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    PMP and Climate Variability and Change: A Review

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    [EN] A state-of-the-art review on the probable maximum precipitation (PMP) as it relates to climate variability and change is presented. The review consists of an examination of the current practice and the various developments published in the literature. The focus is on relevant research where the effect of climate dynamics on the PMP are discussed, as well as statistical methods developed for estimating very large extreme precipitation including the PMP. The review includes interpretation of extreme events arising from the climate system, their physical mechanisms, and statistical properties, together with the effect of the uncertainty of several factors determining them, such as atmospheric moisture, its transport into storms and wind, and their future changes. These issues are examined as well as the underlying historical and proxy data. In addition, the procedures and guidelines established by some countries, states, and organizations for estimating the PMP are summarized. In doing so, attention was paid to whether the current guidelines and research published literature take into consideration the effects of the variability and change of climatic processes and the underlying uncertainties.The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the Global Water Futures Program and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC Discovery Grant RGPIN-2019-06894). The fourth author acknowledges the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Project TETISCHANGE (RTI2018-093717-B-100). The first author appreciates the continuous support from the Scott College of Engineering of Colorado State University.Salas, JD.; Anderson, ML.; Papalexiou, SM.; FrancĂ©s, F. (2020). PMP and Climate Variability and Change: A Review. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 25(12):1-16. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0002003S1162512Abbs, D. J. (1999). 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    A review of applied methods in Europe for flood-frequency analysis in a changing environment

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    The report presents a review of methods used in Europe for trend analysis, climate change projections and non-stationary analysis of extreme precipitation and flood frequency. In addition, main findings of the analyses are presented, including a comparison of trend analysis results and climate change projections. Existing guidelines in Europe on design flood and design rainfall estimation that incorporate climate change are reviewed. The report concludes with a discussion of research needs on non-stationary frequency analysis for considering the effects of climate change and inclusion in design guidelines. Trend analyses are reported for 21 countries in Europe with results for extreme precipitation, extreme streamflow or both. A large number of national and regional trend studies have been carried out. Most studies are based on statistical methods applied to individual time series of extreme precipitation or extreme streamflow using the non-parametric Mann-Kendall trend test or regression analysis. Some studies have been reported that use field significance or regional consistency tests to analyse trends over larger areas. Some of the studies also include analysis of trend attribution. The studies reviewed indicate that there is some evidence of a general increase in extreme precipitation, whereas there are no clear indications of significant increasing trends at regional or national level of extreme streamflow. For some smaller regions increases in extreme streamflow are reported. Several studies from regions dominated by snowmelt-induced peak flows report decreases in extreme streamflow and earlier spring snowmelt peak flows. Climate change projections have been reported for 14 countries in Europe with results for extreme precipitation, extreme streamflow or both. The review shows various approaches for producing climate projections of extreme precipitation and flood frequency based on alternative climate forcing scenarios, climate projections from available global and regional climate models, methods for statistical downscaling and bias correction, and alternative hydrological models. A large number of the reported studies are based on an ensemble modelling approach that use several climate forcing scenarios and climate model projections in order to address the uncertainty on the projections of extreme precipitation and flood frequency. Some studies also include alternative statistical downscaling and bias correction methods and hydrological modelling approaches. Most studies reviewed indicate an increase in extreme precipitation under a future climate, which is consistent with the observed trend of extreme precipitation. Hydrological projections of peak flows and flood frequency show both positive and negative changes. Large increases in peak flows are reported for some catchments with rainfall-dominated peak flows, whereas a general decrease in flood magnitude and earlier spring floods are reported for catchments with snowmelt-dominated peak flows. The latter is consistent with the observed trends. The review of existing guidelines in Europe on design floods and design rainfalls shows that only few countries explicitly address climate change. These design guidelines are based on climate change adjustment factors to be applied to current design estimates and may depend on design return period and projection horizon. The review indicates a gap between the need for considering climate change impacts in design and actual published guidelines that incorporate climate change in extreme precipitation and flood frequency. Most of the studies reported are based on frequency analysis assuming stationary conditions in a certain time window (typically 30 years) representing current and future climate. There is a need for developing more consistent non-stationary frequency analysis methods that can account for the transient nature of a changing climate

