76,031 research outputs found

    Service substitution : a behavioral approach based on Petri Nets

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    Service-Oriented Computing is an emerging computing paradigm that supports the modular design of (software) systems. Complex systems are designed by composing less complex systems, called services. Such a (complex) system is a distributed application often involving several cooperating enterprises. As a system usually changes over time, individual services will be substituted by other services. Substituting one service by another one should not affect the correctness of the overall system. Assuring correctness becomes particularly challenging, as the services rely on each other, and each of the involved enterprises only oversees a part of the overall system. In addition, services communicate asynchronously which makes the analysis even more difficult. For this reason, formal methods to support service substitution are indispensable. In this thesis, we study service substitution at the level of service models. Thereby we restrict ourselves to service behavior. As a formalism to model service behavior, we use Petri nets. The first contribution of this thesis is the definition of several substitutability criteria that are suitable in the context of Service-Oriented Computing. Substituting a service S by a service S0 should preserve some behavioral properties of the overall system. For each set of behavioral properties and a given service S, there exists a set of behaviorally compatible services for S. A substitutability criterion defines which of these behaviorally compatible services of S have to be preserved by S0. We relate our substitutability criteria to preorders and equivalences known from process theory. The second contribution of this thesis is to present, for each substitutability criterion, a procedure to decide whether a service S0 can substitute a service S. The decision requires the comparison of the in general infinite sets of behaviorally compatible services for the services S and S0. Hence, we extend existing work on an abstract representation of all behaviorally compatible services for a given service. For each notion of behavioral compatibility, we present an algorithmic solution to represent all behaviorally compatible services. Based on these representations, we can decide substitutability of a service S by a service S0. The third contribution of this thesis is a method to support the design of a service S0 that can substitute a service S according to a substitutability criterion. Our approach is to derive a service S0 from the service S by stepwise transformation. To this end, we present several transformation rules. Finally, we formalize and we extend the equivalence notion for services specified in the language WS-BPEL. That way, we demonstrate the applicability of our work

    Opening-up the objective function: choice behavior and economic and non-economic variables—core and marginal altruism

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    A revised model of the preference function is presented incorporating utility maximizing acts of material self-sacrifice. This model incorporates neoclassical and behavioral arguments, allowing for the stylized fact that economic agents are motivated by both material and non-material incentives. Given such a preference function, choice behavior is modeled as a function of relative opportunity costs (price) and real income. Preferences are determined by a variety of variables inclusive of social capital and education. There is therefore a core preference based upon non-economic variables and a ‘marginal' component which is a function of conventional economic variables. The relative importance of these two components in determinating choice behavior is an empirical question. Building upon conventional tools, a demand curve for moral acts is derived and underlying income and substitution effects discussed. Empirical evidence from the tipping literature is used to illustrate the model.

    Global HIV Prevention Progress Report Card 2010

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    Assesses progress in terms of data quality and outcome on the working group's recommendations including on prevention strategies, information systems, funding, policy, transparency, evidence-based approaches, technical support, research, and advocacy

    HIV vulnerability of men and women who inject drugs in Kumasi, Ghana

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    This study was implemented by Boston University in collaboration with the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology with support from the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the U.S. Agency for International Development under Project SEARCH Task Order No. GHH‐I‐00‐07‐00023‐00, beginning August 27, 2010. The content and views expressed here are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or policy of USAID or the U.S. Government.Reducing vulnerability to HIV infection among key populations in Ghana is a major goal for the National AIDS Control Program (NACP) and the GAC. While a number of studies have explored HIV risk behaviours among several key vulnerable populations in Ghana including female sex workers, men who have sex with men, and prisoners, little is known about the drug use and sexual vulnerability of people who inject drugs (PWID). In addition, no programs have been implemented to reduce the vulnerability among this population. This report provides the findings from a qualitative study that aimed to understand the social, economic and behavioral vulnerability to HIV of PWID in Kumasi and to inform the development and implementation of HIV prevention programs for this population. The research was conducted by a collaborative team comprised of researchers from Boston University’s Center for Global and Health and Development (CGHD) and the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) School of Medical Sciences. It is one of nine studies under the Operations Research on Key Populations project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The study was designed and carried out in collaboration with the Ghana AIDS Commission (GAC).Support from the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through the U.S. Agency for International Development under Project SEARCH Task Order No. GHH‐I‐00‐07‐00023‐00, beginning August 27, 201

    Tau Be or not Tau Be? - A Perspective on Service Compatibility and Substitutability

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    One of the main open research issues in Service Oriented Computing is to propose automated techniques to analyse service interfaces. A first problem, called compatibility, aims at determining whether a set of services (two in this paper) can be composed together and interact with each other as expected. Another related problem is to check the substitutability of one service with another. These problems are especially difficult when behavioural descriptions (i.e., message calls and their ordering) are taken into account in service interfaces. Interfaces should capture as faithfully as possible the service behaviour to make their automated analysis possible while not exhibiting implementation details. In this position paper, we choose Labelled Transition Systems to specify the behavioural part of service interfaces. In particular, we show that internal behaviours (tau transitions) are necessary in these transition systems in order to detect subtle errors that may occur when composing a set of services together. We also show that tau transitions should be handled differently in the compatibility and substitutability problem: the former problem requires to check if the compatibility is preserved every time a tau transition is traversed in one interface, whereas the latter requires a precise analysis of tau branchings in order to make the substitution preserve the properties (e.g., a compatibility notion) which were ensured before replacement.Comment: In Proceedings WCSI 2010, arXiv:1010.233