41 research outputs found

    Automated Scoring of Speaking and Writing: Starting to Hit its Stride

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    This article reviews recent literature (2011–present) on the automated scoring (AS) of writing and speaking. Its purpose is to first survey the current research on automated scoring of language, then highlight how automated scoring impacts the present and future of assessment, teaching, and learning. The article begins by outlining the general background of AS issues in language assessment and testing. It then positions AS research with respect to technological advancements. Section two details the literature review search process and criteria for article inclusion. In section three, the three main themes emerging from the review are presented: automated scoring design considerations, the role of humans and artificial intelligence, and the accuracy of automated scoring with different groups. Two tables show how specific articles contributed to each of the themes. Following this, each of the three themes is presented in further detail, with a sequential focus on writing, speaking, and a short summary. Section four addresses AS implementation with respect to current assessment, teaching, and learning issues. Section five considers future research possibilities related to both the research and current uses of AS, with implications for the Canadian context in terms of the next steps for automated scoring

    Kuvanlaatukokemuksen arvionnin instrumentit

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    This dissertation describes the instruments available for image quality evaluation, develops new methods for subjective image quality evaluation and provides image and video databases for the assessment and development of image quality assessment (IQA) algorithms. The contributions of the thesis are based on six original publications. The first publication introduced the VQone toolbox for subjective image quality evaluation. It created a platform for free-form experimentation with standardized image quality methods and was the foundation for later studies. The second publication focused on the dilemma of reference in subjective experiments by proposing a new method for image quality evaluation: the absolute category rating with dynamic reference (ACR-DR). The third publication presented a database (CID2013) in which 480 images were evaluated by 188 observers using the ACR-DR method proposed in the prior publication. Providing databases of image files along with their quality ratings is essential in the field of IQA algorithm development. The fourth publication introduced a video database (CVD2014) based on having 210 observers rate 234 video clips. The temporal aspect of the stimuli creates peculiar artifacts and degradations, as well as challenges to experimental design and video quality assessment (VQA) algorithms. When the CID2013 and CVD2014 databases were published, most state-of-the-art I/VQAs had been trained on and tested against databases created by degrading an original image or video with a single distortion at a time. The novel aspect of CID2013 and CVD2014 was that they consisted of multiple concurrent distortions. To facilitate communication and understanding among professionals in various fields of image quality as well as among non-professionals, an attribute lexicon of image quality, the image quality wheel, was presented in the fifth publication of this thesis. Reference wheels and terminology lexicons have a long tradition in sensory evaluation contexts, such as