3,482 research outputs found

    Robust Real-Time Recognition of Action Sequences Using a Multi-Camera Network

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    Real-time identification of human activities in urban environments is increasingly becoming important in the context of public safety and national security. Distributed camera networks that provide multiple views of a scene are ideally suited for real-time action recognition. However, deployments of multi-camera based real-time action recognition systems have thus far been inhibited because of several practical issues and restrictive assumptions that are typically made such as the knowledge of a subjects orientation with respect to the cameras, the duration of each action and the conformation of a network deployment during the testing phase to that of a training deployment. In reality, action recognition involves classification of continuously streaming data from multiple views which consists of an interleaved sequence of various human actions. While there has been extensive research on machine learning techniques for action recognition from a single view, the issues arising in the fusion of data from multiple views for reliable action recognition have not received as much attention. In this thesis, I have developed a fusion framework for human action recognition using a multi-camera network that addresses these practical issues of unknown subject orientation, unknown view configurations, action interleaving and variable duration actions.;The proposed framework consists of two components: (1) a score-fusion technique that utilizes underlying view-specific supervised learning classifiers to classify an action within a given set of frames and (2) a sliding window technique that is used to parse a sequence of frames into multiple actions. The use of a score-fusion technique as opposed to a feature-level fusion of data from multiple views allows us to robustly classify actions even when camera configurations are arbitrary and different from training phase and at the same time reduces the required network bandwidth for data transmission permitting wireless deployments. Moreover, the proposed framework is independent of the underlying classifier that is used to generate scores for each action snippet and thus offers more flexibility compared to sequential approaches like Hidden Markov Models. The amount of training and parameterization is also significantly lower compared to HMM-based approaches. This Real-Time recognition system has been tested on 4 classifiers which are Linear Discriminant Analysis, Multinomial Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machines. Over 90% accuracy has been achieved by this system in Real-Time recognizing variable duration actions performed by the subject. The performance of the system is also shown to be robust to camera failures

    Behavior analysis for aging-in-place using similarity heatmaps

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    The demand for healthcare services for an increasing population of older adults is faced with the shortage of skilled caregivers and a constant increase in healthcare costs. In addition, the strong preference of the elderly to live independently has been driving much research on "ambient-assisted living" (AAL) systems to support aging-in-place. In this paper, we propose to employ a low-resolution image sensor network for behavior analysis of a home occupant. A network of 10 low-resolution cameras (30x30 pixels) is installed in a service flat of an elderly, based on which the user's mobility tracks are extracted using a maximum likelihood tracker. We propose a novel measure to find similar patterns of behavior between each pair of days from the user's detected positions, based on heatmaps and Earth mover's distance (EMD). Then, we use an exemplar-based approach to identify sleeping, eating, and sitting activities, and walking patterns of the elderly user for two weeks of real-life recordings. The proposed system achieves an overall accuracy of about 94%

    Going Deeper into Action Recognition: A Survey

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    Understanding human actions in visual data is tied to advances in complementary research areas including object recognition, human dynamics, domain adaptation and semantic segmentation. Over the last decade, human action analysis evolved from earlier schemes that are often limited to controlled environments to nowadays advanced solutions that can learn from millions of videos and apply to almost all daily activities. Given the broad range of applications from video surveillance to human-computer interaction, scientific milestones in action recognition are achieved more rapidly, eventually leading to the demise of what used to be good in a short time. This motivated us to provide a comprehensive review of the notable steps taken towards recognizing human actions. To this end, we start our discussion with the pioneering methods that use handcrafted representations, and then, navigate into the realm of deep learning based approaches. We aim to remain objective throughout this survey, touching upon encouraging improvements as well as inevitable fallbacks, in the hope of raising fresh questions and motivating new research directions for the reader
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