1,854 research outputs found

    Feeling crowded yet?: Crowd simulations for VR

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    With advances in virtual reality technology and its multiple applications, the need for believable, immersive virtual environments is increasing. Even though current computer graphics methods allow us to develop highly realistic virtual worlds, the main element failing to enhance presence is autonomous groups of human inhabitants. A great number of crowd simulation techniques have emerged in the last decade, but critical details in the crowd's movements and appearance do not meet the standards necessary to convince VR participants that they are present in a real crowd. In this paper, we review recent advances in the creation of immersive virtual crowds and discuss areas that require further work to turn these simulations into more fully immersive and believable experiences.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Overview of crowd simulation in computer graphics

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    High-powered technology use computer graphics in education, entertainment, games, simulation, and virtual heritage applications has led it to become an important area of research. In simulation, according to Tecchia et al. (2002), it is important to create an interactive, complex, and realistic virtual world so that the user can have an immersive experience during navigation through the world. As the size and complexity of the environments in the virtual world increased, it becomes more necessary to populate them with peoples, and this is the reason why rendering the crowd in real-time is very crucial. Generally, crowd simulation consists of three important areas. They are realism of behavioral (Thompson and Marchant 1995), high-quality visualization (Dobbyn et al. 2005) and convergence of both areas. Realism of behavioral is mainly used for simple 2D visualizations because most of the attentions are concentrated on simulating the behaviors of the group. High quality visualization is regularly used for movie productions and computer games. It gives intention on producing more convincing visual rather than realism of behaviors. The convergences of both areas are mainly used for application like training systems. In order to make the training system more effective, the element of valid replication of the behaviors and high-quality visualization is added

    An information theory based behavioral model for agent-based crowd simulations

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    Crowds must be simulated believable in terms of their appearance and behavior to improve a virtual environment’s realism. Due to the complex nature of human behavior, realistic behavior of agents in crowd simulations is still a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a novel behavioral model which builds analytical maps to control agents’ behavior adaptively with agent-crowd interaction formulations. We introduce information theoretical concepts to construct analytical maps automatically. Our model can be integrated into crowd simulators and enhance their behavioral complexity. We made comparative analyses of the presented behavior model with measured crowd data and two agent-based crowd simulators

    Authoring Multi-Actor Behaviors in Crowds With Diverse Personalities

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    Multi-actor simulation is critical to cinematic content creation, disaster and security simulation, and interactive entertainment. A key challenge is providing an appropriate interface for authoring high-fidelity virtual actors with featurerich control mechanisms capable of complex interactions with the environment and other actors. In this chapter, we present work that addresses the problem of behavior authoring at three levels: Individual and group interactions are conducted in an event-centric manner using parameterized behavior trees, social crowd dynamics are captured using the OCEAN personality model, and a centralized automated planner is used to enforce global narrative constraints on the scale of the entire simulation. We demonstrate the benefits and limitations of each of these approaches and propose the need for a single unifying construct capable of authoring functional, purposeful, autonomous actors which conform to a global narrative in an interactive simulation

    Simulating Human Activities for Synthetic Inputs to Sensor Systems

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    We are developing human activity simulations that could be used to test distributed video sensor networks. Our ultimate goals are to build statistical models of pedestrian density and flows at a number of urban locations and to correlate those flows with population movement and density models represented in a spatiotemporal modeling system. In order to create known populace flows, we have built a virtual populace simulation system, called CAROSA, which permits the authoring of functional crowds of people going about role-, context-, and schedule-dependent activities. The capabilities and authoring tools for these functional crowd simulations are described with the intention of readily creating ground truth data for distributed sensor system design and evaluation