taste experience studies, where they are used to facilitate communication among interested stakeholders; however, such an approach has not been common in visual experience domains, especially in studies on image quality. The sixth publication examined how the free descriptions given by the observers influenced the ratings of the images. Understanding how various elements, such as perceived sharpness and naturalness, affect subjective image quality can help to understand the decision-making processes behind image quality evaluation. Knowing the impact of each preferential attribute can then be used for I/VQA algorithm development; certain I/VQA algorithms already incorporate low-level human visual system (HVS) models in their algorithms.Väitöskirja tarkastelee ja kehittää uusia kuvanlaadun arvioinnin menetelmiä, sekä tarjoaa kuva- ja videotietokantoja kuvanlaadun arviointialgoritmien (IQA) testaamiseen ja kehittämiseen. Se, mikä koetaan kauniina ja miellyttävänä, on psykologisesti kiinnostava kysymys. Työllä on myös merkitystä teollisuuteen kameroiden kuvanlaadun kehittämisessä. Väitöskirja sisältää kuusi julkaisua, joissa tarkastellaan aihetta eri näkökulmista. I. julkaisussa kehitettiin sovellus keräämään ihmisten antamia arvioita esitetyistä kuvista tutkijoiden vapaaseen käyttöön. Se antoi mahdollisuuden testata standardoituja kuvanlaadun arviointiin kehitettyjä menetelmiä ja kehittää niiden pohjalta myös uusia menetelmiä luoden perustan myöhemmille tutkimuksille. II. julkaisussa kehitettiin uusi kuvanlaadun arviointimenetelmä. Menetelmä hyödyntää sarjallista kuvien esitystapaa, jolla muodostettiin henkilöille mielikuva kuvien laatuvaihtelusta ennen varsinaista arviointia. Tämän todettiin vähentävän tulosten hajontaa ja erottelevan pienempiä kuvanlaatueroja. III. julkaisussa kuvaillaan tietokanta, jossa on 188 henkilön 480 kuvasta antamat laatuarviot ja niihin liittyvät kuvatiedostot. Tietokannat ovat arvokas työkalu pyrittäessä kehittämään algoritmeja kuvanlaadun automaattiseen arvosteluun. Niitä tarvitaan mm. opetusmateriaalina tekoälyyn pohjautuvien algoritmien kehityksessä sekä vertailtaessa eri algoritmien suorituskykyä toisiinsa. Mitä paremmin algoritmin tuottama ennuste korreloi ihmisten antamiin laatuarvioihin, sen parempi suorituskyky sillä voidaan sanoa olevan. IV. julkaisussa esitellään tietokanta, jossa on 210 henkilön 234 videoleikkeestä tekemät laatuarviot ja niihin liittyvät videotiedostot. Ajallisen ulottuvuuden vuoksi videoärsykkeiden virheet ovat erilaisia kuin kuvissa, mikä tuo omat haasteensa videoiden laatua arvioiville algoritmeille (VQA). Aikaisempien tietokantojen ärsykkeet on muodostettu esimerkiksi sumentamalla yksittäistä kuvaa asteittain, jolloin ne sisältävät vain yksiulotteisia vääristymiä. Nyt esitetyt tietokannat poikkeavat aikaisemmista ja sisältävät useita samanaikaisia vääristymistä, joiden interaktio kuvanlaadulle voi olla merkittävää. V. julkaisussa esitellään kuvanlaatuympyrä (image quality wheel). Se on kuvanlaadun käsitteiden sanasto, joka on kerätty analysoimalla 146 henkilön tuottamat 39 415 kuvanlaadun sanallista kuvausta. Sanastoilla on pitkät perinteet aistinvaraisen arvioinnin tutkimusperinteessä, mutta niitä ei ole aikaisemmin kehitetty kuvanlaadulle. VI. tutkimuksessa tutkittiin, kuinka arvioitsijoiden antamat käsitteet vaikuttavat kuvien laadun arviointiin. Esimerkiksi kuvien arvioitu terävyys tai luonnollisuus auttaa ymmärtämään laadunarvioinnin taustalla olevia päätöksentekoprosesseja. Tietoa voidaan käyttää esimerkiksi kuvan- ja videonlaadun arviointialgoritmien (I/VQA) kehitystyössä

