7 research outputs found

    Development and production of video games: Dark Rain

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    Dark Rain es un juego de ciencia ficción-aventura en tercera persona, enfocado en la exploración y combate, en él puedes lograr misiones y con ellas ir avanzando en los niveles mientras que se recolectan objetos útiles para la continuación de la historia. Nuestro protagonista Z deberá buscar la manera de sobrevivir y escapar del planeta tierra mientras se abre paso a través de innumerables enemigos que emergieron de las grietas dimensionales e invadieron el planeta tierra.Dark Rain is a third-person science fiction-adventure game, focused on exploration and combat, in which you can complete missions and with them progress through the levels while collecting useful objects for the continuation of the story. Our protagonist Z must find a way to survive and escape from planet earth while he makes his way through countless enemies that emerged from dimensional rifts and invaded planet earth.Pregrad

    User Experience on E-Government Online Services: A Case Study on The SIMPATIKA Service Application at The Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia

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    User Experience (UX) is increasingly popular as a success factor in a product, system or service in many sectors and industries, including government institutions. User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) is one of the tools at measure UX. The purpose of this study is to measure UX on the SIIMPATIKA Service Application as one type of E-Government Online Services in the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia. There are 127 employees of Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs participating in this research as respondent. The results of this study found that the SIMPATIKA Service  obtained a very positive UX score on attributes of attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency, dependability, and stimulation.   However, novelty has a score quite positive than other attributes .   The results of this study can be provides additional ideas for further development of the  application of SIMPATIKA  service at the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs

    Agile und Nutzerzentrierte Softwareentwicklung

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    Nutzerzentrierte Informationssysteme für den deutschen Mittelstand

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    Kepuasan Layanan Online E-Government di Kementerian Agama Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan pengguna pada layanan online e-government khususnya dari perspektif pegawai pemerintahan. Obyek penelitian pada salah satu layanan online e-government di Kementerian Agama Indonesia yang disebut dengan SIMPATIKA (Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan). Model penelitian yang dikembangkan berdasarkan 2 (dua) model penelitian, yaitu: Model IS-Success (Information Systen Success) dari bidang studi Sistem Informasi (SI), dan Model UX (User Experience) dari bidang studi Interaksi Manusia Komputer (IMK). Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi 8 (delapan) dimensi dari 3 (tiga) konstruk faktor kepuasan, yakni: dimensi kualitas sistem, kualitas informasi, kualitas layanan pada faktor kepuasan kualitas kinerja sistem. Kemudian dimensi dampak individu dan dampak organisasi pada faktor kepuasan dampak dan dimensi atraktif, pragmatis dan hedonis pada faktor kepuasan pengalaman pengguna. Ketiga faktor kepuasan tersebut membangun tingkat kepuasan pengguna terhadap layanan online e-government SIMPATIKA di Kementerian Agama Indoensia secara menyeluruh. Dari hasil pengujian dan analisa menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) dengan Partial Least Square (PLS) menunjukkan bahwa factor kepuasan kualitas kinerja, dampak dan pengalaman pengguna mempengaruhi kepuasan pengguna pada layanan online e-government. Dimensi kualitas sistem, kualitas informasi dan kualitas pelayanan, dampak individu, dampak organisasi, daya tarik dan pragmatis berpengaruh positip terhadap kepuasan pengguna. Adapun dimensi hedonis pada factor kepuasan pengalaman pengguna tidak banyak memberi pengaruh terhadap kepuasan pengguna. Hal ini terjadi karena layanan online e-government yang bersifat wajib (mandatory). Pada situasi layanan yang bersifat wajib, pengguna lebih mementingkan aspek kinerja dan dampak dari suatu layanan daripada aspek hedonis pada layanan online e-government. Hasil dari penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi pada penelitian dibidang Sistem Informasi dalam konteks layanan online e-government dengan mempelajari kepuasan layanan online e-government berdasarkan 3 (tiga) faktor kepuasan. Secara praktek, para praktisi, pemangku kebijakan dan para peneliti lainnya dapat memanfaatkan penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi keberhasilan layanan online e-government berdasarkan kepuasan pengguna dari beragam perspektif pemangku kepentingan. ========================================================= This study aims to study the factors that affect user satisfaction on online e-government services especially from the perspective of government employees. Object of research on one of the online e-government services in the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia called SIMPATIKA (Information Systems Management Educators and Education Personnel). The research model was developed based on 2 (two) research models, namely: IS-Success Model (Information Systen Success) from Information System (IS) study field, and UX Model (User Experience) from Human Computer Interaction (HCI). This research identifies 8 (eight) dimensions of 3 (three) constructs of satisfaction factors, namely: dimensions of system quality, information quality, service quality on the satisfaction factor of system quality performance. Then the dimensions of individual impact and organizational impact on impact satisfaction factors and attractive, pragmatic and hedonic dimensions on user experience satisfaction factors. These three factors of satisfaction build the level of user satisfaction of SIMPATIKA online e-government services in the Ministry of Religious Indonesia. The result of testing and analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS) shows that satisfaction factor of performance quality, impact and user experience influence user satisfaction on e-government online service. The dimensions of system quality, information quality and service quality, individual impact, organizational impact, attractiveness and pragmatic influence positively on user satisfaction. The hedonic dimension of the user experience satisfaction factor has little effect on user satisfaction. This happens because the mandatory online e-government service. In mandatory service situations, users are more concerned with the performance aspects and impacts of a service than the hedonic aspects of e-government online services. The results of this study contribute to research in the field of Information Systems in the context of online e-government services by studying the user satisfaction based on 3 (three) satisfaction factors. Practically, practitioners, stakeholders and other researchers can use this research to evaluate the success of online e-government services based on user satisfaction from multiple stakeholder perspectives