    Authoring virtual crowds: a survey

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    Recent advancements in crowd simulation unravel a wide range of functionalities for virtual agents, delivering highly-realistic,natural virtual crowds. Such systems are of particular importance to a variety of applications in fields such as: entertainment(e.g., movies, computer games); architectural and urban planning; and simulations for sports and training. However, providingtheir capabilities to untrained users necessitates the development of authoring frameworks. Authoring virtual crowds is acomplex and multi-level task, varying from assuming control and assisting users to realise their creative intents, to deliveringintuitive and easy to use interfaces, facilitating such control. In this paper, we present a categorisation of the authorable crowdsimulation components, ranging from high-level behaviours and path-planning to local movements, as well as animation andvisualisation. We provide a review of the most relevant methods in each area, emphasising the amount and nature of influencethat the users have over the final result. Moreover, we discuss the currently available authoring tools (e.g., graphical userinterfaces, drag-and-drop), identifying the trends of early and recent work. Finally, we suggest promising directions for futureresearch that mainly stem from the rise of learning-based methods, and the need for a unified authoring framework.This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska Curie grant agreement No 860768 (CLIPE project). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 739578 and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus through the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digital PolicyPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    An authoring tool to provide group and crowd animation using Natural Language scripts

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    Virtual environments have become ubiquitous, expanding beyond games into the domains of architecture, engineering, psychology, education, and archaeology. Furthermore, virtual humans can further enhance these environments when they provide compelling and coherent behaviors. In this paper, we present a scripting language based on simple, plain English commands. Our system assists people without game and animation expertise to populate large environments and complex scenarios. To validate our approach, we develop a prototype using Unreal Engine 4 and author a variety of indoor and outdoor agent simulations. Furthermore, we test our prototype with both experienced and inexperienced users, creating scenarios for a residence, mall, psychology scenario, and archaeological site

    Procedural modeling of cities with semantic information for crowd simulation

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    En aquesta tesi de màster es presenta un sistema per a la generació procedural de ciutats poblades. Avui en dia poblar entorns virtuals grans tendeix a ser una tasca que requereix molt d’esforç i temps, i típicament la feina d’artistes o programadors experts. Amb aquest sistema es vol proporcionar una eina que permeti als usuaris generar entorns poblats d’una manera més fàcil i ràpida, mitjançat l’ús de tècniques procedurals. Les contribucions principals inclouen: la generació d’una ciutat virtual augmentada semànticament utilitzant modelat procedural basat en gramàtiques de regles, la generació dels seus habitants virtuals utilitzant dades estadístiques reals, i la generació d’agendes per a cada individu utilitzant també un mètode procedural basat en regles, el qual combina la informació semàntica de la ciutat amb les característiques i necessitats dels agents autònoms. Aquestes agendes individuals són usades per a conduir la simulació dels habitants, i poden incloure regles com a tasques d’alt nivell, l’avaluació de les quals es realitza al moment de començar-les. Això permet simular accions que depenguin del context, i interaccions amb altres agents.En esta tesis de máster se presenta un sistema para la generación procedural de ciudades pobladas. Hoy en día poblar entornos virtuales grandes tiende a ser una tarea que requiere de mucho tiempo y esfuerzo, y típicamente el trabajo de artistas o programadores expertos. Con este sistema se pretende proporcionar una herramienta que permita a los usuarios generar entornos poblados de un modo más fácil y rápido, mediante el uso de técnicas procedurales. Las contribuciones principales incluyen: la generación de una ciudad virtual aumentada semánticamente utilizando modelado procedural basado en gramáticas de reglas, la generación de sus habitantes virtuales utilizando datos estadísticos reales, y la generación de agendas para cada individuo utilizando también un método procedural basado en reglas, el cual combina la información semántica de la ciudad con las características y necesidades de los agentes autónomos. Estas agendas individuales son usadas para conducir la simulación de los habitantes, y pueden incluir reglas como tareas de alto nivel, la evaluación de las cuales se realiza cuando empiezan. Esto permite simular acciones que dependan del contexto, e interacciones con otros agentes.In this master thesis a framework for procedural generation of populated cities is presented. Nowadays, the population of large virtual environments tends to be a time-consuming task, usually requiring the work of expert artists or programmers. With this system we aim at providing a tool that can allow users to generate populated environments in an easier and faster way, by relying on the usage of procedural techniques. Our main contributions include: a generation of semantically augmented virtual cities using procedural modelling based on rule grammars, a generation of a virtual population using real-world data, and a generation of agendas for each individual inhabitant by using a procedural rule-based approach, which combines the city semantics with the autonomous agents characteristics and needs. The individual agendas are then used to drive a crowd simulation in the environment, and may include high-level rule tasks whose evaluation is delayed until they get triggered. This feature allows us to simulate context-dependant actions and interactions with other agents

    A Behavior-Authoring Framework for Multiactor Simulations

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