    Scene-Dependency of Spatial Image Quality Metrics

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    This thesis is concerned with the measurement of spatial imaging performance and the modelling of spatial image quality in digital capturing systems. Spatial imaging performance and image quality relate to the objective and subjective reproduction of luminance contrast signals by the system, respectively; they are critical to overall perceived image quality. The Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) and Noise Power Spectrum (NPS) describe the signal (contrast) transfer and noise characteristics of a system, respectively, with respect to spatial frequency. They are both, strictly speaking, only applicable to linear systems since they are founded upon linear system theory. Many contemporary capture systems use adaptive image signal processing, such as denoising and sharpening, to optimise output image quality. These non-linear processes change their behaviour according to characteristics of the input signal (i.e. the scene being captured). This behaviour renders system performance “scene-dependent” and difficult to measure accurately. The MTF and NPS are traditionally measured from test charts containing suitable predefined signals (e.g. edges, sinusoidal exposures, noise or uniform luminance patches). These signals trigger adaptive processes at uncharacteristic levels since they are unrepresentative of natural scene content. Thus, for systems using adaptive processes, the resultant MTFs and NPSs are not representative of performance “in the field” (i.e. capturing real scenes). Spatial image quality metrics for capturing systems aim to predict the relationship between MTF and NPS measurements and subjective ratings of image quality. They cascade both measures with contrast sensitivity functions that describe human visual sensitivity with respect to spatial frequency. The most recent metrics designed for adaptive systems use MTFs measured using the dead leaves test chart that is more representative of natural scene content than the abovementioned test charts. This marks a step toward modelling image quality with respect to real scene signals. This thesis presents novel scene-and-process-dependent MTFs (SPD-MTF) and NPSs (SPDNPS). They are measured from imaged pictorial scene (or dead leaves target) signals to account for system scene-dependency. Further, a number of spatial image quality metrics are revised to account for capture system and visual scene-dependency. Their MTF and NPS parameters were substituted for SPD-MTFs and SPD-NPSs. Likewise, their standard visual functions were substituted for contextual detection (cCSF) or discrimination (cVPF) functions. In addition, two novel spatial image quality metrics are presented (the log Noise Equivalent Quanta (NEQ) and Visual log NEQ) that implement SPD-MTFs and SPD-NPSs. The metrics, SPD-MTFs and SPD-NPSs were validated by analysing measurements from simulated image capture pipelines that applied either linear or adaptive image signal processing. The SPD-NPS measures displayed little evidence of measurement error, and the metrics performed most accurately when they used SPD-NPSs measured from images of scenes. The benefit of deriving SPD-MTFs from images of scenes was traded-off, however, against measurement bias. Most metrics performed most accurately with SPD-MTFs derived from dead leaves signals. Implementing the cCSF or cVPF did not increase metric accuracy. The log NEQ and Visual log NEQ metrics proposed in this thesis were highly competitive, outperforming metrics of the same genre. They were also more consistent than the IEEE P1858 Camera Phone Image Quality (CPIQ) metric when their input parameters were modified. The advantages and limitations of all performance measures and metrics were discussed, as well as their practical implementation and relevant applications

    Evaluating Collaborative Filtering Algorithms for Music Recommendations on Chinese Music Data

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    In this thesis, I explored Collaborative Filtering algorithms used in music recommendation tasks in the Music Information Retrieval field. To find out if those CF algorithms work on Chinese music data, I developed a new dataset from the mainstream Chinese music streaming platform NetEase Could Music, and compared the performance of a series of Memory-based and Model-based collaborative filtering algorithms on our dataset. Our experimental results prove that these CF algorithms aiming at users’ information are effective on our dataset, and they have the predictive ability of music recommendation tasks on Chinese music data. In general, Model-based algorithms perform better than Memory-based algorithms. Within them, the SVD++ algorithm from Matrix Factorization-based methods reaches the best overall accuracy.Bachelor of Scienc

    Machine Learning for Prostate Histopathology Assessment

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    Pathology reporting on radical prostatectomy (RP) specimens is essential to post-surgery patient care. However, current pathology interpretation of RP sections is typically qualitative and subject to intra- and inter-observer variability, which challenges quantitative and repeatable reporting of lesion grade, size, location, and spread. Therefore, we developed and validated a software platform that can automatically detect and grade cancerous regions on whole slide images (WSIs) of whole-mount RP sections to support quantitative and visual reporting. Our study used hæmatoxylin- and eosin-stained WSIs from 299 whole-mount RP sections from 71 patients, comprising 1.2 million 480μm×480μm regions-of-interest (ROIs) covering benign and cancerous tissues which contain all clinically relevant grade groups. Each cancerous region was annotated and graded by an expert genitourinary pathologist. We used a machine learning approach with 7 different classifiers (3 non-deep learning and 4 deep learning) to classify: 1) each ROI as cancerous vs. non-cancerous, and 2) each cancerous ROI as high- vs. low-grade. Since recent studies found some subtypes beyond Gleason grade to have independent prognostic value, we also used one deep learning method to classify each cancerous ROI from 87 RP sections of 25 patients as each of eight subtypes to support further clinical pathology research on this topic. We cross-validated each system against the expert annotations. To compensate for the staining variability across different WSIs from different patients, we computed the tissue component map (TCM) using our proposed adaptive thresholding algorithm to label nucleus pixels, global thresholding to label lumen pixels, and assigning the rest as stroma/other. Fine-tuning AlexNet with ROIs of the TCM yielded the best results for prostate cancer (PCa) detection and grading, with areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUCs) of 0.98 and 0.93, respectively, followed by fine-tuned AlexNet with ROIs of the raw image. For subtype grading, fine-tuning AlexNet with ROIs of the raw image yielded AUCs ≥ 0.7 for seven of eight subtypes. To conclude, deep learning approaches outperformed non-deep learning approaches for PCa detection and grading. The TCMs provided the primary cues for PCa detection and grading. Machine learning can be used for subtype grading beyond the Gleason grading system