    Analisis Pengalaman Pengguna Ojek Online (Studi Kasus: Go-Ride dan GrabBike)

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    Gojek dan Grab bersaing sebagai e-commerce terbesar yang bergerak di bidang Transportation Network Companies (TNC) di Indonesia, khususnya ojek online. Perusahaan penyedia jasa ojek online perlu untuk meningkatkan performa produknya untuk terus unggul dalam persaingan industri retail online. Salah satu cara yang bisa dilakukan adalah dengan meningkatkan user experience penggunanya. Hal ini dikarenakan, user experience berpengaruh terhadap perilaku pengguna layanan online. Oleh karena itu, dibuatlah penelitian berupa analisis user experience ojek online dengan studi kasus Go-Ride dan GrabBike. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur user experience pengguna Go-Ride dan GrabBike kemudian membandingkan Transportation Network Companies (TNC) mana yang lebih baik dalam hal user experience. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan menyebarkan kuesioner UEQ (User experience Questionnaire) secara online kepada 400 responden. Kemudian data diolah dengan menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dan UEQ Data Analysis Tool untuk membandingkan penilaian user experience Go-Ride dan GrabBike. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah adanya perbedaan signifikan hasil penilaian user experience dari kedua produk TNC dan Go-Ride mendapatkan penilaian user experience yang lebih unggul daripada GrabBike. Penelitian ini ditujukan kepada pihak Gojek dan Grab sebagai bahan evaluasi user experience dari produk mereka. ================ Gojek and Grab are two largest transportation network companies (TNC) in Indonesia. To this point, both companies provide motorcycle taxi services named Go-Ride and GrabBike respectively. As the competition increases among them, it is necessary to provide outstanding service to their customers. Here, providing a good user experiences in their mobile platforms is a must. For this reason, Both companies need to undergo a thorough analysis of user experiences to measure how well their services in the customer’s perpectives. Further, we collect as many as 400 repondents which are Go-Ride and GrabBike users. Each respondent should consume both services at least once. Later on, we use User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) method to compare and analyze the result . In the end, we have found that Go-Ride significantly surpass GrabBike in all aspects defined by UEQ. The aspects are attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency, dependability, stimulation and novelty. This research is useful for any product manager in developing a better user experience services

    KomBInoS - Modellgetriebene Entwicklung von multimodalen Dialogschnittstellen für Smart Services

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    Diese Arbeit ist angesiedelt im Kontext der drei Forschungsgebiete Smart Service Welt, Modellgetriebene Softwareentwicklung und Intelligente Benutzerschnittstellen. Das Ziel der Arbeit war die Entwicklung eines ganzheitlichen Ansatzes zur effizienten Erstellung von multimodalen Dialogschnittstellen für Smart Services. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wurde mit KomBInoS ein umfassendes Rahmenwerk zur modellgetriebenen Erstellung solcher Benutzerschnittstellen entwickelt. Das Rahmenwerk besteht aus: (1) einer Metamodell-Architektur, welche sowohl eine modellgetriebene Entwicklung als auch die Komposition von multimodalen Dialogschnittstellen für Smart Services erlaubt, (2) einem methodischen Vorgehen, welches aus aufeinander abgestimmten Modelltransformationen, möglichen Kompositionsschritten und manuellen Entwicklungstätigkeiten besteht, sowie (3) einer integrierten Werkzeugkette als Implementierung der Methode. Es wurde außerdem eine cloud-fähige Laufzeitumgebung zur mobilen Nutzung der so erstellten Benutzerschnittstellen entwickelt. Als Proof-of-Concept werden acht Beispielanwendungen und Demonstratoren aus fünf Forschungsprojekten vorgestellt. Zusätzlich zur Smart Service Welt fand und findet KomBInoS auch Anwendung im Bereich der Industrie 4.0.This work is located in the context of the three research areas Smart Service World, Model-Driven Software Development and Intelligent User Interfaces. The aim of the work was to develop a holistic approach for the efficient creation of multimodal dialogue interfaces for Smart Services. To achieve this goal, KomBInoS was developed as a comprehensive framework for the model-driven creation of such user interfaces. The framework consists of: (1) a metamodel architecture that allows both model-driven development and the composition of multimodal dialogue interfaces for Smart Services, (2) a methodical approach consisting of coordinated model transformations, possible compositional steps and manual development activities, as well as (3) an integrated tool chain as an implementation of the method. Furthermore, a cloud-enabled runtime environment was developed for mobile use of the user interfaces created in this way. As proof-of-concept, eight sample applications and demonstrators from five research projects will be presented. In addition to the Smart Service Welt, KomBInoS was and is also used in the field of industry 4.0