraltar wedge sediments. ‱ To test whether microseismicity in the area corresponds to in situ pore pressure changes. ‱ To find out if enhanced heat flow max be indicative of active subduction. Initial tentative results during the cruise suggest that there is a component of active thrusting at the base of the wedge, as attested by heat flow data. Based on mostly geochemical evidence, mud volcanism was found less active than previously assumed. Highlights from post-cruise research include the successful deployment of the long-term station and high frictional resistance of all incoming sediment on the three abyssal plains

    STAB-Jahresbericht 2022 - Proceedings of the 23st STAB-Symposium 2022 in Berlin

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    Die STAB-Jahresberichte werden bei den alternierenden Veranstaltungen Symposium und Workshop als Sammlung der Kurzfassungen der VortrĂ€ge an die Teilnehmer verteilt. Somit erscheint dieser STAB Jahresbericht 2022 zum 23. DGLR-Fachsymposium, das am 9. und 10. November 2022 in Berlin stattfindet. Der Bericht enthĂ€lt 77 Mitteilungen ĂŒber Arbeiten aus den Fachgruppen, ĂŒber die beim Symposium vorgetragen wird. Den Mitteilungen vorangestellt ist ein Inhaltsverzeichnis (Seite 14 bis 19), das nach Fachgruppen gegliedert ist. Innerhalb der Rubriken ist alphabetisch nach Verfassern sortiert. Die BeitrĂ€ge verteilen sich (bezogen auf den Erstautor) zu 1 % auf die Industrie, 40 % auf die Hochschulen und zu 59 % auf Forschungseinrichtungen (DLR, DNW, ISL). Auf Seite 174 sind die Autoren und Koautoren dieses Berichtes aufgeliste

    The case of Heinrich Wilhelm Poll (1877-1939): A German-Jewish geneticist, eugenicist, twin researcher, and victim of the Nazis

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    This paper uses a reconstruction of the life and career of Heinrich Poll as a window into developments and professional relationships in the biological sciences in Germany in the period from the beginning of the twentieth century to the Nazi seizure of power in 1933. Poll's intellectual work involved an early transition from morphometric physical anthropology to comparative evolutionary studies, and also found expression in twin research - a field in which he was an acknowledged early pioneer. His advocacy of eugenics led to participation in state-sponsored committees convened to advise on social policy, one of which debated sterilisation and made recommendations that led eventually to the establishment of the notorious Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics. However, his status as a prominent geneticist and, in particular, as a eugenicist had an ironic and ultimately tragic dimension. Heinrich Poll was of Jewish birth, and this resulted in his career being destroyed by an application of the population policies he had helped put in place

    Forschungslandschaft biotische Rohstoffe: Unternehmen und Branchen auf dem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit (COMPASS)

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    Sustainable production and the sustainable use of biotic resources have becomeincreasingly significant. This results in the demand by society for a sustainable useof biotic resources especially within the nutrition sector. But also their use for industrial purposes had led research and development being given the task to support our economy with conceptional ideas.In this respect, the Working Group Eco-Efficiency & Sustainable Enterprises at theWuppertal Institute with Dr. Christa Liedtke as head, has developed a research landscape that gives a general overview of the theme of biotic resources - their sustainable production and use. The working group defines aims of research andlists urgent and current research tasks on a macro (politico-economically), meso (branches) and micro (enterprises and production) level. It is necessary to take onthe challenge that a future sustainable development presents for us. That is to realizeecologically, socially and economically a triple gain strategy along the three pillars of sustainability - to save resources, to create wealth and to strengthencompetitiveness.To implement this strategy the Working Group Eco-Efficiency and Sustainable Enterprises has developed the methodology tool of COMPASS (COMPAnies and Sectors' Path to Sustainability). Its aim is the system-embracing optimization ofsingle process chains, of products and services considering ecological, social and economic aspects. This methodology has already been implemented in various otherbranches and enterprises and it is now necessary to further adopt, test andspecifically develop COMPASS as a decision tool in the vast area of production anduse of biotic resources.This is done in a dialogue- and practice oriented way and inclose co-operation with all actors of the corresponding production lines. Generalworking themes that the Working Group will concentrate on in future deal with theproduct lines food products and products from renewable resources as follows:Identification of the ecological, economic and social targets of sustainability and aclassification of frameworks, obstacles and supporting aspects of sustainabledevelopment Identification of main material flows and severest pollution, of areas of highestmaterial turnover and of most significant social impacts within the area ofnutrition and use of renewable resources --

    Report and preliminary results of RV METEOR Cruise M78/3. Sediment transport off Uruguay and Argentina: from the shelf to the deep sea ; 19.05.2009 – 06.07.2009, Montevideo (Uruguay) – Montevideo (Uruguay)

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    The waters off Uruguay and Northern Argentina offer the possibility to study sediment transport processes from ‘source-to-sink’ in a relatively small area. Quickly accumulated sediments are potentially unstable and might be transported downslope in canyons and/or on the open slope. Strong contour currents result in along-slope sediment transport. Within the scope of Meteor-Cruise M78/3 we investigated sediment transport and depositional patterns by means of hydroacoustic and seismic mapping as well as geological sampling with conventional coring tools and the new MARUM seafloor drill rig (MeBo). Geotechnical investigations were carried out with the aim to analyze the controlling parameters for the destabilization of the slope and the succeeding failure of a sediment body. Various types of sediment instabilities have been imaged in geophysical and core data, documenting particularly the continental slope offshore Uruguay to be locus of frequent submarine landslides. Apart from individual landslides, however, gravitational downslope sediment transport along the continental slope is restricted to the prominent Mar del Plata Canyon and smaller canyons identified in the bathymetric data. In contrast, many morphological features reveal that sediment transport is predominantly controlled by strong contour bottom currents. This suggests a significant impact of the western boundary currents on the overall architectural evolution of the margin. The investigations are related to projects of the DFG Research Center / Excellence Cluster 'The Ocean in the Earth System', University of Bremen, as well as the Excellence Cluster 'The Future Ocean', University of Kiel

    Akzeptanz fĂŒr Forschungsinformationssysteme schaffen – ein Erfahrungsaustausch

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    Dieser Workshop-Bericht fasst die Diskussion ĂŒber Akzeptanz von Forschungsinformationssystemen zusammen, die im Rahmen eines Workshops auf der Jahrestagung der Forschungs- und Technologiereferenten in Deutschland gefĂŒhrt wurde. Die hohe Resonanz auf die Veranstaltung (40 Anmeldungen) zeigte das Interessen in diesem Kreis, der aus eigenem Erleben oft sehr genau weiß, wie hoch der Bedarf und wie schwierig die VerfĂŒgbarkeit von Informationen ĂŒber Projekte, Publikationen, Expertenprofilen und Reputationsindikatoren an der UniversitĂ€t sind. Der Diskurs mĂŒndete in konkrete Ergebnisse hinsichtlich der Fallstricke und Erfolgsfaktoren – diese werden im Schlussteil gesondert zusammengefasst