    Supporting multimedia user interface design using mental models and representational expressiveness

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    This thesis addresses the problem of output media allocation in the design of multimedia user interfaces. The literature survey identifies a formal definition of the representational capabilities of different media.as important in this task. Equally important, though less prominent in the literature, is that the correct mental model of a domain is paramount for the successful completion of tasks. The thesis proposes an original linguistic and cognitive based descriptive framework, in two parts. The first part defines expressiveness, the amount of representational abstraction a medium provides over any domain. The second part describes how this expressiveness is linked to the mental models that media induce, and how this in turn affects task performance. It is postulated that the mental models induced by different media, will reflect the abstractive representation those media offer over the task domain. This must then be matched to the abstraction required by tasks to allow them to be effectively accomplished. A 34 subject experiment compares five media, of two levels of expressiveness, over a range of tasks, in a complex and dynamic domain. The results indicate that expressiveness may allow media to be matched more closely to tasks, if the mental models they are known to induce are considered. Finally, the thesis proposes a tentative framework for media allocation, and two example interfaces are designed using this framework. This framework is based on the matching of expressiveness to the abstraction of a domain required by tasks. The need for the methodology to take account of the user's cognitive capabilities is stressed, and the experimental results are seen as the beginning of this procedure

    An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Concatenative Sound Synthesis

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    Sound examples are included with this thesisTechnological advancement such as the increase in processing power, hard disk capacity and network bandwidth has opened up many exciting new techniques to synthesise sounds, one of which is Concatenative Sound Synthesis (CSS). CSS uses data-driven method to synthesise new sounds from a large corpus of small sound snippets. This technique closely resembles the art of mosaicing, where small tiles are arranged together to create a larger image. A ‘target’ sound is often specified by users so that segments in the database that match those of the target sound can be identified and then concatenated together to generate the output sound. Whilst the practicality of CSS in synthesising sounds currently looks promising, there are still areas to be explored and improved, in particular the algorithm that is used to find the matching segments in the database. One of the main issues in CSS is the basis of similarity, as there are many perceptual attributes which sound similarity can be based on, for example it can be based on timbre, loudness, rhythm, and tempo and so on. An ideal CSS system needs to be able to decipher which of these perceptual attributes are anticipated by the users and then accommodate them by synthesising sounds that are similar with respect to the particular attribute. Failure to communicate the basis of sound similarity between the user and the CSS system generally results in output that mismatches the sound which has been envisioned by the user. In order to understand how humans perceive sound similarity, several elements that affected sound similarity judgment were first investigated. Of the four elements tested (timbre, melody, loudness, tempo), it was found that the basis of similarity is dependent on humans’ musical training where musicians based similarity on the timbral information, whilst non-musicians rely on melodic information. Thus, for the rest of the study, only features that represent the timbral information were included, as musicians are the target user for the findings of this study. Another issue with the current state of CSS systems is the user control flexibility, in particular during segment matching, where features can be assigned with different weights depending on their importance to the search. Typically, the weights (in some existing CSS systems that support the weight assigning mechanism) can only be assigned manually, resulting in a process that is both labour intensive and time consuming. Additionally, another problem was identified in this study, which is the lack of mechanism to handle homosonic and equidistant segments. These conditions arise when too few features are compared causing otherwise aurally different sounds to be represented by the same sonic values, or can also be a result of rounding off the values of the features extracted. This study addresses both of these problems through an extended use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP) is employed to enable order dependent features selection, allowing weights to be assigned for each audio feature according to their relative importance. Concatenation distance is used to overcome the issues with homosonic and equidistant sound segments. The inclusion of AI results in a more intelligent system that can better handle tedious tasks and minimize human error, allowing users (composers) to worry less of the mundane tasks, and focusing more on the creative aspects of music making. In addition to the above, this study also aims to enhance user control flexibility in a CSS system and improve similarity result. The key factors that affect the synthesis results of CSS were first identified and then included as parametric options which users can control in order to communicate their intended creations to the system to synthesise. Comprehensive evaluations were carried out to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed solutions (timbral-based features set, AHP, and concatenation distance). The final part of the study investigates the relationship between perceived sound similarity and perceived sound interestingness. A new framework that integrates all these solutions, the query-based CSS framework, was then proposed. The proof-of-concept of this study, ConQuer, was developed based on this framework. This study has critically analysed the problems in existing CSS systems. Novel solutions have been proposed to overcome them and their effectiveness has been tested and discussed, and these are also the main contributions of this study.Malaysian Minsitry of Higher Education, Universiti Putra Malaysi

