14 research outputs found

    Bayesian Inference on QGARCH Model Using the Adaptive Construction Scheme

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    We study the performance of the adaptive construction scheme for a Bayesian inference on the Quadratic GARCH model which introduces the asymmetry in time series dynamics. In the adaptive construction scheme a proposal density in the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is constructed adaptively by changing the parameters of the density to fit the posterior density. Using artificial QGARCH data we infer the QGARCH parameters by applying the adaptive construction scheme to the Bayesian inference of QGARCH model. We find that the adaptive construction scheme samples QGARCH parameters effectively, i.e. correlations between the sampled data are very small. We conclude that the adaptive construction scheme is an efficient method to the Bayesian estimation of the QGARCH model.Comment: ICIS200

    Bayesian inference with an adaptive proposal density for GARCH models

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    We perform the Bayesian inference of a GARCH model by the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm with an adaptive proposal density. The adaptive proposal density is assumed to be the Student's t-distribution and the distribution parameters are evaluated by using the data sampled during the simulation. We apply the method for the QGARCH model which is one of asymmetric GARCH models and make empirical studies for for Nikkei 225, DAX and Hang indexes. We find that autocorrelation times from our method are very small, thus the method is very efficient for generating uncorrelated Monte Carlo data. The results from the QGARCH model show that all the three indexes show the leverage effect, i.e. the volatility is high after negative observations

    Improvement of Vector Autoregression (VAR) estimation using Combine White Noise (CWN) technique

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    Previous studies revealed that Exponential Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (EGARCH) outperformed Vector Autoregression (VAR) when data exhibit heteroscedasticity. However, EGARCH estimation is not efficient when the data have leverage effect. Therefore, in this study the weaknesses of VAR and EGARCH were modelled using Combine White Noise (CWN). The CWN model was developed by integrating the white noise of VAR with EGARCH using Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) for the improvement of VAR estimation. First, the standardized residuals of EGARCH errors (heteroscedastic variance) were decomposed into equal variances and defined as white noise series. Next, this series was transformed into CWN model through BMA. The CWN was validated using comparison study based on simulation and four countries real data sets of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The data were simulated by incorporating three sample sizes with low, moderate and high values of leverages and skewness. The CWN model was compared with three existing models (VAR, EGARCH and Moving Average (MA)). Standard error, log-likelihood, information criteria and forecast error measures were used to evaluate the performance of the models. The simulation findings showed that CWN outperformed the three models when using sample size of 200 with high leverage and moderate skewness. Similar results were obtained for the real data sets where CWN outperformed the three models with high leverage and moderate skewness using France GDP. The CWN also outperformed the three models when using the other three countries GDP data sets. The CWN was the most accurate model of about 70 percent as compared with VAR, EGARCH and MA models. These simulated and real data findings indicate that CWN are more accurate and provide better alternative to model heteroscedastic data with leverage effect

    Forecasting methods in energy planning models

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    Energy planning models (EPMs) play an indispensable role in policy formulation and energy sector development. The forecasting of energy demand and supply is at the heart of an EPM. Different forecasting methods, from statistical to machine learning have been applied in the past. The selection of a forecasting method is mostly based on data availability and the objectives of the tool and planning exercise. We present a systematic and critical review of forecasting methods used in 483 EPMs. The methods were analyzed for forecasting accuracy; applicability for temporal and spatial predictions; and relevance to planning and policy objectives. Fifty different forecasting methods have been identified. Artificial neural network (ANN) is the most widely used method, which is applied in 40% of the reviewed EPMs. The other popular methods, in descending order, are: support vector machine (SVM), autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), fuzzy logic (FL), linear regression (LR), genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), grey prediction (GM) and autoregressive moving average (ARMA). In terms of accuracy, computational intelligence (CI) methods demonstrate better performance than that of the statistical ones, in particular for parameters with greater variability in the source data. However, hybrid methods yield better accuracy than that of the stand-alone ones. Statistical methods are useful for only short and medium range, while CI methods are preferable for all temporal forecasting ranges (short, medium and long). Based on objective, most EPMs focused on energy demand and load forecasting. In terms geographical coverage, the highest number of EPMs were developed on China. However, collectively, more models were established for the developed countries than the developing ones. Findings would benefit researchers and professionals in gaining an appreciation of the forecasting methods, and enable them to select appropriate method(s) to meet their needs

    Quantitative Methods for Economics and Finance

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    This book is a collection of papers for the Special Issue “Quantitative Methods for Economics and Finance” of the journal Mathematics. This Special Issue reflects on the latest developments in different fields of economics and finance where mathematics plays a significant role. The book gathers 19 papers on topics such as volatility clusters and volatility dynamic, forecasting, stocks, indexes, cryptocurrencies and commodities, trade agreements, the relationship between volume and price, trading strategies, efficiency, regression, utility models, fraud prediction, or intertemporal choice

    Modelling cross-market linkages between global markets and China’s A-, B- and H-shares