    The robustness of the derived design life levels of heavy precipitation events in the pre-alpine Oberland region of Southern Germany

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    Extreme value analysis (EVA) is well-established to derive hydrometeorological design values for infrastructures that have to withstand extreme events. Since there is concern about increased extremes with higher hazard potential under climate change, alterations of EVA are introduced for which statistical properties are no longer assumed to be constant but vary over time. In this study, both stationary and non-stationary EVA models are used to derive design life levels (DLLs) of daily precipitation in the pre-alpine Oberland region of Southern Germany, an orographically complex region characterized by heavy precipitation events and climate change. As EVA is fraught with uncertainties, it is crucial to quantify its methodological impacts: two theoretical distributions (i.e., Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) and Generalized Pareto (GP) distribution), four different parameter estimation techniques (i.e., Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE), L-moments, Generalized Maximum Likelihood Estimation (GMLE), and Bayesian estimation method) are evaluated and compared. The study reveals large methodological uncertainties. Discrepancies due to the parameter estimation methods may reach up to 45% of the mean absolute value, while differences between stationary and non-stationary models are of the same magnitude (differences in DLLs up to 40%). For the end of this century in the Oberland region, there is no robust tendency towards increased extremes found

    The Robustness of the Derived Design Life Levels of Heavy Precipitation Events in the Pre-Alpine Oberland Region of Southern Germany

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    Extreme value analysis (EVA) is well-established to derive hydrometeorological design values for infrastructures that have to withstand extreme events. Since there is concern about increased extremes with higher hazard potential under climate change, alterations of EVA are introduced for which statistical properties are no longer assumed to be constant but vary over time. In this study, both stationary and non-stationary EVA models are used to derive design life levels (DLLs) of daily precipitation in the pre-alpine Oberland region of Southern Germany, an orographically complex region characterized by heavy precipitation events and climate change. As EVA is fraught with uncertainties, it is crucial to quantify its methodological impacts: two theoretical distributions (i.e., Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) and Generalized Pareto (GP) distribution), four different parameter estimation techniques (i.e., Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE), L-moments, Generalized Maximum Likelihood Estimation (GMLE), and Bayesian estimation method) are evaluated and compared. The study reveals large methodological uncertainties. Discrepancies due to the parameter estimation methods may reach up to 45% of the mean absolute value, while differences between stationary and non-stationary models are of the same magnitude (differences in DLLs up to 40%). For the end of this century in the Oberland region, there is no robust tendency towards increased extremes found

    Time-varying nonstationary multivariate risk analysis using a dynamic Bayesian copula

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    A time-varying risk analysis is proposed for an adaptive design framework in nonstationary conditions arising from climate change. A Bayesian, dynamic conditional copula is developed for modeling the time-varying dependence structure between mixed continuous and discrete multiattributes of multidimensional hydrometeorological phenomena. Joint Bayesian inference is carried out to fit the marginals and copula in an illustrative example using an adaptive, Gibbs Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler. Posterior mean estimates and credible intervals are provided for the model parameters and the Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) is used to select the model that best captures different forms of nonstationarity over time. This study also introduces a fully Bayesian, time-varying joint return period for multivariate time-dependent risk analysis in nonstationary environments.We thank the associate editor and three anonymous reviewers whose suggestions helped improve the paper. We acknowledge the CMIP5 climate coupled modelling groups, for producing and making their model outputs available, the U.S. Department of Energy's Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (PCMDI), which provides coordinating support and led development of software infrastructure in partnership with the Global Organization for Earth System Science Portals. The CMIP5 model outputs used in the present study are available from http://cmip-pcmdi.llnl.gov/cmip5/data_portal.html. We also thank the Iran Meteorological Organization (IRIMO) for providing rainfall data recorded at the Tehran synoptic station. Funding support was provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada

    Variational Downscaling, Fusion and Assimilation of Hydrometeorological States via Regularized Estimation

