61 research outputs found

    An analysis of regulatory frameworks for wireless communications, societal concerns and risk: the case of radio frequency (RF) allocation and licensing.

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    This thesis analyses how and why culture and geography influence the allocation and licensing of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum in different nations. Based on a broad study of 235 countries, an inter-disciplinary approach is used to explore regulatory frameworks and attitudes toward risk. In addition, detailed case studies of the UK, France, the US and Ecuador provide deeper insights into the main contrasting regulatory styles. Three alternative sociological theories are used to analyse and explain the results for both the in-depth and broad brush studies. The Cultural Theory of Mary Douglas and co-workers is first used to categorise countries in terms of perceptual filters. The empirical findings indicate some countries to be apparently exceptional in their behaviour. The theory of Bounded Rationality is used to investigate and explain these apparent irrationalities. Finally, Rational Field Theory shows how beliefs and values guide administrations in their RF regulation. A number of key factors are found to dominate and patterns emerge. The European RF harmonisation is unique. Following European unification, wireless regulation is divided into two major camps (the EU and the US), which differ in their risk concerns, approach to top-down mandated standards, allocation of RF spectrum to licence-exempt bands and type approval process. The adoption of cellular and TV standards around the world reflects geopolitical and colonial influence. The language of a country is a significant indicator of its analogue TV standard. Interestingly, the longitude of a country to a fair extent defines RF allocation: Africa and West Asia follow Europe, whereas the Americas approximate the US. RF regulation and risk tolerability differ between tropical and non-tropical climates. The collectivised/centralised versus the individualised/market-based rationalities result in different regulatory frameworks and contrasting societal and risk concerns. The success of the top-down European GSM and the bottom-up Wi-Fi standards reveal how the central- planning and market-based approaches have thrived. Attitudes to RF human hazards and spurious emissions levels reveal that the US, Canada and Japan are more tolerant of these risks than Europe. Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK and USA encourage technological innovation. A practical benefit of this study is that it will give regulators more freedom to choose a rational RF licensing protocol, by better understanding the possibly self-imposed boundaries of cultural and geographical factors which are currently shaping allocation. Academically, there is utility in undertaking a cultural and geographic analysis of a topic that is mostly the domain of engineering, economic and legal analysts

    Analysis of WIMAX/BWA Licensing in India: A real option approach

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    Indian Internet and broadband market has experienced very slow growth and limited penetration till now. The introduction of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) is expected to aid in increasing the penetration of internet and broadband in India. The report sheds light on the guidelines and procedure used in 4G/BWA spectrum auction and presents comparative analysis of the competing technologies, providing the information about suitability of each technology available. Recently held 4G/ BWA spectrum auction saw enthusiastic participation by the industry and even saw some new entrants in Indian broadband market. Government benefited by Rs, 385bn that it earned as revenue from the auction of the spectrum and projected it as successful auction. However, the question remains if the auctions were efficient and whether they led to creation of value or will it prove to be burden to the telecom operators and will depress their balance sheet for years to come. The report uses both traditional valuation methods such as Discounted Cash Flow as well as Real Option approach to answer such questions. Using DCF analysis, the broadband subscribers have been forecasted to grow from present 13.77mn to 544mn by the end of 2025. The wireless subscribers are forecasted to be 70% of the total broadband subscribers after 5 years of roll out as it will be difficult to replace all wireline subscribers with wireless subscribers in India due to the high cost of wireless broadband and new technology. WiMAX is expected to increase its presence with time and reach 90mn subscribers from meager 0.35mn subscribers by 2025. Using industry wide cost of capital as 12.05%, the Net Present Value has been found Rs 221bn aggregate with an IRR of 17.1%. Using Real option approach, the value of license has been calculated as Rs 437bn which is 13.5% more than the spectrum fees paid by the operators. This mismatch, between the auction value and the correct value that should have been discovered by supply-demand dynamics, can be due to limited participants in BWA spectrum auctions and companies such as TATA and Reliance opting out of the auction process midway as well as uncertainty about acceptance of new technology with Indian subscribers.WiMAX, broadband, 3G spectrum, 4G,broadband wireless access, valuation, licensing, real option

    Local Clusters in a Globalized World:A Foucauldian analysis of the people in an MNC subsidiary located in a cluster

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    A technique to enable the tracking of people for domestic energy monitoring applications

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    Domestic energy consumption has increasingly become a cause for concern for governments, energy suppliers, and individual householders. Issues surrounding gas and electricity used in the home relate to the increasing cost of fuel, the rise in the incidence of fuel poverty, carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels contributing to climate change, security of supply due to geo-political disagreement and the age and condition of the existing energy infrastructure.While buildings and appliances have become more energy-efficient, usually driven by legislation, the energy-consuming behaviour of individuals is very difficult to change. Domestic energy monitoring has so far only been carried out at a household level, while the behaviour of individuals within households has remained ambiguous. There is a gap in current knowledge about how people use energy at home, mainly because it is very difficult to capture everyday behaviour without influencing the behaviour being observed. Initiatives and campaigns targeting domestic energy-consuming behaviour have been based on assumptions of how people use energy in their homes, and have been found to be ineffective. There is a need for an unobtrusive method of capturing domestic energy behaviour.This research presents a technique to deliver this requirement by enabling the tracking of people in their homes with a small number of cost-effective RFID (Radio Frequency ID) devices. Using this technique the location of multiple individuals wearing RFID tags can be determined, thereby creating an unobtrusive RTLS (Real Time Location System). This technique has been extensively evaluated through a series of tests within a typical 1940’s semi-detached house in North West England, and has been found to be able to successfully locate individuals to room level. If this RTLS data is matched with appliance level energy data, energy-consumption can be attributed to the individuals responsible, and personalised everyday energy-consuming behaviour can be established

    Ontology design and management for eCare services

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