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    One of the biggest challenges in quantifying joint risk and forming effective policies in financial management and investment strategies is to fully understand the characteristics of market associations in low and high volatility periods. Market interdependence, therefore, is a hot topic that has received interest from academics and industry experts, especially since the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997. China, being the world’s second-largest economy, has been the centre of many studies investigating stock market dependencies. While China has three major share types, namely A-, B- and H-shares, with different market players, market characteristics and operating efficiency, the number of studies on each of these share types remains conservative in comparison to the vast literature on the financial modelling of market interdependencies. Given the need for a more comprehensive understanding of the influence between these share types and other global markets, especially during market turbulences, this thesis examines the cross-market linkages between A-, B- and H-shares in China and several major emerging and advanced markets from 2002 to 2017, which is divided into two non-crisis periods and two crisis periods. This thesis assesses market integration among 17 markets, including asymmetries and leverage effect in the marginal distributions, volatility spillover and tail dependence. The thesis aims to: 1) investigate the univariate asymmetries and leverage effect in the distributional volatility of each time series and to detect volatility spillover between China and other studied markets; 2) assess the dynamic multivariate dependence between China and other studied markets; 3) evaluate the bivariate dependence structure for each of China’s markets and other studied markets using seven different copula functions; and 4) study the multivariate joint tail dependence structure of all studied markets using vine copulas. There are various findings from the thesis. Many advanced and emerging markets experienced leverage effect and asymmetries in volatility. China’s markets were much more prone to local shocks than external shocks and in many cases, there is evidence that China’s markets diverged from the global trends especially during the crisis periods. Besides, segmentation between China’s markets and the United States is clearly evident. In addition, regional dependence is stronger than intra-regional dependence. The thesis also found the existence of contagion effect between each of China’s markets and various markets in the sample in the Global Financial Crisis. Finally, heterogeneity was found for A-, B- and H-shares in various aspects, from distributional asymmetries to joint behaviour in both crisis and non-crisis periods. A novel aspect of this thesis is that it closes the gap in the literature of market linkages for A-, B- and H-shares with other global markets by assessing volatility spillover, time-varying co-movement, and tail dependence among the studied markets. This thesis provides various implications in both theoretical and empirical contexts in many areas including measuring joint risk at the tails, constructing an optimal portfolio, hedging, and managing financial exposures and contagious volatility from other markets. The thesis provides some recommendations and suggestions regarding the policies implemented in China

    Applications of artificial neural networks in financial market forecasting

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    This thesis evaluates the utility of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) applied to financial market and macroeconomic forecasting. In application, ANNs are evaluated in comparison to traditional forecasting models to evaluate if their nonlinear and adaptive properties yield superior forecasting performance in terms of robustness and accuracy. Furthermore, as ANNs are data-driven models, an emphasis is placed on the data collection stage by compiling extensive candidate input variable pools, a task frequently underperformed by prior research. In evaluating their performance, ANNs are applied to the domains of: exchange rate forecasting, volatility forecasting, and macroeconomic forecasting. Regarding exchange rate forecasting, ANNs are applied to forecast the daily logarithmic returns of the EUR/USD over a short-term forecast horizon of one period. Initially, the analytic method of Technical Analysis (TA) and its sub-section of technical indicators are utilized to compile an extensive candidate input variable pool featuring standard and advanced technical indicators measuring all technical aspects of the EUR/USD time series. The candidate input variable pool is then subjected to a two-stage Input Variable Selection (IVS) process, producing an informative subset of technical indicators to serve as inputs to the ANNs. A collection of ANNs is then trained and tested on the EUR/USD time series data with their performance evaluated over a 5-year sample period (2012 to 2016), reserving the last two years for out of sample testing. A Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) model serves as a benchmark with the in-sample and out-of-sample empirical results demonstrating the MACD is a superior forecasting model across most forecast evaluation metrics. For volatility forecasting, ANNs are applied to forecast the volatility of the Nikkei 225 Index over a short-term forecast horizon of one period. Initially, an extensive candidate input variable pool is compiled consisting of implied volatility models and historical volatility models. The candidate input variable pool is then subjected to a two-stage IVS process. A collection of ANNs is then trained and tested on the Nikkei 225 Index time series data with their performance evaluated over a 4-year sample period (2014 to 2017), reserving the last year for out-of-sample testing. A GARCH (1,1) model serves as a benchmark with the out-of-sample empirical results finding the GARCH (1,1) model to be the superior volatility forecasting model. The research concludes with ANNs applied to macroeconomic forecasting, where ANNs are applied to forecast the monthly per cent-change in U.S. civilian unemployment and the quarterly per cent-change in U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP). For both studies, an extensive candidate input variable pool is compiled using relevant macroeconomic indicator data sourced from the Federal Bank of St Louis. The candidate input variable pools are then subjected to a two-stage IVS process. A collection of ANNs is trained and tested on the U.S. unemployment time series data (UNEMPLOY) and U.S. GDP time series data. The sample periods are (1972 to 2017) and (1960 to 2016) respectively, reserving the last 20% of data for out of sample testing. In both studies, the performance of the ANNs is benchmarked against a Support Vector Regression (SVR) model and a Naïve forecast. In both studies, the ANNs outperform the SVR benchmark model. The empirical results demonstrate that ANNs are superior forecasting models in the domain of macroeconomic forecasting, with the Modular Neural Network performing notably well. However, the empirical results question the utility of ANNs in the domains of exchange rate forecasting and volatility forecasting. A MACD model outperforms ANNs in exchange rate forecasting both in-sample and out-of-sample, and a GARCH (1,1) model outperforms ANNs in volatility forecasting