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    Improved estimation of hydrometeorological states from down-sampled observations and background model forecasts in a noisy environment, has been a subject of growing research in the past decades. Here, we introduce a unified framework that ties together the problems of downscaling, data fusion and data assimilation as ill-posed inverse problems. This framework seeks solutions beyond the classic least squares estimation paradigms by imposing proper regularization, which are constraints consistent with the degree of smoothness and probabilistic structure of the underlying state. We review relevant regularization methods in derivative space and extend classic formulations of the aforementioned problems with particular emphasis on hydrologic and atmospheric applications. Informed by the statistical characteristics of the state variable of interest, the central results of the paper suggest that proper regularization can lead to a more accurate and stable recovery of the true state and hence more skillful forecasts. In particular, using the Tikhonov and Huber regularization in the derivative space, the promise of the proposed framework is demonstrated in static downscaling and fusion of synthetic multi-sensor precipitation data, while a data assimilation numerical experiment is presented using the heat equation in a variational setting

    Quantitative Modelling of Climate Change Impact on Hydro-climatic Extremes

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    In recent decades, climate change has caused a more volatile climate leading to more extreme events such as severe rainstorms, heatwaves and floods which are likely to become more frequent. Aiming to reveal climate change impact on the hydroclimatic extremes in a quantitative sense, this thesis presents a comprehensive analysis from three main strands. The first strand focuses on developing a quantitative modelling framework to quantify the spatiotemporal variation of hydroclimatic extremes for the areas of concern. A spatial random sampling toolbox (SRS-GDA) is designed for randomizing the regions of interest (ROIs) with different geographic locations, sizes, shapes and orientations where the hydroclimatic extremes are parameterised by a nonstationary distribution model whose parameters are assumed to be time-varying. The parameters whose variation with respect to different spatial features of ROIs and climate change are finally quantified by various statistical models such as the generalised linear model. The framework is applied to quantify the spatiotemporal variation of rainfall extremes in Great Britain (GB) and Australia and is further used in a comparison study to quantify the bias between observed and climate projected extremes. Then the framework is extended to a multivariate framework to estimate the time-varying joint probability of more than one hydroclimatic variable in the perspective of non-stationarity. A case study for evaluating compound floods in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam is applied for demonstrating the application of the framework. The second strand aims to recognise, classify and track the development of hydroclimatic extremes (e.g., severe rainstorms) by developing a stable computer algorithm (i.e., the SPER toolbox). The SPER toolbox can detect the boundary of the event area, extract the spatial and physical features of the event, which can be used not only for pattern recognition but also to support AI-based training for labelling/cataloguing the pattern from the large-sized, grid-based, multi-scaled environmental datasets. Three illustrative cases are provided; and as the front-end of AI study, an example for training a convolution neural network is given for classifying the rainfall extremes in the last century of GB. The third strand turns to support decision making by building both theory-driven and data-driven decision-making models to simulate the decisions in the context of flood forecasting and early warning, using the data collected via laboratory-style experiments based on various information of probabilistic flood forecasts and consequences. The research work demonstrated in this thesis has been able to bridge the knowledge gaps in the related field and it also provides a precritical insight in managing future risks arising from hydroclimatic extremes, which makes perfect sense given the urgent situation of climate change and the related challenges our societies are facing

    Extreme wave value analysis under uncertainty of climate change scenarios off Iberian Peninsula coast

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    Extreme wave value analysis under uncertainty scenarios was developed to estimate wave climate characteristics at 17 stations in southwestern European coast off the Iberian Peninsula. A comprehensive wave dataset downscaled with the Wave Watch III (WWIII) model by Meteogalicia under MarRisk Project was used considering results of models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5). Descriptive statistics for significant wave height (Hs), peak wave period (Tp), and mean and peak wave direction were performed for historical data (1960−2005), and for projected data in two twenty-year time periods under two Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios (2026−2045 and 2081−2100). Hs and Tp extreme values for the study area were obtained using the Gumbel, FrĂ©chet and Weibull probability distributions for the 10-, 50-, and 100-year return period. Obtained results showed that: historical Hs values decrease from North to South and are higher than those calculated in any of the RCPs future scenarios; mean Tp values appear to be constant in all stations; and means for peak and mean direction have higher frequency of occurrence in Q4 (270°−360°). This study also allowed the computation of Hs and Tp values for 100-year return period, which can be used as design criteria for structural analyses in maritime worksThe authors acknowledge the financial support provided by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), PhD grant number SFRH/BD/141381/2018. This research was also partially supported by the 0262_MarRISK_1_E project funded by Interreg V-A SpainPortugal Program (POCTEP)