    P5 eHealth: An Agenda for the Health Technologies of the Future

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    This open access volume focuses on the development of a P5 eHealth, or better, a methodological resource for developing the health technologies of the future, based on patients’ personal characteristics and needs as the fundamental guidelines for design. It provides practical guidelines and evidence based examples on how to design, implement, use and elevate new technologies for healthcare to support the management of incurable, chronic conditions. The volume further discusses the criticalities of eHealth, why it is difficult to employ eHealth from an organizational point of view or why patients do not always accept the technology, and how eHealth interventions can be improved in the future. By dealing with the state-of-the-art in eHealth technologies, this volume is of great interest to researchers in the field of physical and mental healthcare, psychologists, stakeholders and policymakers as well as technology developers working in the healthcare sector


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    These days, detection of Visual Attention Regions (VAR), such as moving objects has become an integral part of many Computer Vision applications, viz. pattern recognition, object detection and classification, video surveillance, autonomous driving, human-machine interaction (HMI), and so forth. The moving object identification using bounding boxes has matured to the level of localizing the objects along their rigid borders and the process is called foreground localization (FGL). Over the decades, many image segmentation methodologies have been well studied, devised, and extended to suit the video FGL. Despite that, still, the problem of video foreground (FG) segmentation remains an intriguing task yet appealing due to its ill-posed nature and myriad of applications. Maintaining spatial and temporal coherence, particularly at object boundaries, persists challenging, and computationally burdensome. It even gets harder when the background possesses dynamic nature, like swaying tree branches or shimmering water body, and illumination variations, shadows cast by the moving objects, or when the video sequences have jittery frames caused by vibrating or unstable camera mounts on a surveillance post or moving robot. At the same time, in the analysis of traffic flow or human activity, the performance of an intelligent system substantially depends on its robustness of localizing the VAR, i.e., the FG. To this end, the natural question arises as what is the best way to deal with these challenges? Thus, the goal of this thesis is to investigate plausible real-time performant implementations from traditional approaches to modern-day deep learning (DL) models for FGL that can be applicable to many video content-aware applications (VCAA). It focuses mainly on improving existing methodologies through harnessing multimodal spatial and temporal cues for a delineated FGL. The first part of the dissertation is dedicated for enhancing conventional sample-based and Gaussian mixture model (GMM)-based video FGL using probability mass function (PMF), temporal median filtering, and fusing CIEDE2000 color similarity, color distortion, and illumination measures, and picking an appropriate adaptive threshold to extract the FG pixels. The subjective and objective evaluations are done to show the improvements over a number of similar conventional methods. The second part of the thesis focuses on exploiting and improving deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN) for the problem as mentioned earlier. Consequently, three models akin to encoder-decoder (EnDec) network are implemented with various innovative strategies to improve the quality of the FG segmentation. The strategies are not limited to double encoding - slow decoding feature learning, multi-view receptive field feature fusion, and incorporating spatiotemporal cues through long-shortterm memory (LSTM) units both in the subsampling and upsampling subnetworks. Experimental studies are carried out thoroughly on all conditions from baselines to challenging video sequences to prove the effectiveness of the proposed DCNNs. The analysis demonstrates that the architectural efficiency over other methods while quantitative and qualitative experiments show the competitive performance of the proposed models compared to the state-of-the-art