3,501 research outputs found

    Estimation of Fiber Orientations Using Neighborhood Information

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    Data from diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) can be used to reconstruct fiber tracts, for example, in muscle and white matter. Estimation of fiber orientations (FOs) is a crucial step in the reconstruction process and these estimates can be corrupted by noise. In this paper, a new method called Fiber Orientation Reconstruction using Neighborhood Information (FORNI) is described and shown to reduce the effects of noise and improve FO estimation performance by incorporating spatial consistency. FORNI uses a fixed tensor basis to model the diffusion weighted signals, which has the advantage of providing an explicit relationship between the basis vectors and the FOs. FO spatial coherence is encouraged using weighted l1-norm regularization terms, which contain the interaction of directional information between neighbor voxels. Data fidelity is encouraged using a squared error between the observed and reconstructed diffusion weighted signals. After appropriate weighting of these competing objectives, the resulting objective function is minimized using a block coordinate descent algorithm, and a straightforward parallelization strategy is used to speed up processing. Experiments were performed on a digital crossing phantom, ex vivo tongue dMRI data, and in vivo brain dMRI data for both qualitative and quantitative evaluation. The results demonstrate that FORNI improves the quality of FO estimation over other state of the art algorithms.Comment: Journal paper accepted in Medical Image Analysis. 35 pages and 16 figure

    A probabilistic atlas of the human thalamic nuclei combining ex vivo MRI and histology

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    The human thalamus is a brain structure that comprises numerous, highly specific nuclei. Since these nuclei are known to have different functions and to be connected to different areas of the cerebral cortex, it is of great interest for the neuroimaging community to study their volume, shape and connectivity in vivo with MRI. In this study, we present a probabilistic atlas of the thalamic nuclei built using ex vivo brain MRI scans and histological data, as well as the application of the atlas to in vivo MRI segmentation. The atlas was built using manual delineation of 26 thalamic nuclei on the serial histology of 12 whole thalami from six autopsy samples, combined with manual segmentations of the whole thalamus and surrounding structures (caudate, putamen, hippocampus, etc.) made on in vivo brain MR data from 39 subjects. The 3D structure of the histological data and corresponding manual segmentations was recovered using the ex vivo MRI as reference frame, and stacks of blockface photographs acquired during the sectioning as intermediate target. The atlas, which was encoded as an adaptive tetrahedral mesh, shows a good agreement with with previous histological studies of the thalamus in terms of volumes of representative nuclei. When applied to segmentation of in vivo scans using Bayesian inference, the atlas shows excellent test-retest reliability, robustness to changes in input MRI contrast, and ability to detect differential thalamic effects in subjects with Alzheimer's disease. The probabilistic atlas and companion segmentation tool are publicly available as part of the neuroimaging package FreeSurfer

    A Review on MR Image Intensity Inhomogeneity Correction

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    Intensity inhomogeneity (IIH) is often encountered in MR imaging, and a number of techniques have been devised to correct this artifact. This paper attempts to review some of the recent developments in the mathematical modeling of IIH field. Low-frequency models are widely used, but they tend to corrupt the low-frequency components of the tissue. Hypersurface models and statistical models can be adaptive to the image and generally more stable, but they are also generally more complex and consume more computer memory and CPU time. They are often formulated together with image segmentation within one framework and the overall performance is highly dependent on the segmentation process. Beside these three popular models, this paper also summarizes other techniques based on different principles. In addition, the issue of quantitative evaluation and comparative study are discussed

    A goal-driven unsupervised image segmentation method combining graph-based processing and Markov random fields

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    Image segmentation is the process of partitioning a digital image into a set of homogeneous regions (according to some homogeneity criterion) to facilitate a subsequent higher-level analysis. In this context, the present paper proposes an unsupervised and graph-based method of image segmentation, which is driven by an application goal, namely, the generation of image segments associated with a user-defined and application-specific goal. A graph, together with a random grid of source elements, is defined on top of the input image. From each source satisfying a goal-driven predicate, called seed, a propagation algorithm assigns a cost to each pixel on the basis of similarity and topological connectivity, measuring the degree of association with the reference seed. Then, the set of most significant regions is automatically extracted and used to estimate a statistical model for each region. Finally, the segmentation problem is expressed in a Bayesian framework in terms of probabilistic Markov random field (MRF) graphical modeling. An ad hoc energy function is defined based on parametric models, a seed-specific spatial feature, a background-specific potential, and local-contextual information. This energy function is minimized through graph cuts and, more specifically, the alpha-beta swap algorithm, yielding the final goal-driven segmentation based on the maximum a posteriori (MAP) decision rule. The proposed method does not require deep a priori knowledge (e.g., labelled datasets), as it only requires the choice of a goal-driven predicate and a suited parametric model for the data. In the experimental validation with both magnetic resonance (MR) and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, the method demonstrates robustness, versatility, and applicability to different domains, thus allowing for further analyses guided by the generated product