15,188 research outputs found

    Fully Observable Non-deterministic Planning as Assumption-Based Reactive Synthesis

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    We contribute to recent efforts in relating two approaches to automatic synthesis, namely, automated planning and discrete reactive synthesis. First, we develop a declarative characterization of the standard “fairness” assumption on environments in non-deterministic planning, and show that strong-cyclic plans are correct solution concepts for fair environments. This complements, and arguably completes, the existing foundational work on non-deterministic planning, which focuses on characterizing (and computing) plans enjoying special “structural” properties, namely loopy but closed policy structures. Second, we provide an encoding suitable for reactive synthesis that avoids the naive exponential state space blowup. To do so, special care has to be taken to specify the fairness assumption on the environment in a succinct manner.Fil: D'ippolito, Nicolás Roque. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez, Natalia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Computación; ArgentinaFil: Sardina, Sebastian. RMIT University; Australi

    Service composition in stochastic settings

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    With the growth of the Internet-of-Things and online Web services, more services with more capabilities are available to us. The ability to generate new, more useful services from existing ones has been the focus of much research for over a decade. The goal is, given a specification of the behavior of the target service, to build a controller, known as an orchestrator, that uses existing services to satisfy the requirements of the target service. The model of services and requirements used in most work is that of a finite state machine. This implies that the specification can either be satisfied or not, with no middle ground. This is a major drawback, since often an exact solution cannot be obtained. In this paper we study a simple stochastic model for service composition: we annotate the tar- get service with probabilities describing the likelihood of requesting each action in a state, and rewards for being able to execute actions. We show how to solve the resulting problem by solving a certain Markov Decision Process (MDP) derived from the service and requirement specifications. The solution to this MDP induces an orchestrator that coincides with the exact solution if a composition exists. Otherwise it provides an approximate solution that maximizes the expected sum of values of user requests that can be serviced. The model studied although simple shades light on composition in stochastic settings and indeed we discuss several possible extensions

    Supervisory Control for Behavior Composition

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    We relate behavior composition, a synthesis task studied in AI, to supervisory control theory from the discrete event systems field. In particular, we show that realizing (i.e., implementing) a target behavior module (e.g., a house surveillance system) by suitably coordinating a collection of available behaviors (e.g., automatic blinds, doors, lights, cameras, etc.) amounts to imposing a supervisor onto a special discrete event system. Such a link allows us to leverage on the solid foundations and extensive work on discrete event systems, including borrowing tools and ideas from that field. As evidence of that we show how simple it is to introduce preferences in the mapped framework

    Differentiable Algorithm Networks for Composable Robot Learning

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    This paper introduces the Differentiable Algorithm Network (DAN), a composable architecture for robot learning systems. A DAN is composed of neural network modules, each encoding a differentiable robot algorithm and an associated model; and it is trained end-to-end from data. DAN combines the strengths of model-driven modular system design and data-driven end-to-end learning. The algorithms and models act as structural assumptions to reduce the data requirements for learning; end-to-end learning allows the modules to adapt to one another and compensate for imperfect models and algorithms, in order to achieve the best overall system performance. We illustrate the DAN methodology through a case study on a simulated robot system, which learns to navigate in complex 3-D environments with only local visual observations and an image of a partially correct 2-D floor map.Comment: RSS 2019 camera ready. Video is available at https://youtu.be/4jcYlTSJF4

    Incremental Control Synthesis in Probabilistic Environments with Temporal Logic Constraints

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    In this paper, we present a method for optimal control synthesis of a plant that interacts with a set of agents in a graph-like environment. The control specification is given as a temporal logic statement about some properties that hold at the vertices of the environment. The plant is assumed to be deterministic, while the agents are probabilistic Markov models. The goal is to control the plant such that the probability of satisfying a syntactically co-safe Linear Temporal Logic formula is maximized. We propose a computationally efficient incremental approach based on the fact that temporal logic verification is computationally cheaper than synthesis. We present a case-study where we compare our approach to the classical non-incremental approach in terms of computation time and memory usage.Comment: Extended version of the CDC 2012 pape

    Control of Probabilistic Systems under Dynamic, Partially Known Environments with Temporal Logic Specifications

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    We consider the synthesis of control policies for probabilistic systems, modeled by Markov decision processes, operating in partially known environments with temporal logic specifications. The environment is modeled by a set of Markov chains. Each Markov chain describes the behavior of the environment in each mode. The mode of the environment, however, is not known to the system. Two control objectives are considered: maximizing the expected probability and maximizing the worst-case probability that the system satisfies a given specification

    Discrete Choice with Social Interactions and Endogenous Memberships

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    This paper tackles the issue of self-selection in social interactions models. I develop a theory of sorting and behavior, when the latter is subject to social influences, extending the model developed by Brock and Durlauf (2001a, 2003) to allow for equilibrium group formation. Individuals choose a group, and a behavior subject to an endogenous social effect. The latter turns out to be a segregating force, and stable equilibria are stratified. The sorting process may induce, inefficiently, multiple behavioral equilibria. Such a theory serves as a means to solve identification and selection problems that may undermine the empirical detection of social effects on individual behavior. I exploit the theoretical model to build a nonlinear (in the social effect) selection correction term. Such a term allows identification, and solves the selection problem that arises when individuals can choose the group whose effect the researcher is trying to disentangle. The resulting econometric model, although relying on strict parametric assumptions, indicates a viable alternative when reliable instrumental variables are not available, or randomized experiments not possible.social interactions, neighborhood effects, sorting, self-selection, nested logit, identification of social effects