3,545 research outputs found

    Bayesian variable selection with shrinking and diffusing priors

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    We consider a Bayesian approach to variable selection in the presence of high dimensional covariates based on a hierarchical model that places prior distributions on the regression coefficients as well as on the model space. We adopt the well-known spike and slab Gaussian priors with a distinct feature, that is, the prior variances depend on the sample size through which appropriate shrinkage can be achieved. We show the strong selection consistency of the proposed method in the sense that the posterior probability of the true model converges to one even when the number of covariates grows nearly exponentially with the sample size. This is arguably the strongest selection consistency result that has been available in the Bayesian variable selection literature; yet the proposed method can be carried out through posterior sampling with a simple Gibbs sampler. Furthermore, we argue that the proposed method is asymptotically similar to model selection with the L0L_0 penalty. We also demonstrate through empirical work the fine performance of the proposed approach relative to some state of the art alternatives.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AOS1207 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Penalized maximum likelihood for multivariate Gaussian mixture

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    In this paper, we first consider the parameter estimation of a multivariate random process distribution using multivariate Gaussian mixture law. The labels of the mixture are allowed to have a general probability law which gives the possibility to modelize a temporal structure of the process under study. We generalize the case of univariate Gaussian mixture in [Ridolfi99] to show that the likelihood is unbounded and goes to infinity when one of the covariance matrices approaches the boundary of singularity of the non negative definite matrices set. We characterize the parameter set of these singularities. As a solution to this degeneracy problem, we show that the penalization of the likelihood by an Inverse Wishart prior on covariance matrices results to a penalized or maximum a posteriori criterion which is bounded. Then, the existence of positive definite matrices optimizing this criterion can be guaranteed. We also show that with a modified EM procedure or with a Bayesian sampling scheme, we can constrain covariance matrices to belong to a particular subclass of covariance matrices. Finally, we study degeneracies in the source separation problem where the characterization of parameter singularity set is more complex. We show, however, that Inverse Wishart prior on covariance matrices eliminates the degeneracies in this case too.Comment: Presented at MaxEnt01. To appear in Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods, B. Fry (Ed.), AIP Proceedings. 11pages, 3 Postscript figure

    Sparse cointegration

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    Cointegration analysis is used to estimate the long-run equilibrium relations between several time series. The coefficients of these long-run equilibrium relations are the cointegrating vectors. In this paper, we provide a sparse estimator of the cointegrating vectors. The estimation technique is sparse in the sense that some elements of the cointegrating vectors will be estimated as zero. For this purpose, we combine a penalized estimation procedure for vector autoregressive models with sparse reduced rank regression. The sparse cointegration procedure achieves a higher estimation accuracy than the traditional Johansen cointegration approach in settings where the true cointegrating vectors have a sparse structure, and/or when the sample size is low compared to the number of time series. We also discuss a criterion to determine the cointegration rank and we illustrate its good performance in several simulation settings. In a first empirical application we investigate whether the expectations hypothesis of the term structure of interest rates, implying sparse cointegrating vectors, holds in practice. In a second empirical application we show that forecast performance in high-dimensional systems can be improved by sparsely estimating the cointegration relations

    Spike and slab variable selection: Frequentist and Bayesian strategies

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    Variable selection in the linear regression model takes many apparent faces from both frequentist and Bayesian standpoints. In this paper we introduce a variable selection method referred to as a rescaled spike and slab model. We study the importance of prior hierarchical specifications and draw connections to frequentist generalized ridge regression estimation. Specifically, we study the usefulness of continuous bimodal priors to model hypervariance parameters, and the effect scaling has on the posterior mean through its relationship to penalization. Several model selection strategies, some frequentist and some Bayesian in nature, are developed and studied theoretically. We demonstrate the importance of selective shrinkage for effective variable selection in terms of risk misclassification, and show this is achieved using the posterior from a rescaled spike and slab model. We also show how to verify a procedure's ability to reduce model uncertainty in finite samples using a specialized forward selection strategy. Using this tool, we illustrate the effectiveness of rescaled spike and slab models in reducing model uncertainty.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053604000001147 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Interpretable Low-Rank Document Representations with Label-Dependent Sparsity Patterns

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    In context of document classification, where in a corpus of documents their label tags are readily known, an opportunity lies in utilizing label information to learn document representation spaces with better discriminative properties. To this end, in this paper application of a Variational Bayesian Supervised Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (supervised vbNMF) with label-driven sparsity structure of coefficients is proposed for learning of discriminative nonsubtractive latent semantic components occuring in TF-IDF document representations. Constraints are such that the components pursued are made to be frequently occuring in a small set of labels only, making it possible to yield document representations with distinctive label-specific sparse activation patterns. A simple measure of quality of this kind of sparsity structure, dubbed inter-label sparsity, is introduced and experimentally brought into tight connection with classification performance. Representing a great practical convenience, inter-label sparsity is shown to be easily controlled in supervised vbNMF by a single parameter
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